Open your packs early and revel in some Fireside fun prior to The Boomsday Project’s official launch—only at a Pre-Release event near you! What’s Pre-Release? Pre-Release events are special Fireside Gatherings where you can open any packs you have from the upcoming Hearthstone expansion early—and play with them in unique Fireside Brawls! That means you’ll be able to open the packs you pre-purchased, as well as any others you may have earned via Tavern Brawls or other events. How Exciting! Opening new packs is always exciting, but Pre-Release events take that excitement even further by allowing you to actually play with the cards you’ve opened before the expansion’s official release in two different Fireside Brawls. There’s Your Basic Boomsday Brawl, a deck-building brawl that will allow you to construct decks using the cards that you open during the Pre-Release event. And then there’s also A Scientific Recipe, a pre-constructed brawl that will have new deck recipes from the upcoming set for you to play with! Your newly-opened cards will be viewable in the Collection Manager, though they’ll only be playable at an official Pre-Release event prior to launch. You also won’t be able to disenchant or craft cards until the expansion’s official launch. Where Can I Go for Pre-Release? In celebration of The Boomsday Project’s impending launch, we’ve put together a ton of Pre-Release events for you to enjoy across the globe! All of these events will take place over the weekend of August 4–5 in local time unless otherwise stated. Click on an event name below for more details! The Americas North America Brazil Join in the Pre-Release parties happening across this continent! Open your packs ahead of time and take part in special Fireside Brawls—there will be tons of fun for everyone! Esports Arena Santa Ana, CA The Wall Gaming Lounge Las Vegas, NV Alley NYC New York, NY The Cave Gaming Center Fairfax, VA Vigilante Gaming Bar Austin, TX Meltdown Toronto Toronto, Canada Meltdown Quebec Quebec, Canada If opening your packs early isn’t enough of a draw, maybe a special drink themed after The Boomsday Project and a Hearthstone burger might be? Pick up some sweet event-only collectibles like the lab flask your drink comes in at Brazil’s only Pre-Release party, which will be themed around Boom Labs! Taverna Medieval São Paulo, Brasil Europe Europe Russia We’re partnering up with Meltdown bars and innkeepers across Europe to bring you that Pre-Release Fireside experience, with a total of 30 locations across 12 countries! Meltdown Brussels Ixelles, Belgium Meltdown Bordeaux Bordeaux, France Meltdown Caen Caen, France Meltdown Grenoble Grenoble, France Meltdown Lyon Lyon, France Meltdown Montpellier Montpellier, France Meltdown Rennes Rennes, France Meltdown Strasbourg Strasbourg, France Meltdown Toulouse Toulouse, France Meltdown Tours Tours, France Meltdown Troyes Troyes, France Meltdown Budapest Budapest, Hungary Meltdown Madrid Madrid, Spain Meltdown Valencia València, Spain Meltdown London London, UK Esports Game Arena Alphen aan den Rjin The Netherlands Kawiarnia Hex Kraków, Poland Löwen Niederglatt, Switzerland Gecko-Bar Hamburg Hamburg, Germany Moviatics s.r.o Prague, Czech Republic Open your packs early at Russia's only official Pre-Release parties in Moscow and Saint Petersburg! Cyberspace Arena Moscow, Russia Playloft GaGa Saint Petersburg, Russia Asia-Pacific Taiwan & Southeast Asia South Korea Japan Australia Join in the Pre-Release parties happening across this continent! Open your packs ahead of time and take part in special Fireside Brawls—there will be tons of fun for everyone! More events will be announced soon. Thailand Esports Arena Bangkok, Thailand Meet and play against Blizzard developers, open card packs with your favorite local Hearthstone stars, and witness an invitational tournament with some of the country’s most popular players! The South Korea Pre-Release party will also have lucky draws and Fireside Brawls for you to play in. Participation is via lottery. Inven Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea Open your packs with fellow fans at Pre-Release parties in two major cities! You’ll also have the opportunity to take part in interactive minigames! Don’t forget to take your selfies at The Boomsday Project’s special photo booth. E-sports Square Akihabara Tokyo, Japan Pumpkinrocks Osaka, Japan Enjoy The Boomsday Project Pre-Release with the community and pro players alike! You’ll get to pick up some lucky draw loot and build your very own meta-shaking decks with attending pros. This event will require you to pick up a free entry ticket beforehand—click on the location name to find out how! Good Games Top Ryde City Ryde, New South Wales Finally, don't forget to pre-purchase your card packs for The Boomsday Project's Pre-Release! Pre-Purchase Your pre-purchase comes with 50 The Boomsday Project card packs, 1 random Golden The Boomsday Project legendary card, and the Mecha-Jaraxxus card back! Mega Bundle This bundle includes 80 The Boomsday Project card packs, 1 random Golden The Boomsday Project Legendary card, the Mecha-Jaraxxus card back, AND a new Warlock Hero to add to your collection: MECHA-JARAXXUS, EREDAR LORD OF THE MEGA BUNDLE! You can get both The Boomsday Project pre-purchase AND the Mega Bundle, though each is only purchasable once per account. You can use your new card back and Warlock Hero right away, but you’ll have to wait for official Pre-Release events to arrive before dissecting your packs. We can't wait for you to try out the new cards, so look for a Pre-Release event closest to you and get in there! Additional locations will be added in the coming weeks, so please stay tuned. We'll see you in the tavern!
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