What Sets the Pros Apart: Board Positioning

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In this chapter of our What Sets the Pros Apart series, we look at the art of positioning in Hearthstone—how your placement of your minions on the board can be optimized for the most impactful plays. (For newer players, if you’re not already thinking about precisely where you play your minions on the board, you should be!) Positioning is a skill that is comprised of two considerations: What plays can I make that take advantage of how my minions are laid out, and what plays can my opponent make that can affect this? Classic examples of cards that require positional play include Flametongue Totem and Cone of Cold. When you are setting up a board for Flametongue Totem, you generally want to ensure that both adjacent minions can act on the turn that you play it, maximizing its immediate value. Playing it next to a minion with Taunt is valuable, as well, to improve your minion trades. You can even attack with minions adjacent to the Totem, then play Charge minions next to it for even more potential damage! Conversely, Cone of Cold can punish poor minion placement. If you have four minions on the board, but your three highest Attack-value minions are all next to each other, Cone of Cold can lock them all down. If you have more than three minions on the board, the Mage is forced to choose which three Cone of Cold hits—so you can keep them from hitting an optimal Freeze. There are a variety of potential board-placement decisions players should make. A few of the factors that affect these decisions are: Summons: Any spell cards or effects that “summon” a minion, rather than you playing it directly, will place the new minion on the far right-hand side of the board. Examples include the Shaman Hero Power or a spell like Animal Companion. Minion summons: Minions that summon an additional minion—whether with Battlecry effects, like Faceless Summoner, or at the end of your turn, like Primalfin Totem—summon the additional minion to the right of wherever the original minion was played. Some minions, such as Sindragosa or Grim Necromancer, summon multiple minions—in which case they will fill up adjacent spaces. Deathrattles: When a minion’s Deathrattle effect summons one or more minions, those minions will be summoned in the position of the original minion. If you have Cairne Bloodhoof on the board between two Murloc Tinyfins, Baine Bloodhoof will appear between the two adorable murlocs when Cairne dies. Spell effects: Plenty of spells other than Cone of Cold can take advantage of poor minion placement. Meteor is another great recent example. “Also damages” cards: If you’ve ever played Scourgelord Garrosh, you’ve seen this effect on Shadowmourne—and likely been able to identify efficient ways to clear your opponent’s minions while taking less damage with careful target choice. (This effect also exists on the Wild cards Magnataur Alpha and Foe Reaper 4000!) Adjacent effects: Like the Flametongue Totem example given earlier, some cards apply effects to minions adjacent to them. There are also minions whose Battlecry effects are applied to adjacent minions, like the popular Defender of Argus. Many players navigate the positional choices on their side of the game—optimizing for the most damage they can deal with a Flametongue Totem, or putting a Defender of Argus between two big minions on their own board—but the next-level challenge is thinking about potential outs your opponent could have that could punish your positioning. Can you set up your board so that it isn’t vulnerable to Cone of Cold? Could they clear it with Meteor? When taking your turn, are you minimizing the risk of them getting optimal value against you from their Flametongue Totem? There are additional positional possibilities coming soon in Kobolds & Catacombs, like the all-new Crushing Walls in Hunter! Knowing that option exists and positioning accordingly will be the mark of a strong player when the new expansion’s cards become available. That’s it for the first installment of What Sets the Pros Apart! We’ve got several more coming, including some of your favorite pro players weighing in on how they use these skills. Have you got any great positional tips or tricks for other players? Ever had a miraculous moment due to great positioning? Share it with us in the comments!

Kobolds & Catacombs Final Livestream

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Delve into the catacombs with Ben Brode and Sean "Day[9]" Plott! Join Game Director Ben Brode and Sean "Day[9]" Plott on Dec 4 at 11 a.m. PST as we wrap up the Kobolds and Catacombs card reveal season. Glimmering treasures, hoarding dragons, and ancient weapons are all waiting to be unearthed! Ready to discover what lurks within the catacombs? Join us on Twitch or Facebook Live! Twitch Facebook Looking for a broadcast in your language? Check out the official language rebroadcasts. Language Name Link Italian Spaziogames.it http://ift.tt/2AhgvBw Italian Powned.it http://ift.tt/1UtZMhg Polish BlackFireIce http://ift.tt/29JxA7e Polish MKRR http://ift.tt/1Z8EmXF Czech CzechCloud http://ift.tt/29JxBIf Russian Starladder http://ift.tt/1Z8EmXI French GamersOrigin http://ift.tt/1QMI6Zu French ArmaTeam http://ift.tt/2iUgvzi Spanish Feelink http://ift.tt/2t6jzKc Korean Inven http://ift.tt/1XMkNmN Portuguese SuperUai http://ift.tt/2AjhoJJ Unable to delve into the deep dark with us on that day? Fear not! We will be posting the full video on the official PlayHearthstone YouTube channel once the stream is over. Don’t forget to pre-purchase to add the “For the Hoard!” card back to your Hearthstone collection. Don’t get trapped outside of the conversation! Join the discussion about Kobolds and Catacombs using #Kobolds on Twitter and Facebook.

Hearthside Chat with Peter Whalen: Spellstones

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Join Hearthstone Designer Peter Whalen as he delves into the development of the new Spellstone cards coming in Hearthstone’s newest expansion: Kobolds & Catacombs. Spellstones There are stories of mysterious stones imbued with strange magics that can be found within the catacombs. Rumor has it that the Spellstones were forged for a dark purpose, but for now, they lie in the dust, inert, waiting for someone to awaken their power. One type of Spellstone was created for each of the nine classes. Heroes that add Spellstones to their deck can awaken their power by taking specific actions while their Spellstone is in hand, though each one has a unique key: Find us on Twitter using the #Kobolds hashtag to channel the latest Kobolds & Catacombs news. Visit KoboldsAndCatacombs.com and Facebook for a gallery of cards revealed thus far.

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Kobolds & Catacombs - Tale of the Fox Part 3

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The Bard plucked at his lute, playing notes that conjured an eerie foreboding from its strings. Delighted that the tale teller’s break was at an end, the tavern’s denizens gave him their rapt attention as music filled the air. “Now, as I was saying, the misty depths of the chasm disguised how far down the river was. Quite a drop, no doubt, but not lethal. Marin was flung into that chilly tumult, tumbled and tossed, soaked to the bone. He caught a breath whenever the river would allow as it sped him through tunnel and chamber, ever downward—as all rivers run—deeper into the catacombs. The river spent its strength and grew sluggish and shallow enough for our hero to drag himself ashore. . . .” The tumultuous trip downriver had been quite a ride, so Marin allowed himself some time to cough up a few buckets of water and catch his breath. He assessed the damage (wounded pride, some bumps and bruises), then got his bearings. The river had deposited him on the edge of a cavern blooming with huge, glowing blue and purple mushrooms, and the air was thick with the rich, slightly acrid scent of them. He’d heard of such places—groves of glowing fungi with strange properties scattered throughout the catacombs—but he hadn’t had much occasion to explore them. The feared Fungal Lord Ixlid was rumored to frequent such places, which Marin felt was an excellent reason to avoid them. As he crept among the oversized fungi, one of the mushrooms uprooted itself and toddled in Marin’s direction. It was almost cute, but Marin hadn’t remained in one piece all these years by trusting appearances. He kept his distance and tried to shoo it away. “Surely you have better things to do? Vital mushroom business, perhaps? Over in that direction?” Marin said, hoping to dissuade the odd, squat creature’s approach. The mushroom creature looked up at him as he spoke, and tipped its head to the side quizzically. It paused for a heartbeat, then it let loose a deafening, skull-piercing, shriek. The sound hit Marin like a physical force, and he stumbled away from it, wincing and clutching his ears. Such a cacophony was sure to summon unwanted attention! Plugging his ears, Marin fled from the noise into a nearby tunnel, pursued by its shrill echoes. As he put more distance between himself and the creature, the noise finally faded. Eventually, whole minutes passed in blessed silence. Marin allowed himself to breathe, thinking that perhaps he’d gotten lucky, and that the abominable shrieking somehow hadn’t attracted any passersby after all. “Avast, ye tunnel lubber!” came a call from the tunnel behind him. He was wrong. Whenever Marin entered the catacombs, he expected to be surprised. Even so, the place still managed to catch him off guard from time to time. A kobold swaggered down the corridor toward him, waving a cutlass and dressed head to toe in the regalia of a ship’s captain. One of his hands had been replaced with the head of a mining pick. His captain’s hat bore a candelabra’s worth of lit candles, and more were woven into his whiskery beard, wicks burning. Marin crouched into a fighting stance as the outrageously dressed newcomer and a motley assortment of equally eccentric followers approached. The kobold gave Marin a once-over with a delighted expression on his ratty face and sheathed his cutlass. “Well snicker me whiskers! Ye be a fellow pirate!” Marin didn’t understand it. For some reason, strangers mistook him for a pirate all the time, despite the fact that he’d never set foot on a boat larger than a canoe in his entire life. Still, there could be an advantage in playing along. The kobold would surely know the area, and Marin might get an opportunity to “replace” some of the useful tools he’d lost to the river. “Yes. Uh. . . aye. I’m definitely a pirate. Starboard! Yo ho, poop deck, rum, and so forth!” The kobold narrowed his eyes and nodded, as if considering the wisdom of Marin’s words, then broke into a gap-toothed grin. “I be Captain Candlebeard. Welcome to the crew!” Candlebeard gestured expansively with his pick-hand to the ragtag assortment of outlandishly-dressed kobolds that filed up behind him. None of them looked the least bit like a pirate, but that didn’t seem to bother Candlebeard. “Back to the ship, ye scallywags! Mind the violet wurm burrows to the larboard side!” The crew of “pirates” marched their way from fungal forest through a procession of corridors, the natural stone tunnels they traveled eventually giving way to timber-supported mine shafts. Candlebeard happily spouted nautical nonsense at Marin all the while, and it was obvious that Candlebeard knew even less about real piracy than Marin did, which left Marin wondering how the kobold had adopted the pirate persona to begin with. The answer soon became clear. They emerged into a mined-out cavern—it was like a hub, with several smaller tunnels gaping in its walls. The space was dominated by the imposing bulk of a derelict pirate ship, resting at an angle against the cavern wall. Clusters of burning candles cast flickering light from its railings and masts, and the windows of the captain’s quarters glowed fitfully from within. Its ghostly tattered sails and a moth eaten black flag (painted with a candle and crossed bones, naturally) stirred in a steady draft. Marin couldn’t begin to guess how the ship had become interred here, deep underground and miles from the ocean. Candlebeard led them aboard and into the captain’s quarters. Very little of its former grandeur remained and there wasn’t much furniture: a captain’s table with a throne-like captain’s chair, and a weathered treasure chest. A map pinned to the wall caught Marin’s eye. There was a large dragon drawn on it, and Marin had seen a similar map before. He suspected that it charted a path to the lair of Vustrasz the Ancient, the most powerful and cantankerous dragon in the catacombs, famed for both his temper and his treasure hoard. Candlebeard thrust his cutlass at the image of the dragon in the center of the map. “Ye joined the crew just in time!” Candlebeard announced with a manic gleam in his eye. “We’re going to pillage a dragon treasure!” “. . . .And we need bait!” “Alas, poor Marin, always going from the cauldron straight into the flame.” The Bard lamented. “And when it comes to Vustrasz the Ancient, I mean flame quite literally. But don’t you worry, Marin is sharp one, and we’ll soon find out how he handles Captain Candlebeard!” The patrons cheered, thumping their tankards on tables and stomping the floorboards. The Bard peered into his tip cauldron and appeared a little crestfallen. “But not that soon. Time for a break!” Concluded in part 4!

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Game yang mengambil tema peperangan memang sangat menantang, namun beberapa tahun belakangan ini tidak ada game for PC yang menarik dan menantang. Semua kembali pada konsep peperangan yang dikeluarkan Call of Duty, hal ini membuat banyak fans kembali merilis game lama, battlefield 2142 PC Game Free Download. Dimana pertama kali rilis pada tahun 2006 lalu, […]

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Summon Gate: Lost Memories – Telah Dirilis!

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source: Summon Gate: Lost Memories – Telah Dirilis! on MMOindo.club.

IRIS M – Telah Dirilis

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Hai guys, IRIS M telah dirilis untuk perangkat Android! Bagi pengguna iOS bersabar dulu ya, karena akan segera menyusul. IRIS M adalah Game Mobile Open World MMORPG besutan Lyto Mobi untuk kawasan Asia Tenggara. Apa saja sih fitur-fitur IRIS M? yuk lihat saja beberapa screenshotnya di … Baca Selengkapnya

source: IRIS M – Telah Dirilis on MMOindo.club.

Spoils of War Pack: Now Live on the Cartel Market

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Get your hands on some Cartel Coins!
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New Revered Master Jedi Robe, the new Drakag Mount, Nahut-inspired weapons, expanded appearances, and more!
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‘A Traitor Among the Chiss’ Update: Now Live

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Pursue a rogue agent in a new Flashpoint, battle Operation boss Nahut, rule the skies over Iokath and more!

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Journey to Copero to pursue a rogue agent, battle Operation boss Nahut, rule the skies over Iokath and more!
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Explore Kobolds & Catacombs on December 7!

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Azeroth’s rat-like, candle-loving cave folk—the kobolds—have been digging deep beneath the surface for millennia. Their catacombs stretch on for miles, wending through forbidden tombs and breaking through the walls of long-forgotten treasure vaults. A hoard of glorious loot is there for the taking—if you can survive the dangers that lurk in those uncharted tunnels! Beginning December 7, delve deep into an unexplored underground realm packed with malignant monsters, terrifying traps, and treasures beyond imagination in Hearthstone’s newest Expansion: Kobolds & Catacombs! Kobolds & Catacombs Launch Rewards Log in after release to receive three Kobolds & Catacombs card packs and a random Legendary Weapon card, FREE! We’re also adding three sequential one-time Dungeon Run quests*, and each one awards one Kobolds & Catacombs card pack, for a total of three more card packs. Pre-Purchase Kobolds & Catacombs Wise adventurers always ensure that their packs are prepped for every peril. Fill your bag with 50 Kobolds & Catacombs card packs for $49.99 USD, and you’ll also add the gleaming For the Hoard! card back to your collection! You will receive your For the Hoard! card back and your packs as soon as your purchase is processed, and you can break the seal on your card packs once Kobolds & Catacombs arrives. * Make sure you’ve unlocked daily quests by completing The Duelist quest. It’s also wise to make sure that there’s room in your quest log on release day so none of your quests are replaced!

CBT Luna Online Gemscool Telah Dimulai!

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Hey guys! Server Luna Online Gemscool telah dibuka! CBT ini hanya berlangsung sampai besok, tanggal 29 November 2017, pukul 22.00 malam aja ya guys! Jadi buruan login dan ikuti event CBT-nya! Event Keajaiban CBT Capai Level 10 dan dapatkan Paket OBT Nah setelah itu, pada … Baca Selengkapnya

source: CBT Luna Online Gemscool Telah Dimulai! on MMOindo.club.

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Game ini adalah proyek bersama antara Game Dynasty Warrior dan Samurai Warrior, sehingga jangan heran ada unsur kerajaan dan peperangan jadi satu dalam warrior orochi 2. Dimana ada setting jaman kerajaan di China dan juga jaman sengoku di Jepang, latar 1000 tahun lalu, game ini mampu membuat gamer kembali mengingat sejarah. Gameplay – Pada awal […]

Posting Warrior Orochi 2 Game Free Download ditampilkan lebih awal di Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

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Posting 10 Aplikasi Online untuk Membuat Poster Gratis ditampilkan lebih awal di DownloadSoftwareGratisan.com.

Phantom Chaser – Epic Phantasy RPG Telah Dirilis

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Phantom Chaser adalah game yang memiliki nama asli Yokai Saga di Korea Selatan dan Thailand. Game ini sebelumnya telah meraih penghargaan “Best Graphics” pada ajang Unity Korea Award 2017 dan sekarang dapat dimainkan secara Global! Tentu saja jika kamu melihat video di bawah ini, maka … Baca Selengkapnya

source: Phantom Chaser – Epic Phantasy RPG Telah Dirilis on MMOindo.club.

Summon Gate Lost Memories – Game RPG Mobile Baru Akan Segera Rilis

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Hey guys, nampaknya kita akan kedatangan sebuah game mobile baru lagi, yaitu sebuah RPG mobile berjudul Summon Gate: Lost Memories. Game yang dikembangkan oleh developer asal Taiwan, Game Dreamer ini akan memiliki beberapa karakter dari King of Fighters dan Samurai Shodown resmi berlisensi dari SNK. … Baca Selengkapnya

source: Summon Gate Lost Memories – Game RPG Mobile Baru Akan Segera Rilis on MMOindo.club.

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Posting Aplikasi PC Gratis untuk Konversi Excel XLS ke XML: XLStoXML ditampilkan lebih awal di DownloadSoftwareGratisan.com.

Kobolds and Catacombs Reveals Unearthed Week 2

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We’ve teamed up with the Hearthstone community to bring you a treasure trove of card reveals! Tricky traps and dangerous dungeon dwellers lurk behind every twist and turn of Hearthstone’s upcoming expansion. We’ve gathered a party of Hearthstone community members to bring to light all the lavish loot and malicious minions they’ve discovered while venturing deep into the catacombs. Check out the days and times below, and click the images to portal directly over to their channels. Week of November 27 Lost track of the treasure? Find all the Kobolds & Catacombs card reveals on our official Facebook page or website gallery. Talk about your favorites on social media using the #Kobolds hashtag! Pre-Purchase Kobolds and Catacombs *Note that this is not a comprehensive schedule of all card reveals. Select cards may be a part of regional promotions that do not have a set reveal time. Please reference the galleries above for the full list of revealed cards.

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Dead Rising 3 PC Game Full Version Free Download

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Dead Rising 3 PC Game Full Version Free Download – Game yang mengusung tema film Hollywood seperti Resident Evil dan Left 4 Dead yang berbau zombie tentunya di sukai banyak orang, munculnya dead rising 3 tentu sudah banyak dinantikan. Dimana player akan jadi tokoh utama yang melawan mayat hidup, dalam versi PC yang sudah keluar ada […]

Posting Dead Rising 3 PC Game Full Version Free Download ditampilkan lebih awal di Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

NTales: Child of Destiny – Akan Segera Rilis Secara Global!

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Pengen main game MMORPG tapi ga punya waktu atau PC? Tenang guys, sebentar lagi akan rilis sebuah game mobile MMORPG berjudul NTales: Child of Destiny yang imut dan memiliki serangkaian fitur yang komplit! Game yang dikembangkan oleh RuleMkr, developer asal Korea ini memiliki berbagai fitur … Baca Selengkapnya

source: NTales: Child of Destiny – Akan Segera Rilis Secara Global! on MMOindo.club.

My Tamagotchi Forever Segera Hadir ke Hape Kamu

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Siapa sih yang nggak kenal Tamagotchi! Walaupun tidak semua orang pernah memainkannya, tetapi pasti pernah mendengar Tamagotchi! Nah tahun depan My Tamagotchi Forever, game bertema memelihara piaraan legendaris ini akan segera rilis ke hape kamu! Sementara itu, kamu sudah dapat mendaftarkan email kamu untuk sebuah … Baca Selengkapnya

source: My Tamagotchi Forever Segera Hadir ke Hape Kamu on MMOindo.club.

Hearthside Chat with Dave Kosak: Dungeon Runs

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Join Hearthstone Mission Designer Dave Kosak as he reveals more about the development process that went into the creation of the new Dungeon Run single-player game mode coming in Kobolds & Catacombs. What’s a Dungeon Run? Dungeon Run is a new insanely fun, single-player “rogue-like” mode where you’ll face deadly encounters and collect incredible Treasures to build a deck worthy of a hero! When your Dungeon Run starts, you’ll choose a Hero and receive a starting deck consisting of 10 cards. You’ll use it to overcome eight encounters of increasing difficulty (chosen randomly from a huge pool of 48 possible encounters!) to clear the run. That initial deck might be enough to help you squeak by your first opponent, but you’ll need to get stronger if you hope to clear the whole run. Each time you defeat a Dungeon Run encounter, you’ll be given an opportunity to “level up” your Dungeon Run deck with themed sets of three cards appropriate to your class. Occasionally, you’ll also be able to pick from a selection of three incredibly powerful Treasure cards—non-collectible cards and abilities made just for this mode that are too blatantly overpowered to see normal play. You’ll need all that power—as well as your wits—because these encounters can be fiendishly difficult. Victory is not assured, and each encounter has its own unique perils. If one of them gets the better of you, defeat is permanent, so you’ll have to start a different run with a whole new deck! If you manage to complete a full Dungeon Run with each of the nine Classes—no mean feat!—you’ll add the Candle King card back to your collection. Follow us on Twitter for the latest dungeon recon. Visit KoboldsAndCatacombs.com and Facebook for a gallery of cards revealed thus far.

Kobolds & Catacombs - Tale of the Fox Part 2

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“When last we left Marin, our intrepid hero was in quite the predicament: stranded on a failing rope bridge over a deep chasm, with his only path forward blocked by unfriendly kobolds. To make matters worse, there were strange, new magics afoot!” The Bard began to play a fast, tense melody on his lute, the strings singing of danger. “The Kobold King demanded a golem, and his minions obeyed. Huge, yellowed candles on their heads dripped melted wax and they began to chant. . . .” King Togwaggle grinned in wicked satisfaction as his waxmancers cast their spell. Hot wax ran in streams from the candles they wore atop their heads, but the candles did not shrink. Instead, seemingly endless runnels of wax wormed their way to pool together unnaturally. Marin watched with mounting concern as the wax flowed together into a humanoid shape a full head taller than himself. Finally, the suggestion of a face appeared, with lit candlewicks for eyes. Burning eyes fixed on Marin, the golem took a step onto the bridge. “A candle golem. Of course. I don’t know what else I was expecting from kobolds.” Marin muttered. Togwaggle cackled in delight. “You no take this candle, stupid adventurer!” The old ropes creaked like a rusty hinge as the bridge sagged under the golem’s weight, and Marin was convinced he heard something snap. He backed away as the golem advanced. He’d never imagined that the simple-minded kobolds had been cooking up spells like this! But he had no time to ruminate on kobold ingenuity; he needed to deal with the golem quickly—the bridge creaked and juddered with every step the waxy monstrosity took. Marin drew his sword as the golem lurched toward him, slashing experimentally when it came into range. His blade passed through the warm wax of its body with little effort, but the wounds left by his blade closed almost as soon as he made them. The kobolds let loose a ragged cheer. The hulking wax golem reached out to grab Marin with its blocky hands. Marin dodged easily—the golem was clumsy and slow. But it was relentless. Marin cut it a dozen times, but the golem kept coming, its candle-flame eyes glowing brightly in the gloom. It had eyes! That gave Marin an idea. He waited a breath, and let the golem get close. As it swung its arms out to grab him, Marin ducked into the golem’s embrace. At the other end of the bridge, the kobolds whooped and hollered, thinking that the foolish adventurer had made a fatal mistake. If the golem was capable of expecting anything at all, it wasn’t expecting that. It overreached, its massive arms passing harmlessly to either side of the adventurer. This close to the thing, Marin could feel its unnatural warmth, and the smell of burning candle wax was overpowering. Before it could close its arms around him, Marin took a deep breath and blew. The candle flames in the golem’s eye sockets guttered out, releasing thin tendrils of smoke. It reared back in surprise, blinded and its prize forgotten—just as Marin had hoped. The kobolds groaned in disappointment. Marin took advantage of its distraction to sheathe his sword and slip over the edge of the bridge. His stomach lurched as he swung down and dangled from one of the fraying ropes, the depthless chasm seemed to reach up and grasp at his boots. He swallowed and worked his way past the groping, flailing golem, careful not to get his fingers stomped as he edged past. He forced himself to give it a wide berth before levering himself back up onto the tortured span with a sigh of relief. He wasn’t far from the kobolds now. As he stood to face them, he drew and leveled his sword at the creatures. Time to say something dramatic and intimidating! “Huh. . . . Do you hear that?” Marin felt the hair rise on the back of his neck. He faintly heard an unnerving, dissonant babbling, as if from many mouths, echoing from the tunnel behind the kobolds. The kobolds exchanged expressions of horror. In all the excitement of cheering for their wax champion, they’d neglected to listen for other dangers. “Feral gibberers!” King Togwaggle gasped, fleeing to the bridge and leaving his subjects behind without a second thought. The kobolds scrambled after their king, pushing past the adventurer onto the bridge in a mad dash to escape whatever was coming. The other end of the bridge was still blocked by the blinded golem, so they huddled behind Marin for protection, evidently forgetting their previous conflict in the face of a greater threat. Marin rolled his eyes, working to keep his balance as the kobolds jostled him. “Are you serious? This isn’t going to work, you candle-tipped nitwits! The bridge can’t hold us all!” The bridge agreed. It had bravely withstood the weight of a full-grown man and an overgrown candle monster. It had even put up with Marin’s gymnastic antics. But the weight of a party of quaking kobolds plus a golem and a hero was simply too much. The ropes released a long, crackling groan. “Hold on!” Marin screamed. He dropped his sword and scrabbled for something to grab onto, but he was too late. The ropes beneath the golem gave way, cracking like a giant whip, and they all—adventurer, kobolds, and golem—plummeted into the murky blue glow of the chasm. “They’re not dead.” The Bard told the wide-eyed audience. “Some of you look very concerned. I just wanted you to know that they live through this. The river isn’t as far down as it seems, and it runs deep.” The Bard chuckled, “Who kills the hero halfway through the story?” He propped a boot on his black iron tip cauldron. “Now, that doesn’t mean all is well and good. Not at all. Things are about to get interesting.” The Bard smiled mysteriously. “I’ll just rest my voice a bit—I’m a little parched—and then you’ll find out what I mean.” To be continued in part 3.

Destiny6 – Pra Registrasi Sekarang!

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Netmarble akan menghadirkan game mobile baru berjudul Destiny6. Destiny6 adalah game strategi Action RPG yang dilengkapi dengan sistem kontrol yang mudah seperti sentuh dan tarik. Di dalam game ini, hero akan bergerak secara otomatis, tetapi mereka bisa digerakkan secara manual dengan menyentuh layar untuk menampilkan … Baca Selengkapnya

source: Destiny6 – Pra Registrasi Sekarang! on MMOindo.club.

Perkenalan Karakter Pangya Mobile – Arin, Marr, dan Tiki

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Hai guys! Seperti kalian ketahui LINE akan merilis Pangya Mobile dalam waktu dekat ini, nah yuk kita lihat beberapa karakter yang nantinya dapat kita mainkan di LINE Pangya Mobile! Bagi yang belum mengetahui apa itu Pangya?, Pangya adalah game golf 3D bernuansa anime yang memiliki … Baca Selengkapnya

source: Perkenalan Karakter Pangya Mobile – Arin, Marr, dan Tiki on MMOindo.club.

5+ Aplikasi Tes Performa & Ketahanan PC Gratis Terbaik

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Aplikasi Tes Performa & Ketahanan PC Gratis Terbaik

Bagi sebagian orang termasuk saya tak banyak yang lebih memuaskan daripada merakit komponen ke PC baru, menekan tombol power, dan memeriksanya dengan benar. Tetapi bahkan jika build PC kamu berjalan dan sepertinya bekerja tanpa...

Posting 5+ Aplikasi Tes Performa & Ketahanan PC Gratis Terbaik ditampilkan lebih awal di DownloadSoftwareGratisan.com.

It’s Galactic Sales Week in the Cartel Market!

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Get your hands on some Cartel Coins!

Senya’s Lightsaber Pike, 50% off all Collections, Daily Deals and more – Don’t miss out!

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Senya’s Lightsaber Pike, 50% off all Collections, Daily Deals and more!
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The Master’s Datacron

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Starting with ’A Traitor Among the Chiss’ (Game Update 5.6) on November 28th, there will be a new item introduced to the Cartel Market called the Master’s Datacron. This item will allow you to take any non-maximum level (70) character on your account and immediately move them up to maximum level. One unique thing about this boost is that it doesn’t progress your character’s story at all, meaning this is a great way to play through the classic Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ storylines without worrying about your character level!

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Take any character straight to the level cap with the Master’s Datacron. Read how it works here.
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The Master’s Datacron

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Starting with ’A Traitor Among the Chiss’ (Game Update 5.6) on November 28th, there will be a new item introduced to the Cartel Market called the Master’s Datacron. This item will allow you to take any non-maximum level (70) character on your account and immediately move them up to maximum level. One unique thing about this boost is that it doesn’t progress your character’s story at all, meaning this is a great way to play through the classic Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ storylines without worrying about your character level!

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Take any character straight to the level cap with the Master’s Datacron. Read how it works here.
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It’s Galactic Sales Week in the Cartel Market!

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Get your hands on some Cartel Coins!

Senya’s Lightsaber Pike, 50% off all Collections, Daily Deals and more – Don’t miss out!

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Senya’s Lightsaber Pike, 50% off all Collections, Daily Deals and more!
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Metal Gear Solid V : The Phamtom Pain

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Bagi anda yang sudah menantikan kelanjutan Metal Gear Solid V : Groud Zeroes (MGS V) akhirnya di luncurkan pada September 2015 lalu, dimana metal gear solid V : the phantom pain menjawab semua rasa penasaran yang ditinggalkan game series sebelumnya. Anda akan menemukan banyak kejutan yang dimulai dari babak awal permainan, lanjutkan permainan sekarang.Gameplay – […]

Posting Metal Gear Solid V : The Phamtom Pain ditampilkan lebih awal di Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Strom 2 PC Game Full

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Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Strom 2 PC Download – Game yang diluncurkan pada November 2010 lalu ini mencuri banyak perhatian, apalagi latar yang digunakan adalah tokoh kartun favorit kita semua. Game ini di rilis untuk XBOX 360, PS3 dan PC, kali ini mengambil cerita naruto shippuden, dimana Uchiha Sasuke yang menjadi rekan Uzumaki Naruto menghilang […]

Posting Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Strom 2 PC Game Full ditampilkan lebih awal di Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

5 Aplikasi Mosaik Foto Gratis Terbaik

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Aplikasi Mosaik Foto Gratis Terbaik MOSAnICK

Foto mosaik adalah cara keren untuk menampilkan koleksi foto kamu. Ada beberapa aplikasi yang tersedia, baik gratis maupun berbayar, yang memungkinkan kamu mengubah gambar menjadi mosaik. Di sini, kami memiliki daftar lima pilihan aplikasi...

Posting 5 Aplikasi Mosaik Foto Gratis Terbaik ditampilkan lebih awal di DownloadSoftwareGratisan.com.

Cara Membuat Stok Barang Menggunakan Microsoft Excel

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Cara Bikin Stok Barang Menggunakan Microsoft Excel Template Create

Microsoft Excel adalah salah satu alat profesional yang paling mudah digunakan saat ini. Kebanyakan dari kita pasti pernah menggunakanya walaupun cuma sebatas untuk penggunaan fungsi dasar tabel dan grafik. Salah satu fungsi Excel yang...

Posting Cara Membuat Stok Barang Menggunakan Microsoft Excel ditampilkan lebih awal di DownloadSoftwareGratisan.com.

Malto's Guided Tours: The Frozen Throne

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Greeting’s adventurer! You have proven yourself within the wings of Icecrown. It is now time to take on the Lich King himself! The Frozen Throne The Lich King is not someone we will take lightly. His unorthodox strategies make planning for this encounter a bit difficult. In true raid fashion, we will be utilizing minions who help each other get stronger throughout the fight.. Helping our crusade, we will be turning to the might of the Priest, Anduin. Don’t Let Up! Play your minions whenever you can. Outpacing the Lich King is the key to victory! Master The Scourge! Use your minions to keep the army of the Lich King at bay. Well done! The wrath of the Lich King is once again laid to rest. However, there is an even bigger challenge ahead. Defeating the Lich King with each class! Join me next time as we to Velaris for help in this great achievement. See you soon!

Command & Conquer : General – Zero Hour PC Game

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Command & Conquer General Zero PC Game memang sudah populer sejak dahulu, berhasil dikembangkan dengan baik oleh EA, dimana ini adanya game yang lahir setelah 10 tahun masa eksistensi di dunia permainan yang mengadu adrenalin tersebut, lahirnya command & conquer : General – zero hour akan membuat anda menikmati jaman kejayaan terdahulu, dengan permainan lahirnya […]

Posting Command & Conquer : General – Zero Hour PC Game ditampilkan lebih awal di Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

Kobolds and Catacombs Reveals Unearthed

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We’ve teamed up with the Hearthstone community to bring you a treasure trove of card reveals! Tricky traps and dangerous dungeon dwellers lurk behind every twist and turn of Hearthstone’s upcoming expansion. We’ve gathered a party of Hearthstone community members to bring to light all the lavish loot and malicious minions they’ve discovered while venturing deep into the catacombs. Check out the days and times below, and click the images to portal directly over to their channels. Week of November 20 The schedule for Week 2 will be posted on Friday November 24 PST! Lost track of the treasure? Find all the Kobolds & Catacombs card reveals on our official Facebook page or website gallery. Talk about your favorites on social media using the #Kobolds hashtag! Pre-Purchase Kobolds and Catacombs *Note that this is not a comprehensive schedule of all card reveals. Select cards may be a part of regional promotions that do not have a set reveal time. Please reference the galleries above for the full list of revealed cards.

Kobolds & Catacombs Card Reveal Livestream Kickoff

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Delve into the catacombs with Peter Whalen and Brian Kibler! Join Game Designer Peter Whalen and Brian Kibler on Nov 20 at 11 a.m. PST as we kickoff Kobolds and Catacombs card reveal season. Glimmering treasures, hoarding dragons, and ancient weapons are all waiting to be unearthed! Ready to discover what lurks within the catacombs? Join us on Twitch or Facebook Live! Twitch Facebook Looking for a broadcast in your language? Check out the official language rebroadcasts. Language Name Link IT Spaziogames.it http://ift.tt/29DbF61 PL BlackFireIce http://ift.tt/29JxA7e PL MKRR http://ift.tt/1Z8EmXF CZ CzechCloud http://ift.tt/29JxBIf RU Starladder http://ift.tt/1Z8EmXI FR GamersOrigin http://ift.tt/1QMI6Zu FR ArmaTeam http://ift.tt/2iUgvzi ES Evangelion http://ift.tt/2lI9l3p ES AKAwonder http://ift.tt/2bTX1Ie DE C4mlann http://ift.tt/2jSWWIL KO Inven http://ift.tt/1XMkNmN Unable to delve into the deep dark with us on that day? Fear not! We will be posting the full video on the official PlayHearthstone YouTube channel once the stream is over. Check out the Kobolds and Catacombs website for the latest news that has been brought to light, and don’t forget to pre-purchase to add the “For the Hoard!” card back to your Hearthstone collection. Don’t get trapped outside of the conversation! Join the discussion about Kobolds and Catacombs using #Kobolds on Twitter and Facebook.

How Do Your Last Call Winners Stack Up?

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Earlier this week, we revealed the four Last Call players who will join our seasonal championship semifinalists at the Hearthstone Championship Tour (HCT) World Championship in Amsterdam in January. With the full field of 16 players locked in, here’s how the Last Call winners from each region stack up against the competition. Muzzy—Americas When it comes to consistency in pro Hearthstone, Muzahidul ‘Muzzy’ Islam might be the perfect example. For anyone who has followed HCT in 2017, they know Muzzy as the winner of the Americas Spring Playoffs. He was only barely denied a berth in the HCT World Championship during the Spring Championship—after defeating Eugene ‘Neirea’ Shumilin 3-1 in their initial match in the group stage, both players ended up in the decider match, and Neirea took that second series over Muzzy 3-1. In addition to being the top point earner from the Americas in 2017, Muzzy also claimed that title in 2016. That’s a feat only the most dedicated could manage. While Muzzy is in the company of other greats, his singular ardent effort deserves special recognition, to say nothing of the fact that other pros frequently thank Muzzy for his assistance in practice and deck-building. He’s a veteran of the scene, and should fare well in Amsterdam. tom60229—Asia-Pacific Chen ‘tom60229’ Wei Lin has been around since the early days of competitive Hearthstone, and has a ton of big tournaments under his belt. He competed in the first-ever Hearthstone World Championship in 2014, and most recently came within striking distance of qualifying for the 2017 HCT World Championship with his quarterfinal appearance at the Summer Championship. He emerged from group stages with the best game record in the tournament (6-2), but his dreams were dashed in the Blizzard Arena Los Angeles by Ryan ‘Purple’ Murphy-Root. The unique Highlander Mage deck that tom brought to the Summer Championship stood out at the time, but ended up serving him well. Expect to see a refreshed—and hungry—tom60229 in Amsterdam, where he’ll no doubt have yet another surprise meta read up his sleeve. OmegaZero—China Another household name, Lin ‘OmegaZero’ Zheng has been omnipresent in the pro scene this year. After his victory in the China Winter Playoffs, Omega was eliminated in the first round of the Winter Championship in the Bahamas. He reprised that appearance in Los Angeles for the Summer Championship, where he fell prey to the same situation as Muzzy: he took a 3-1 victory over Jon ‘Orange’ Westberg, then ended up meeting him in the decider match and losing in game five. After two seasonal championship appearances in 2017, it’s only fitting that OmegaZero now joins Jason ‘JasonZhou’ Zhou as one of the two representatives from China competing at the HCT World Championship. Although Chinese players haven’t seen success thus far this year on the international stage, these two are world-class competitors that shouldn’t be counted out—both are appearing in their second consecutive HCT World Championships. Sintolol—Europe Rounding out the Last Call roster is Thomas ‘Sintolol’ Zimmer. The top point earner for Europe in 2017, Sintolol also claimed a top-five finish in 2016. Sintolol played in all three of the Europe Playoffs in 2017, but never found his way through the Swiss rounds to the eight-player playoff bracket or a seasonal championship. Despite this, he pushed himself to chase the throne for most points earned in Europe, and has successfully clinched it—plus a spot alongside the five other Europeans competing in the 2017 HCT World Championship (the most represented region, narrowly edging out the Americas). These are the final four contenders vying for the title of Hearthstone World Champion at the upcoming HCT World Championship in Amsterdam! With four more consistent players of this caliber rounding out the roster, the epic conclusion to HCT 2017 will be the purest display of Hearthstone prowess yet. We hope you’ll join us in Amsterdam for the HCT World Championship, or tune in for the competition online! Let us know who you’re cheering for in the comments.

Copero Short Story Blog

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Pova took the datapad she was offered and keyed in the planet’s name. The device’s light cast a green glint across the shadowed alleyway, reminding her of home. The looming cityscape of Nar Shaddaa was nothing like her homeworld’s endless seas of grass and plains.

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Find out more about the Chiss homeworld of Copero through the eyes of a spy.
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Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization PC Download

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Sword Art Online : Hollow Realization adalah permainan VRMMORPG yang paling keren, misalnya kita bisa masuk ke dalam game dengan tubuh kita sendiri. Disini kalian akan berperan sebagai karakter yang di sebut Kirito yang pastinya ganteng, serta sebelum bermain kalian dapat memodifikasi tampilanya dengan karakter yang kalian sukai. Jalan cerita ini sangat menarik sekali, karena kalian […]

Posting Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization PC Download ditampilkan lebih awal di Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

Kobolds & Catacombs - Tale of the Fox Part 1

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“Tonight’s tale is about highest adventure and deadliest danger! It’s about heroes and villains, treacherous traps, hideous monsters, and—of course—treasure beyond imagination!” The Bard’s voice cut through the din of the tavern as he spoke. Players laid down their cards, diners set down their forks, and Harth Stonebrew leaned against the bar, grinning. All eyes were drawn to the man standing before the hearth. The usual raucous laughter and friendly banter came to a halt as a hush fell over the tavern. Soon, all that could be heard was the crackling of the fire, and the subtle, mesmerizing melody that emerged from the Bard’s instrument as he played. “A group of seasoned adventurers once delved into catacombs deep, in search of the fabled axe, Woecleaver! These heroes trekked through miles of mineshafts and tunnels chipped into the rock by busy kobold hands. They endured hardship, overcame dozens of deadly traps, and laid low scores of vicious monsters . . . but in the end? They failed, and hired someone else to get it!” There were some wry chuckles from the audience, but the Bard was quick to speak over them, “This is the story of the man they hired. An adventurer’s adventurer, slicker than a greased murloc, and twice as slippery. A rogue, a thief, a treasure-hunting vagabond—and a hero! Of a sort. You may know him as Marin the Fox! And if you don’t? Well, by the end of my tale, you will!” At the mention of Marin’s name, a chorus of cheers went up. A tale about Marin was always worth the listening. “Let us set the stage. We join our hero deep in the catacombs. . . . “ Marin stepped into a large, stalactite-studded chamber and found that the path ahead was slashed in half by a deep chasm. The roar of an underground river could be heard far below, and mist rose from the depths to add a ghostly cast to the clusters of glowing blue crystals that sprouted from the walls. Lava oozed from a boarded-up hole in the wall of the cavern, lending the cavern a ruddy glow and mingling a sulfurous stink with the sweeter scent of water. Marin idly wondered how the planks blocking the molten rock avoided burning to cinders, and considered his options. Fortunately, a bridge forded the river-carved rift ahead. Unfortunately, it was a knotted assemblage of fraying rope and weathered wooden boards hanging precariously over a dizzying drop. And there were no hand rails. Of course. It didn’t look promising, but poison gas had flooded the only other route Marin was aware of, and backtracking would take hours. From the looks of the hastily-blocked lava tube, this path might not last much longer, either. The catacombs were like that—a little different every time you returned. And Marin returned often. While the lure of riches was always enough to provoke a dungeon run on its own, this one had a special purpose. An old friend had asked Marin for help retrieving the legendary axe, Woecleaver. He recalled Oakheart’s words from a few days ago. . . . “The Guild needs that axe, and we just can’t find the blasted thing. Aye, we spent weeks searching the catacombs and turned up nothing but kobolds and more kobolds. Everyone knows you’re the best, Marin, and I need your help. So, what does ‘the’ Fox say?” “The Fox says, ‘How much does it pay?’” Turns out it didn’t pay anything, but Oakheart had heard a rumor that Woecleaver was stashed with another treasure, one Marin had been after for some time—a large chest said to contain items of particular interest. Marin had agreed, and now here he was, faced with a marvel of kobold “engineering.” The ropes groaned and the “bridge” danced drunkenly underfoot as Marin gingerly committed his weight to the splintering wood. The chasm yawned below, distressingly visible between the wide gaps in the planks, and a breeze whistled upward from the depths to tug him this way and that. With every nerve-wracking step, he tried his best to not imagine the bridge abruptly dropping out from beneath him. As he neared the middle, a group of kobolds sprang from the tunnel entrance Marin was creeping toward. An ambush! Though, thankfully, not a very effective one—the kobolds revealed themselves too early and just stood around in plain sight. Still, there were several of them, and only one Marin, halfway across a decaying bridge that could give out at any moment. Not an ideal situation! One of the kobolds was larger than the rest (which isn’t saying much), and this one sported a crown with an actual lantern in place of the typical kobold candle. The miniature monarch was rather more rotund than his fellows too—no doubt there were culinary benefits to being king. The crowned kobold said something to one of his followers, then prodded it forward onto the swaying bridge. The additional weight was enough to make the fraying ropes groan in a most alarming way. Marin gritted his teeth. The small kobold wrung its paws, puffed up its chest, and spoke, “Y-you. You Adventurer. . . .” Confronted by a fully-armed hero who was much larger up close, the kobold forgot its lines. At a loss, it fell back on the classics. “You no take candle!”, it squeaked, then scampered back to the safety of its fellows. The crowned kobold rubbed a paw across his face in exasperation. “I be King Togwaggle!” he shouted, his voice echoing oddly in the cavernous space. “These is being MY tunnels! YOU be dropping treasures now!” Marin arched an eyebrow. “There’s a snag in your plan, your Highness. You see, I don’t have any treasure yet. How about you let me by, and I’ll go get some. Then we can have a do-over on my way out?” Several of the kobolds saw the wisdom in this suggestion and nodded happily, candle flames bobbing. Their king, however, was not so easily convinced. Togwaggle’s eyes glittered malevolently. “If you not be dropping, kobolds be taking!” he shrieked, fist raised, “BE SUMMONING THE GOLEM!” The audience gasped. Tavern chairs squeaked as patrons leaned forward, hanging onto the Bard’s every word. There was a long pause as the spell broke, and then someone asked, “Well?! What happened next?” “Telling stories is thirsty work, friend. Think I’ll be taking a short break,” the Bard winked in reply. He dragged a large cauldron across the tavern floor. Scrawled across the black iron in white paint were four words: ‘HUZZAH FOR THE TIPPER’. To be continued in part two!

Blizzard Batte.net® Will Begin Conversion To Local Currency in Canada, Japan, and New Zealand on November 16

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In October, we announced that we’ll be converting from USD to local currency on Blizzard Battle.net® in Canada, Japan, and New Zealand. These changes will begin to roll out in these regions within the next 24 hours. For players in these regions, Blizzard Balance will be unavailable during the brief update process, but purchases can be made using other payment methods. Any purchases made during this period will be processed in local currency. For World of Warcraft® subscribers, the recurring subscription will continue to be charged in USD for the next 12 months. If there’s any interruption to your subscription, however—including an expired card, changes in payment methods, or account cancellations—any new subscriptions will be charged in your local currency. We want to make as many of our players as possible feel at home in the Blizzard ecosystem, and make managing your account with us easier. By switching from USD to local currency, we’re expanding the types of payment we accept and helping some of you avoid paying transaction fees charged by financial institutions. Please see our announcement in October for more information and follow @BlizzardCS for the latest updates.

Need for Speed : Most Wanted Black Edition Download

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Dari dulu game Need for Speed : Most Wanted Black Edition ini begitu spesial dan dicari oleh banyak orang. Bedanya dari versi biasa yaitu terdapat mobil tambahan seperti 69 Camaro SS dan sirkuit balapan yang berbeda lebih menantang. Akan tetapi pada dasarnya game ini sama saja dengan NFS Most Wanted biasanya gan, akan tetapi tidak […]

Posting Need for Speed : Most Wanted Black Edition Download ditampilkan lebih awal di Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

Top Hearthstone Arena Players - Dual-Class Arena

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The final results for Hearthstone’s special Dual-Class Arena are in! The players featured below have employed top notch deck building skills, in-the-moment decision making, and unyielding dedication to achieve a most noteworthy feat! Pour a toast, pull up a chair, and join us in recognizing Hearthstone’s top Dual-Class Arena* players in the Americas region! Rank Battletag Average Wins 1 Dell4rpz 9.2 2 MeowEnzo 9.15 3 MajorDingus 8.9 4 spritecan 8.55 5 SomaSeal 8.5 6 臭臭地精 8.5 7 pmmania 8.35 8 Dustiny 8.25 9 DESDESDES 8.2 10 KoheiTime 8.2 11 KingofChem 8.2 12 jellybanana 8.2 13 Talriel 8.15 14 LINSA 8.15 15 hakillha 8.15 16 Titanin 8.15 17 Cheerous 8.1 18 Dylonion 8.05 19 oGURLz 8.05 20 dreads 8.05 21 schwza 8 22 sig 8 23 Emperor 7.95 24 Hattori 7.9 25 nksk 7.9 26 KellenAbel 7.85 27 BroSlav 7.85 28 oooasa 7.8 29 MushroomGas 7.8 30 DeeRyeUs 7.8 31 bnjy99 7.8 32 Cloudspine 7.8 33 Quillz 7.8 34 maybe 7.8 35 Lancelot 7.8 36 valder 7.8 37 Himura 7.8 38 SuperPanda 7.8 39 Mitchriz 7.75 40 doughboy 7.75 41 Zyst 7.75 42 BrianWong 7.75 43 manth 7.7 44 ArenaMania 7.7 45 Avista 7.7 46 Charb44 7.7 47 FinalSlayer 7.65 48 Hizashi 7.65 49 Andrew0085 7.65 50 Eatmydog 7.65 51 haoqi 7.65 52 TTEXXX 7.65 53 Mfdust 7.65 54 Perchy 7.65 55 NymStark 7.65 56 davidlomanto 7.6 57 ethnox 7.6 58 Crumpled 7.6 59 Four20Orcit 7.6 60 LazyTitan 7.55 61 Fester 7.55 62 Weaven 7.55 63 Yume 7.5 64 Boca 7.5 65 Near 7.5 66 Happy313 7.5 67 lin 7.5 68 Cross 7.45 69 Axis 7.45 70 Berthen 7.45 71 Grivan 7.45 72 sorin 7.45 73 Tachii 7.45 74 KINGSH1T 7.45 75 Zevron 7.45 76 SweetJack 7.45 77 Souse 7.45 78 Rakisuta 7.45 79 Kyshantry 7.45 80 Polarin 7.45 81 torpedo 7.45 82 WildSheep 7.45 83 maxbaz 7.4 84 Darklink 7.4 85 JYLiu 7.4 86 coldstar 7.4 87 JIRO 7.4 88 Ovieously 7.4 89 NonE 7.4 90 zen 7.4 91 AllMight 7.35 92 cba 7.35 93 Mantis 7.35 94 Boozor 7.35 95 Ice 7.35 96 m0rph1ing 7.35 97 Style 7.35 98 Wabbit 7.35 99 AxemRanger 7.35 100 makgi 7.35 101 FunkyPants 7.35 102 watertommy 7.35 103 Baddan 7.3 104 twlevewins 7.3 105 wqb9r 7.3 106 Kepler 7.3 107 Hodor 7.3 108 Owen 7.3 109 kefan 7.3 110 Celeritas 7.3 111 VISO 7.3 112 kaboomba 7.3 113 LuckyTiger 7.3 114 xVzero 7.3 115 Maelstrom 7.3 116 Varmint54 7.3 117 Sentinel 7.25 118 blackwolf618 7.25 119 Pointdot 7.25 120 CallMeDaddy 7.25 121 Iodo 7.25 122 shoushiroll 7.25 123 Niko 7.25 124 Doublea 7.25 125 PainofMind 7.25 126 Tazza 7.25 127 pokerpro 7.25 128 DRAKE 7.2 129 Ndoilboy 7.2 130 Naslund 7.2 131 IDontKnow 7.2 132 SexyEnvelope 7.2 133 AcesUp 7.2 134 Pyroxs 7.2 135 ZapKanon 7.2 136 MaxieDevine 7.2 137 kbam 7.2 138 ukyoukyo 7.2 139 SuperNinja 7.2 140 moonstar 7.2 141 GoldenPants 7.15 142 Ddcatwdc 7.15 143 Shako 7.15 144 DodoGizmo 7.15 145 Phleetwood 7.15 146 wtybill 7.15 147 Matador 7.15 148 railgun 7.15 149 Zelamin 7.15 150 YiranFantasy 7.15 *These are last month’s best performing Dual-Class Arena players based on their best wins per run in 15 consecutive runs.

Your Last Call World Championship Players Are...

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The points are in. It’s the moment you’ve been waiting for since the Summer Championship. Your Last Call qualifying players for the Hearthstone Championship Tour World Championship are: Americas Muzzy China OmegaZero Asia-Pacific tom60229 Europe Sintolol Muzzy From the Americas we have Muzahidul ‘Muzzy’ I. Muzzy competed in the HCT Spring Championship in Shanghai, but had his dreams dashed by Eugene ‘Neirea’ Shumilin. A game and simulation development student living in Pennsylvania, Muzzy plays for Luminosity Gaming, and is regarded by the pro Hearthstone circuit as one of the smartest and most helpful players around. Modest and focused, with his eyes on the prize, Muzzy’s recent wins at various DreamHacks cemented his place at the HCT World Championship. OmegaZero China is represented by Lin ‘OmegaZero’ Zheng. The 21-year-old’s qualification via Last Call for the HCT World Championship marks the third time he will represent the country at a global Hearthstone championship. OmegaZero has always had an interest in card games, and had competed hard in local events in order to earn the points he needed. Apart from Hearthstone, he enjoys reading and taking walks. tom60229 Asia-Pacific has the indomitable Chen ‘tom60229’ Wei Lin. A life-long gamer, he got his start on card games in seventh grade. He also spent a lot of time on Warcraft III and World of Warcraft before moving into Hearthstone. As one of Taiwan’s top players, he has had multiple Championship showings and tournament wins, and describes himself as a master of card games. tom60229 narrowly missed out on qualifying for the HCT World Championship at the HCT Summer Championship—losing to Ryan ‘Purple’ Murphy-Root—but redemption (in the form of a spot at the World Championship) has come. Sintolol Europe is represented by Thomas ‘Sintolol’ Zimmer. Hailing from Bad Vilbel, Germany, this full-time Hearthstone player wanted to prove that he was the best point-earner in Europe—and has qualified for the HCT World Championship via Last Call! Sintolol is well known for playing a ton of ladder and open cups, and considers pizza margherita and a loaded salad as his favorite pick-me-up. These four players round out the 16 we will see at the HCT World Championship in Amsterdam this January. To be a part of this historic event, make sure you get your tickets as soon as possible! Buy Tickets Keep up with all things #HCT and let us know your thoughts on the upcoming World Championship on Facebook and Twitter.

Catch Up on Hearthstone at BlizzCon with the Virtual Ticket

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From exploring the dungeons of Kobolds & Catacombs to kicking back with some Tavern Trivia, relive some of the most epic Hearthstone moments from BlizzCon with the Virtual Ticket. BlizzCon attendees and Virtual Ticket holders also receive the BlizzCon 2017 in-game bonus item for Hearthstone: a Golden Legendary version of Marin the Fox. This dungeon-delving adventurer summons a 0/8 Treasure Chest on your opponent’s side—smash it open to claim a fantastic treasure! Here are some of the Hearthstone highlights from this year’s BlizzCon that you can watch with the Virtual Ticket… Hearthstone – What’s Next Discover what awaits in the depths of the next Hearthstone expansion! Developers Dave Kosak, Ben Thompson, and Peter Whalen explore the new cards, game mechanics, and everything else awaiting in Kobolds & Catacombs. Blizzard Cinematics – Behind the Scenes of “Hearth and Home” Blizzard’s cinematics team takes you deep behind the scenes to show you how they created Hearthstone’s musical “Hearth and Home” animated short, from composing the music to envisioning the mix of characters who found their way to this mystical tavern. Hearthstone – Live Q&A The BlizzCon audience determines the fate of the Arena as Ben Brode, Mike Donais, Peter Whalen, and Yong Woo unveil 27 cards they’re considering adding into the mix—then ask the crowd to choose their favorites. Then at around the 31-minute mark, gather round for a live Q&A session with the developers. Hearthstone – Tavern Trivia The Innkeeper’s concocted a whole new kind of challenge! Join host Ben Brode and two teams of audience members and streamers—including Day[9], Trump, Savjz, Hafu, Disguised Toast, and Orange—and play along as they face off and test their arcane Hearthstone knowledge. The BlizzCon 2017 Virtual Ticket will be on sale until November 28, and you’ll be able to enjoy this year’s Virtual Ticket videos through January 2018, complete with English, German, French, Russian, or Korean subtitles. You can also give a Virtual Ticket as a gift, complete with the in-game bonus items for Hearthstone, World of Warcraft, Overwatch, StarCraft II, Diablo III, and Heroes of the Storm. Learn more about what’s included with this year’s Virtual Ticket, then head over to the Blizzard Shop to order yours.

Postal 3 PC Game Full Version

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Postal 3 PC Game Full Version adalah permainan yang menarik untuk kalian mainkan. Di game ini kalian akan melakukan cara yang bengis dan sadis dan membuat game ini lebih serius gan. Ceritanya berawal dari kamu menjadi seorang pegawai yang akan bekerja di toko dewasa. Selain menjadi pegawai toko, kalian juga menjadi seorang penembak jitu dan masih […]

Posting Postal 3 PC Game Full Version ditampilkan lebih awal di Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

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Aplikasi Copy File Gratis TeraCopy

Sebagian besar dari kita pasti tahu bahwa dimungkinkan melakukan copy atau memindahkan folder dan file di Windows dengan menggunakan mouse untuk copy paste, maupun metode drag and drop menggunakan sejumlah shortcut keyboard. Faktor terbesar...

Posting 15 Aplikasi Copy File Gratis untuk Kecepatan Transfer Tercepat ditampilkan lebih awal di DownloadSoftwareGratisan.com.

Cartel Market Specials: Week of November 13, 2017

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Get your hands on some Cartel Coins!

Darth Malgus Armor Set, Imperator’s Hoverchair, Revan Holostatue and more! See what this week has to offer on the Cartel Market:

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Darth Malgus Armor Set, Imperator’s Hoverchair, Revan Holostatue and more!
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Angry Birds Rio PC Game Full Version Download

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Angry Birds Rio PC Game Full Version adalah permainan teka-teki sangat populer yang diterbitkan oleh Rovio Entertaiment berdasarkan game classic Angry Birds. Angry Birds Rio adalah game spin-off dari Angry Birds yang mengambil tempat dan kejadian yang berbeda dari cerita utama. Gameplay yang disajikan di Angry Birds Rio mirip dengan game asalnya. Namun punya level […]

Posting Angry Birds Rio PC Game Full Version Download ditampilkan lebih awal di Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

Download 5+ Aplikasi Edit PDF Gratis untuk macOS

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Apa editor PDF gratis terbaik untuk Mac (macos)? Tidak perlu mencari jawaban lebih jauh, lihat daftar 6 aplikasi editor PDF gratis ini untuk mengedit file PDF dengan mudah. Pengguna Mac tidak perlu khawatir tentang...

Posting Download 5+ Aplikasi Edit PDF Gratis untuk macOS ditampilkan lebih awal di DownloadSoftwareGratisan.com.

Gothic 3 PC Game Free Download

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Apa yang kamu harapkan dari Game Gothic 3? Free Download? Tentunya sequel nya karena lebih baik dari pada seri ke 1 dan 2. Gothic 2 memberikan tantang memberikan tantangan pengalaman bermain yang hebat namun kedua nya punya masalah teknis dan menyebabkan game itu turun rating dan mendapatkan beberapa review negatif. Apabila kalian pecinta game ini […]

Posting Gothic 3 PC Game Free Download ditampilkan lebih awal di Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

Time Crisis : Project Titan PS1 ISO

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Time Crisis : Project Titan PS1 ISO adalah permainan shooting yang sangat mudah sekali di mainkan, kalau anak 90-an pastinya pernah memainkan game ini. Kalau anak-anak modern pasti pernah memainkan game ini di mall misalnya di Time Zone. Game ini membuat admin kangen dan nostalgia banget! Sebelum kalian memainkan game ini admin akan menceritakan bagaimana cara […]

Posting Time Crisis : Project Titan PS1 ISO ditampilkan lebih awal di Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

Deer Hunter 2017 PC Game Full Version

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Permainan memburu tidak selalu nya punya reputasi terbaik atau nama yang pernah melambung di masa lalu, termasuk Game Deer Hunter 2017 Free Download. Alasan nya adalah game tersebut biasa nya kurang bagus. Jika kamu pikir permainan memburu yang kamu gambarkan sebagai game berlomba yang pernah kamu mainkan sebelumnya, semua itu akan berubah drastis setelah kamu […]

Posting Deer Hunter 2017 PC Game Full Version ditampilkan lebih awal di Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

Game Victor Vran PC Game Free Download

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Game Victor Vran Full Version Free Download, tidak lain mengisahkan tentang Victor Vran, seorang pemburu yang yang datang dari Negri Zagoravia untuk menggagalkan recana Iblis dan juga untuk menyelesaikan misi pribadinya. Tipikal game fantasi yang menegangkan, menceritakan kisah yang sangat berbeda dari kebanyakkan game yang lainnya. Alur cerita mengambil sebuah tempat di suatu kota terkutuk […]

Posting Game Victor Vran PC Game Free Download ditampilkan lebih awal di Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

Get your own Special Forces Armor

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The Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ team is excited to celebrate the launch of Star Wars™ Battlefront™ II this month! Now through November 20th, redeem the code ‘SPECIALFORCES’ at http://ift.tt/1j0Q8OG to claim your free Special Forces Armor in Star Wars: The Old Republic and get the look inspired by the elite Inferno Squad forces from Star Wars Battlefront II.

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Celebrate Star Wars™ Battlefront™ II Launch – Claim your free* Special Forces Armor in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ through November 20, 2017!
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5 Memorable Moments from the Inn-vitational

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Top Hearthstone Players - October 2017

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The final results for Hearthstone Ranked Standard and Wild play in October are in! The players featured below have employed top notch deck building skills, in-the-moment decision making, and unyielding dedication to achieve a most noteworthy feat! Pour a toast, pull up a chair, and join us in recognizing Hearthstone’s top Ranked Standard* and Wild players in the Americas region! Standard Wild Rank Battletag 1 AlwaysLucky 2 fertygo 3 hunterace 4 DavidSWu 5 naxoloo 6 Satellite 7 Monsanto 8 ETC 9 Cantelope 10 Chakki 11 Artefy 12 PogChampion 13 pomolive 14 faNatic 15 zlsjs 16 Rase 17 Arawn 18 KingOfType89 19 rask 20 aqua 21 UchihaSaske 22 Terrifictaco 23 TheRhino 24 Katsumi 25 Geekaleek 26 Aimless 27 seiger 28 Celeritas 29 Activelee 30 Pizza 31 iEatChildren 32 CSRuchi 33 Jia 34 Impact 35 CosplayGrill 36 DWU 37 Lawliet 38 patoyao 39 YAYtears 40 noblord 41 Amam15 42 Casie 43 boink 44 TankWheels 45 mrKOKODAK 46 heisnotaxel 47 TFK 48 While 49 Deathsie 50 lnguagehackr 51 Brett 52 BLS4GAME 53 當麻 54 darkduke 55 Wreck 56 Houdinii 57 starworld111 58 HmmmPie 59 Baumgott 60 Freshy 61 Nxzl2s 62 AvisGod 63 Agenbyte 64 Jakaso27 65 Plum 66 FULGUR1S 67 x420Blaziken 68 Shift 69 Kane 70 hypnotoxic 71 Ender 72 EclipseJL 73 Astrogation 74 Quiros2211 75 McLovin 76 RubeJew 77 ViperPro 78 alexthegreat 79 Nalguidan 80 Phrakture 81 Monkeykong 82 Peter 83 Syegfried 84 Coreupted 85 gunsmoke 86 devlinx4 87 Paperninja 88 Dranzer 89 edux1690 90 C0ntrolBoy 91 Infearmous 92 Andrew158 93 END2016 94 KiinG 95 ScrundleMcB 96 snow 97 TRNetwork 98 blueblurr 99 Battle.net User 100 MrHSDaily 101 Akakuro 102 weiseguy 103 Ryuuzu 104 Liquid 105 RY27 106 Shirokuma 107 Karomizu 108 Cyrax 109 maher 110 WolfMack 111 TheBerret 112 Kyle 113 Nxek 114 Lutero94 115 Jay 116 jambre 117 Akumaker 118 Zalgo 119 Insom 120 Purple 121 Rgc96 122 Puyshpii 123 Buffnut 124 SnarkyGoblin 125 Rooftrellen 126 CherrieDoll 127 banata 128 eberbass 129 hyped 130 Wottawa 131 Zamos 132 Jwenn 133 Failfellow 134 Korextron 135 Kuyayo 136 Pangya 137 Gatsu 138 BustaJ 139 Pixel 140 P1q 141 Rks 142 Basegod 143 casanova 144 Twink 145 ScreaM 146 Razcal 147 Brendow 148 Jyeesh 149 Casper 150 SoLegit Rank Battletag 1 Hazer 2 awedragon 3 JTZ 4 Wargizmo 5 Ben 6 Bananaramic 7 AZSwim 8 TitanX 9 Ice 10 Jonahrah 11 Elf 12 Hurryupidiot 13 WildWolf 14 XCrouton 15 blueblurr 16 drTama 17 sipiwi94 18 jin 19 waxwingslain 20 Roffle 21 Cyrax 22 CONCERNEDMOM 23 Ailchu 24 Scorched 25 Zangari 26 Wtflag 27 apotheun 28 PogChampion 29 Black 30 Serpent 31 ReganisPrime 32 gorky 33 Eisen0818 34 hey 35 danstruction 36 Firstly 37 FisherDarvyk 38 MrExiElei 39 Seviang 40 Bobby 41 GodOfWar 42 Martian 43 ALoNe 44 yoursmile 45 TK421 46 chorton 47 RyoKei 48 Milithemir 49 Rks 50 EndBoss 51 imtrash 52 Infearmous 53 Chrom 54 MeatLord 55 KingEngine 56 KimiHaSpider 57 GreenTennis 58 Clickpwn 59 Jran 60 Spanish 61 Christophe 62 Restruction 63 mrob15 64 organization 65 Tezzmizzeths 66 RopeAndMovie 67 yusa 68 ColdStory 69 Harain 70 SinAkarin 71 Topsniper 72 Evilsquirrel 73 sparky5856 74 RopeAddict 75 Grumblestump 76 scud32 77 Holman 78 enachos3 79 Guidomon 80 JustBurnRope 81 RMSG 82 DM018 83 Mightyclark 84 Aguiar 85 Oblivion7845 86 Firenova 87 Scorpion 88 Skytear 89 Grenelle 90 mooingsheep 91 chaitealatte 92 keithnumbers 93 Buckslayer88 94 Strykin 95 Zionus 96 Gisfug 97 Láo 98 DemonJade 99 Wysv 100 Melonface 101 Nihilism 102 berserker 103 lekos 104 blootomarto 105 Curveology 106 Zach 107 Kablooie 108 Slashrude 109 ungreatman 110 ect 111 vampyr 112 LordVader 113 Lancelot 114 Nitro 115 Studioj 116 Yilias 117 SlagStorm 118 MrSamo 119 ToKo 120 skeeter 121 LeBlanc 122 MonsterMash 123 Fischer17 124 faNatic 125 CompanyMan 126 amplive 127 Kalaloch 128 Maruster 129 Vien 130 Big 131 Anpandu 132 sousei 133 Cynosure 134 DontHexMeBro 135 kcjtC03 136 Control 137 Camdenro 138 overwater 139 Botticus 140 SnowRain 141 CptGrn4Skin 142 IamnotFISH 143 StormFever 144 johnny5 145 Memnarch 146 Barther 147 TemplarPunk 148 Ilikelolipop 149 XIL 150 Daggerd *Players in the top Ranked Standard list have each earned points toward the Last Call season of the 2017 Hearthstone Championship Tour.

Cuphead PC Game Full Version Free Download

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Game Cuphead Free Download adalah permainan klasik yang cara bermainnya, menyerang kemudian berlari, fokus utama nya terhadap pertempuran kepada Boss. Terinsipirasi dari kartun di tahun 1930, visual dan audio nya dibuat secara teliti, pewarnaan latar belakang dan rekaman musik jazz yang memukau membuat game ini begitu unik dan sangat mempesona. Bermain sebagai Cuphead atau Mugman […]

Posting Cuphead PC Game Full Version Free Download ditampilkan lebih awal di Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

Google Tidak akan Mempercayai Sertifikat (SSL) Symantec di 2018

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Google telah mengungkapkan rencana resmi untuk tidak mempercayai sertifikat keamanan Symantec yang dimulai saat peluncuran Chrome 66 pada tahun 2018. Rencana raksasa teknologi tersebut diposkan di blog resmi Google Security, yang menyatakan bahwa dimulai...

Posting Google Tidak akan Mempercayai Sertifikat (SSL) Symantec di 2018 ditampilkan lebih awal di DownloadSoftwareGratisan.com.

Cartel Market Specials: Week of November 8, 2017

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Get your hands on some Cartel Coins!
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Sensuous Dress, Music Therapy Probe, 50% off the Warbound Crusader Pack and more!
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United Forces Update Now Live

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Join together and battle to decide the fate of the galaxy like never before in the new United Forces update – now live in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™! With the United Forces update, we’ve united players into five new servers, expanding your connection to a galactic-sized community so you can join and reconnect with friends, discover new guilds and jump into multiplayer battles more easily.

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Join together and battle to decide the fate of the galaxy with new rewards, Double XP, and more!
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Say G’day to the Sydney Inn-vitational!

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It’s time slip on some sunscreen and slap on some cork hats, because this December, Australia will say g’day to the country’s first Hearthstone Inn-vitational, set to play out in the heart of beautiful Sydney! Four of the world’s most accomplished Hearthstone players will be heading down under to test their skills against some of Australia’s best. If you live in the region or simply are looking to witness this tournament, c’mon in! The Competition The Inn-vitational pits globally-recognised Australian and New Zealand players against top tier international opponents to battle for treasure and glory! Representing the Aussies and the Kiwis are players who have competed at some of the highest global levels of Hearthstone. The Thunder From Down Under NaviOOT Jowen CitizenNappa Mage The following challengers need no introduction. Put your hands together for some of the finest Hearthstone players from around the world! The World-Wide Winners J4CKIECHAN Eloise DDaHyoNi Ant Tournament Format Single elimination bracket with each ANZ player paired with a visiting player Each match will be best-of-five Conquest with one ban All new expansion cards will be allowed When From December 10 to 11 (December 9 to 10 PST), the eight players will compete for a prize pool of $10,000 AUD and the bragging rights of being Sydney’s first Inn-vitational winner. All the action will be broadcast live on http://ift.tt/10Dalpu at 12:00 p.m. AEDT (5:00 p.m. PST) on both days. Join Us! It’s not all about the competition. We’ll also be throwing an epic gathering for you budding adventurers! Leading the charge in the historic Intercontinental Sydney hotel will be two very special adventurers–you’ll find out who in the coming weeks! You should also expect to see familiar faces like Jackson ‘JD’ Davey, Jia “Jia” Dee, and Andrey “Reynad” Yanyuk. This party, happening December 9 from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. AEDT, is one for the ages. Keep an eye on the Blizzard Australia and New Zealand Twitter and Facebook for ticket details. More tournament information will also be shared on the Hearthstone Esports social channels. It’s going to be a great arvo at the Sydney Inn-vitational. We’ll see you there!

NBA 2K14 PC Game Full Version Free Download

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NBA 2K14 PC Game Full Version Free Download adalah permainan olah raga yang paling populer sama halnya seperti sepak bola. Game Basket ini lebih enak di mainkan dari pada game basket sebelumnya misalnya dari grafik, kontrol karakter untuk gerak dan shoot nya lebih enak dan mudah. Dan yang lebih kerenya lagi untuk bermain game ini tidak […]

Posting NBA 2K14 PC Game Full Version Free Download ditampilkan lebih awal di Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

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Aplikasi Backup Gratis Terbaik untuk Mac Time Machine

Backup data secara berkala harus menjadi salah satu prioritas yang harus dilakukan bagi setiap pengguna Mac (begitu juga dengan pengguna Windows). Selama bertahun-tahun, setiap drive di setiap komputer yang pernah saya miliki mengalami kerusakan...

Posting 5+ Aplikasi Backup Gratis Terbaik untuk Mac ditampilkan lebih awal di DownloadSoftwareGratisan.com.

Hearthstone Update – November 6 – Kobolds & Catacombs Pre-Purchase

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Legends tell of a vast underground world and the countless, shiny treasures that lie in store for worthy adventurers! In this update we’re readying your party to explore Hearthstone’s latest expansion, Kobolds & Catacombs, when it arrives in December! We also fixed several bugs. This patch is currently live for PC! Mobile versions will become available in the coming hours. Read on for details! The Kobolds & Catacombs pre-purchase bundle is now available from the in-game Shop. This bundle includes 50 card packs at a special price and the For the Hoard card back. Grab your gear and get ready for adventure: Kobolds & Catacombs releases December 2017! The Legendary card Marin the Fox and the For the Hoard! card back are now available for use in-game. Added the following card back: For the Hoard! – Acquired from the Kobolds & Catacombs pre-purchase bundle Nemsy Necrofizzle now has a unique Hero tray. Nemsy Necrofizzle's Hero Power button is now animated. Bug Fixes PC in-game Shop items will now use a three-character currency code instead of a currency symbol. The rope animation will now correctly appear even if a player was disconnected when it began. Mana-cost reductions to Crush now correctly apply after all other mana cost changes, such as the effects from cards like Naga Sea Witch. Fixed a crash issue that could occur when viewing the Friend List. Fixed a crash issue that could occur while holding a card during an Arena draft. Fixed an issue that caused the Arena draft to occasionally show no choices. Certain golden Hero Powers are now easier to interact with. Adjusted the volume of several Hallow’s End emotes to be more consistent with other emotes. Adjusted the positioning of several pop-ups so they are not blocked by the chat window. Adjusted the size and positioning of the chat window when the Friend List menu is open. Mana Geode, Mirage Caller, Binding Heal, and Ravasaur Runt are now centered correctly in deck lists. Fixed an issue where certain enchantment banner icons, such as Prince Keleseth’s Blessing, had incorrect art. Death Coil’s art is now correctly centered in its History tile. The “Open Packs” text is no longer cut off in some languages. Restored Quest text that was missing in some languages. Getaway Kodo will no longer sometimes cause The Skeleton Knight to return to its owner’s hand in an invisible state. [Mobile] Maiev’s hero portrait will no longer be misaligned on certain mobile devices. [Mobile] The Lich King’s dialogue is now more readable.

Resident Evil 4 Ultimate HD Edition Full Version Download

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Resident Evil 4 Ultimate HD Edition Full Version Download – Dulu permainan ini di kenal dengan zombienya yang sangat horror dan paling populer di tempat rental playstation 2. Nah admin Tasikgame akan jelaskan ada 2 Jenis game ini yaitu Versi Playstation 2 dan PC (Ultimate HD). Kalau kalian mainkan yang PS2 nya di PC itu bener-bener […]

Posting Resident Evil 4 Ultimate HD Edition Full Version Download ditampilkan lebih awal di Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.