The final results for Hearthstone Ranked Standard, Wild, and Arena play in June 2018 are in! The players featured below have employed top notch deck building skills, in-the-moment decision making, and unyielding dedication to achieve a most noteworthy feat! As previously mentioned, monthly Arena rankings now take players’ best 30 consecutive Arena runs regardless of game events or format changes. Pour a toast, pull up a chair, and join us in recognizing Hearthstone’s top Ranked Standard*, Wild, and Arena players in the Americas region! Standard Wild Arena Rank Battletag 1 Zamos 2 Neirea 3 Machamp 4 SilverName 5 RomaNorgy 6 Meati 7 Xixo 8 Zyrios 9 Monsanto 10 H4RAMBE 11 Mage 12 Fibonacci 13 DenBut 14 DacRyvius 15 Creapz 16 INER 17 SamDi 18 Scruffy 19 pokrovac 20 fire 21 Zalae 22 Amnesiac 23 xBlyzes 24 Swidz 25 Tomas 26 strikeright 27 Pal 28 posesi 29 Sooni 30 Nicslay 31 ReongW 32 Tyler 33 Disdai 34 山下智久 35 발레스트라 36 Orange 37 TechnoGoose 38 Ike 39 cowboys367 40 あれっくす 41 o0o 42 Juristis 43 sjow 44 muzzy 45 PrinceFancy 46 Destroyer 47 Lucken 48 Bequiet 49 jamd 50 Crane333 51 DWU 52 Neobility 53 Peter 54 Apxvoid 55 Kufdon 56 YUNO 57 Gallon 58 Ender 59 Ryder 60 Casie 61 bloodyface 62 YYJ 63 Purple 64 Starfruit 65 caravaggio8 66 Nostam 67 horo 68 Qwerty97 69 Rase 70 Activelee 71 HotMEOWTH 72 MegaGliscor 73 Enrico 74 Justine 75 Vanik 76 Zaguios 77 Ghost 78 ahqRoger 79 UchihaSaske 80 Joaquin 81 DacMalza 82 Furyhunter 83 Pizza 84 gyu 85 hunterace 86 Hearthstoner 87 Fled 88 Madara 89 Conrad 90 rudiano 91 Crumpled 92 Shazzrah 93 Zarathustra 94 콜로퀴엄좀 95 Deathsie 96 Electrify 97 거북이 98 PsychOut 99 Lii 100 SnipedAgain 101 AgentW 102 Dizdemon 103 BigBoy 104 Saturos 105 fzmushko 106 Картошечка 107 seiger 108 물리왕 109 GreenSheep 110 patoyao 111 Korextron 112 BigPoppa 113 heisnotaxel 114 Rooftrellen 115 Jakaso27 116 Ant 117 Krisedge 118 Kastor 119 Fenomeno 120 Evilwithin 121 pianolkiller 122 Foot 123 okasinnsuke 124 TheJordude 125 kolmari 126 Muramatsu 127 Zyx 128 Pain 129 Lucas 130 kou 131 Fungggg 132 PapaJason 133 Bozzzton 134 Badonkadonk 135 BoarControl 136 Myth555 137 WaningMoon 138 Athanas 139 powerso1 140 Dabs 141 palenri 142 L3GENDARY 143 Jakattack 144 Derivus 145 Tromic 146 Ian 147 Linken 148 nukesaku 149 Optidox 150 Sevel 151 Hoej 152 이성한 153 Macbeth 154 PillowHunter 155 Insom 156 Pinche 157 SkyFrosty 158 MATSURI 159 serra 160 kin0531 161 TeamAmerica 162 Fenom 163 DDMan 164 zlsjs 165 Mitsuhide 166 Macheen 167 WixvoL 168 blitzchung 169 SilverReald 170 Nickolias 171 FibEli3 172 Switch 173 Bunnyhoppor 174 えんちゃび 175 Twink 176 IAmTheTable 177 rayC 178 k3nny 179 Klei 180 wiz 181 Oloninho 182 s8ris 183 SwaggyG 184 albo21 185 osuttyo 186 LeandroLeal 187 Hadeson 188 Cathalifaud 189 Khaius 190 Bananmur 191 DimitriKazov 192 Avaritia 193 ETC 194 Tredsred 195 Indianguy 196 Hazel 197 Sylar 198 iDontKnow 199 Jarla 200 Pauldlg Rank Battletag 1 awedragon 2 Spiral 3 Dean 4 taeyeon 5 DBowie 6 jin 7 Bananaramic 8 ShackDaddy 9 Zalae 10 PrienZ 11 Milithemir 12 keithnumbers 13 AJak 14 TITAN11 15 ShockiiGodx 16 HanSolo 17 gorky 18 Aceage 19 Procjon 20 marsteralex 21 Zircon 22 Yano 23 Goshawk 24 Indianguy 25 Memnarch 26 Why2K 27 LOL 28 Machiavelli 29 Apson 30 magikman 31 rogerclee 32 JayPower 33 acman54321 34 Mason 35 Seviang 36 yilingsama 37 Roffle 38 Zeddy 39 dab 40 FloFlo 41 Gankplang 42 PsyKK 43 Mtgsquirrel 44 Buckslayer88 45 Jonaqec 46 Trans4mer 47 Kite 48 AcidFMG9 49 mooingsheep 50 XxFroBro45xX 51 Tripz 52 kakolokia 53 Blackscarab 54 BestPriestNA 55 Eisen0818 56 WindowWasher 57 XCrouton 58 sage 59 SilentKing 60 Hermanubis 61 zeldawaya 62 ghostguts 63 V4Vodka 64 FeeshCake 65 sjowyuicy 66 WallNut 67 Dolphonie 68 Balyssa 69 Tangsin 70 Dawidoff 71 Solumin 72 Sku 73 PStar 74 IceIceBaby 75 Raijuu 76 Saga 77 Ghostdog 78 Maec88 79 Grondus 80 CRAZY 81 LADesigner 82 Walkyrya666 83 DLM21 84 Nightmare 85 SadBoy 86 Yaphet 87 sohmax 88 gobles 89 Synapse 90 Downlar 91 ter 92 ChoiceCut 93 Gandalf 94 TreeBagger 95 Elvensblade 96 Amadieus 97 ChinaNumba1 98 Studioj 99 Marilith 100 Lisa 101 DocMayou 102 codexmax 103 Pyro 104 corbett 105 Kalevolent 106 Saintpanda26 107 dopira 108 LaFleur 109 MiniNinja 110 ATBwkc 111 slizzle466 112 Darksim 113 Flog 114 Khaldun 115 Sarge 116 Mirage88 117 DiGi 118 KosDarkFighT 119 wildsoul 120 Redtim29 121 KeaneSenses 122 Jotunborn 123 skai 124 PumpkinHead 125 llIIlllIllI 126 Bert 127 AgentZero 128 Garzak 129 Wysv 130 Linway 131 Sideshow 132 BeverzazeWis 133 Wolfy 134 DvD 135 KimiHaSpider 136 Darkrai 137 Wildthing 138 Ykfan 139 WarNerve 140 nidhoggur 141 NDRyan57 142 GhostDragon 143 Mi0jo 144 Tynillus 145 WildWolf 146 TonyRigatoni 147 blisterguy 148 SplinterTwin 149 Edge2522 150 KamChancelor 151 Xaxoc 152 xler 153 Brolgar 154 HAMXYY 155 Omar 156 damnitimlost 157 WhiteDelight 158 프로즌피닉스 159 JackHarper 160 約定好的休息 161 GAT 162 KBlo 163 MeSoHahny 164 Geck 165 Doug 166 Fenixgod 167 Ooxid 168 DaKatSesMeow 169 GoldenPants 170 Stacks 171 BRLSOCI 172 Mayhem 173 Peter 174 ĜŨŊŖǙŊŊȄŖ 175 Viceak 176 ZIMON 177 Shane 178 Piuzeando 179 Nyanko 180 MaxwellP 181 DiegoBrando 182 JBH 183 ColdStory 184 gamegeekky 185 themuffinboy 186 Vadoc 187 Yehster 188 Peach 189 sevenup 190 enivrement 191 jamsgry 192 Cavalli 193 Atemahawke 194 skyyame 195 Arborcorien 196 birbosh 197 noblekid 198 Guy0711 199 Du6U 200 DPHT Rank Battletag Average Wins 1 MasterBenObi 8.77 2 Blacksugar 8.70 3 Tachii 8.67 4 Lumken 8.60 5 Allan 8.60 6 Near 8.57 7 wassy 8.57 8 Shampoo 8.53 9 Talriel 8.50 10 Albertus 8.47 11 Etoce 8.40 12 dreads 8.33 13 Avista 8.30 14 Filympe 8.23 15 Middle 8.20 16 Wilson 8.17 17 JamesZ 8.13 18 TTEXXX 8.03 19 Chuggles 8.03 20 あれっくす 8.03 21 sino 8.00 22 raymond 8.00 23 Rooftrellen 7.97 24 Celeritas 7.93 25 MadCorvus 7.87 26 Taihyo 7.83 27 Jameghiskhan 7.83 28 Reickl 7.80 29 SliFi 7.80 30 BDBRINGA 7.80 31 Himura 7.77 32 BrianWong 7.77 33 Kevin 7.77 34 Insurrection 7.77 35 DjinnKahn 7.77 36 champaign 7.73 37 RedDevil 7.73 38 Maximus 7.70 39 plund3r 7.70 40 zedlaw 7.70 41 EtLeCruel 7.70 42 Vygg 7.70 43 Kordyon 7.70 44 DanicaEng 7.67 45 Robear33 7.67 46 HackerPacker 7.67 47 m0rph1ing 7.60 48 GiveMeBoar 7.60 49 strix 7.60 50 Nightwalker 7.60 51 jtchampion 7.60 52 Feldylox 7.60 53 crowdawe 7.57 54 kaboomba 7.53 55 Save 7.53 56 DaddyHome 7.50 57 Timmylol 7.50 58 Xylior 7.50 59 Fester 7.50 60 trongtai 7.47 61 Patrick 7.47 62 SwankyOrc 7.47 63 LuckyPants 7.47 64 TeamAmerica 7.47 65 Lanners 7.47 66 Rozz 7.43 67 miasma 7.43 68 Tobgy 7.43 69 Farroway 7.40 70 DashingHenry 7.40 71 CHARLIEiggy 7.40 72 BiffalloBuff 7.37 73 Phe0nix 7.37 74 Wagwamer 7.33 75 Fourgate 7.33 76 Dall 7.33 77 Chilledgamer 7.33 78 LuisSuarus 7.33 79 つくね 7.33 80 Ren 7.30 81 Bleeblaabloo 7.30 82 danknugs 7.30 83 Cinderhulk3 7.30 84 Huffer 7.30 85 dayzm 7.27 86 BouncyBear 7.27 87 Deerjason 7.27 88 Gruksh 7.23 89 Dylonion 7.23 90 Chaospiggy 7.23 91 DupaZupa 7.23 92 myxomatosis 7.23 93 Sirslim 7.23 94 yossii 7.23 95 くらん 7.23 96 iSERAiiCOREi 7.20 97 krownmeking 7.20 98 WatchUrMouth 7.20 99 ultimateboss 7.20 100 Duy 7.17 101 WobbleWeezy 7.17 102 Shipapotamus 7.17 103 Lancelot 7.13 104 LettuceKing 7.13 105 FizzyElf 7.13 106 spiritoflove 7.13 107 Tinghu 7.13 108 Tenderness 7.13 109 Amdir 7.13 110 titicastagno 7.10 111 Davidhow 7.10 112 thedoge 7.10 113 yg4hunnid 7.10 114 WinstoonWin 7.10 115 SilentStorm 7.07 116 Happy313 7.07 117 TC02 7.07 118 Grivan 7.07 119 Krisedge 7.07 120 mutebob 7.07 121 Zamos 7.07 122 Oaka 7.03 123 Kajiura 7.03 124 Amaso 7.03 125 eRaS 7.03 126 VTFP666 7.03 127 veras 7.03 128 Daigats 7.03 129 にすけ 7.03 130 Decim 7.00 131 goodluck 7.00 132 PainofMind 7.00 133 HunterNoob 7.00 134 Spartacus 7.00 135 tetrodotoxin 7.00 136 P0stgradCJ 7.00 137 Couds 7.00 138 PJSalt 6.97 139 Dks 6.97 140 Bartimaeus 6.97 141 DwightSchrut 6.97 142 Celebob 6.97 143 Fenix 6.97 144 Nghia12 6.97 145 JeNseN2K 6.93 146 Remedie 6.93 147 flethers 6.93 148 Varmag 6.93 149 spritecan 6.93 150 Senba 6.93 *Players in the top Ranked Standard list have each earned points towards Season 2 of the 2018 Hearthstone Championship Tour.
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