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Aplikasi yang mudah digunakan yang dapat membantu kamu convert banyak file XLS sekaligus ke file CSV, sesuai dengan pengaturan yang ditetapkan pengguna Excel Converter adalah aplikasi yang sangat mudah digunakan untuk proses konversi file...

Posting Aplikasi Konversi XLS (EXCEL) ke CSV Gratis: Excel Converter ditampilkan lebih awal di DownloadSoftwareGratisan.com.

Precious Cargo Pack: Now Live on the Cartel Market

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Get your hands on some Cartel Coins!
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Fulfill your Star Wars destiny. Get your hands on new Umbara-themed gear.
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Download 5 Aplikasi untuk Membuat Silsilah Keluarga Gratis Terbaik

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Family Historian 6

Genealogi merupakan kegiatan mencatat dan menyelidiki silsilah keluarga dan nenek moyang, yang belakangan ini aktivitasnya mengalami kenaikan karena banyak yang melakukannya sebagai hobi. Menurut KBBI Daring, genealogi merupakan kata benda dengan dua arti, yaitu:...

Posting Download 5 Aplikasi untuk Membuat Silsilah Keluarga Gratis Terbaik ditampilkan lebih awal di DownloadSoftwareGratisan.com.

Welcome To The Game PC Game Free Download

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Welcome To The Game PC Game Free Download – Permainan yang cukup menarik dan pernah di mainkan oleh Youtubers PewDiePie. Awal permainan kita akan membuka sebuah Deep Web namun yang terjadi kita malah di serang oleh hacker yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Dan hacker tersebut memberikan kita serangan DOS atau semacam virus kepada komputer kita, dan yang […]

Posting Welcome To The Game PC Game Free Download ditampilkan lebih awal di Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

Wolfenstein 2009 PC Game Free Download

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Wolfenstein 2009 PC Game Free Download – Kalau membahas game yang berbau FPS / Shooting, kebanyakan para developers yang mengambil dari kisah perang dunia ke 2 sama halnya seperti game yang saya bagikan ini yaitu Wolfenstein. Ceritanya berawal dari kota Isenstadt yang sedang mengalami kejadian Perang Dunia ke 2. Kota tersebut di manfaatkan oleh para anggota […]

Posting Wolfenstein 2009 PC Game Free Download ditampilkan lebih awal di Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

Download 10 Aplikasi Virtual Desktop Gratis Terbaik Windows

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Yet an other Desktop Manager 3D

Jika kamu sering membuka banyak aplikasi bersamaan, sebuah aplikasi virtual desktop bisa membantumu membuka semua window aplikasi lebih terorganisir pada desktop. Sebuah program virtual desktop akan membagi aplikasi-aplikasi yang kamu buka dalam beberapa virtual...

Posting Download 10 Aplikasi Virtual Desktop Gratis Terbaik Windows ditampilkan lebih awal di DownloadSoftwareGratisan.com.

Sniper Elite Berlin 1945 Game PC for PC Download

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Sniper Elite Berlin 1945 Game PC for PC Download – Permainan ini cocok banget bagi kalian yang menyukai game FPS / Shooting serta mempunyai spesifikasi yang minimun, di karenakan game ini sangat ringan sekali. Game ini di publikasikan pada tahun 27 oktober 2005 oleh Rebellion sekaligus pengembang. Game ini memiliki cerita yang bagus serta gameplay yang […]

Posting Sniper Elite Berlin 1945 Game PC for PC Download ditampilkan lebih awal di Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

Download 7 Aplikasi Konverter Suara ke Teks Gratis Terbaik

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Berikut adalah daftar rekomendasi aplikasi Windows gratis terbaik untuk mengonversi suara menjadi teks (Speech To Text Converter). Aplikasi berikut dapat mengetikkan teks dengan cara berbicara, yang sangat bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan kecepatan mengetik. Aplikasi pada...

Posting Download 7 Aplikasi Konverter Suara ke Teks Gratis Terbaik ditampilkan lebih awal di DownloadSoftwareGratisan.com.

‘Crisis on Umbara’ Update: Now Live

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Hijack a moving train to uncover a deadly traitor in a new Flashpoint, earn a new stronghold on Umbara and more!

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Hijack a moving train to uncover a deadly traitor in a new Flashpoint, earn a new stronghold on Umbara and more!
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The Final Take Game PC Free Download

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The Final Take Game PC Free Download adalah permainan yang cukup horror serta sangat menantang. Bagaimana rasanya jika kalian bermain di sebuah tempat yang gelap serta di tempat tersebut terdapat banyak sekali hantu yang gentayangan. Apabila kalian mendekati sosok tersebut terkadang hantu tersebut akan mengangetkan kita dengan teriakan yang menyeramkan. Kalian akan menikmati efek-efek khas VHS […]

Posting The Final Take Game PC Free Download ditampilkan lebih awal di Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

Download 11 Aplikasi untuk Monitoring Performa PC Gratis

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Download CrystalDiskInfo Aplikasi Analisa & Informasi Hard Disk

Sedewa apapun spek PC kamu, selama masih terinstall Windows, bukan berarti sistem kamu bebas masalah. Memang, di beberapa kasus, masalah bisa diakibatkan karena spesifikasi hardware yang kurang memadai, tapi tidak kalah banyak juga yang...

Posting Download 11 Aplikasi untuk Monitoring Performa PC Gratis ditampilkan lebih awal di DownloadSoftwareGratisan.com.

Watch the New Hearthstone Animated Short: Hearth and Home

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Harth Stonebrew’s tavern is a special place. If you strolled among the packed tables and raucous laughter on a busy night, you’d overhear stories of exhausting travel and perilous adventure—and of lucky voyagers somehow finding the tavern just when they needed it the most. For the colorful cast of characters who inhabit the Hearthstone tavern, it’s more than just a place to put up their feet or toss back a tasty brew. It’s a place where the magic of hospitality fills the air, and good times are shared by everyone who happens through the door. In the tavern, the joy of the unexpected or the thrill of competition can be found at any hour. The tavern always seems to be just where it needs to be, and you can find it, too! Watch Hearthstone’s latest short, Hearth and Home, to join Ava as she discovers why Hearthstone is home! Meet the Players Harth Stonebrew, dwarven innkeeper and founder of the tavern. Always ready with a friendly greeting, a cold pint, and a sympathetic ear. Presumably an ordinary dwarf. Presumably. Malto, a Mage, an expert in matters arcane, and a fountain of sage wisdom. The first-ever guest of the tavern, long before anyone can remember. Mentor to all, and friend of Harth. Sarge, a mouse and friend to all. Brave, loyal, and highly intelligent. Frequently a hero. Fewz and Wick, goblin brothers. They often provide commentary, whether requested or not, for the tavern’s heated Hearthstone matches. Lou, a Paladin with glorious hair, impressive muscles, and good humor. Beloved by all (he’s quite certain). Once an adventurer. Will he be one again? Bertie, a gnome, a former soldier, and mender of all things mechanized or mystifying. Friend of Urk. Urk, an orc who is smarter than he looks. Or acts. More sensitive than he seems. Still running up a huge tab in broken tables. Has an axe for every occasion. Velaris, a blood elf aristocrat and far too rich for bad taste. Likes to win and hates to lose. Friend of himself.

Chernobyl Commando PC Game Free Download

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Chernobyl Commando PC Game Free Download – Permainan yang cukup menarik dan ringan ini menceritakan tentang 26 tahun setelah kecelakaan fatal di Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Nuklir Chernobyl yang menutupi setengah dari Eropa di awan asap radioaktif, sekelompok besar teroris mengambil alih daerah tersebut, mencoba mencuri semua sisa limbah radioaktif – dan menggunakannya. Pasukan Ukraina dan Rusia […]

Posting Chernobyl Commando PC Game Free Download ditampilkan lebih awal di Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

Download 15 Aplikasi Katalog Film Gratis Terbaik untuk Windows

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DSG kali ini memberikan daftar aplikasi Windows gratis terbaik untuk katalog film. Adapun fitur-fitur unggulan yang ditawarkan oleh aplikasi-aplikasi di bawah ini meliputi: menambahkan film-film ke basis data dengan menunjukkan path file/foldernya, dapat mengambil...

Posting Download 15 Aplikasi Katalog Film Gratis Terbaik untuk Windows ditampilkan lebih awal di DownloadSoftwareGratisan.com.

Sniper Path Of Vengeance Game Free Download

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Sniper Path Of Vengeance Game Free Download – Merupakan permainan perang yang berukuran kecil dan tentunya ringan sekali. Nah, pada game ini kalian akan berperan sebagai Dominick Trulion, dia adalah seorang pria yang cukup terkenal di kalangan Mob. Dalam game ini kalian harus bertahan hidup dari serangan musuh yang akan mengincar anda, kalian juga bisa bertahan […]

Posting Sniper Path Of Vengeance Game Free Download ditampilkan lebih awal di Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

Download 9 Aplikasi Pengelolaan Perpustakaan Gratis Terbaik

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Kali ini DSG memberikan rekomendasi aplikasi gratis terbaik untuk manajemen perpustakaan pada PC Windows. Dengan aplikasi gratis ini, Anda dapat melakukan pengelolaan perpustakaan dengan dukungan berbagai tools bawaan untuk mengelola daftar buku, anggota, menampilkan...

Posting Download 9 Aplikasi Pengelolaan Perpustakaan Gratis Terbaik ditampilkan lebih awal di DownloadSoftwareGratisan.com.

Let the BlizzCon 2017 Contest Registration Begin!

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The time has come to exhibit your masterful movies, astonishing art, carefully crafted costumes, and terrific talents for a chance at BlizzCon 2017 glory! Head over to our Contest pages to submit your entry and learn more about the epic prizes up for grabs this year. Cosplayers, one quick note to keep in mind: Earlier this year, we mentioned changes were coming to the Costume Contest. We’d like to announce that this will be the last year we follow a “first-come, first-served” format when it comes to signups, with pre-judging being implemented into the process. More details to come in the following months, but for now, let’s just focus on this year. Don’t delay! The deadline to submit your entry for each contest is August 31, 2017. BlizzCon 2017 Original Art Contest BlizzCon 2017 Movie Contest BlizzCon 2017 Costume Contest BlizzCon 2017 Talent Contest to enter. See the available music composition options. Any questions should be directed to BlizzConContest@Blizzard.com. Good luck!

Crisis on Umbara: Gameplay and Rewards

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Short description: 
Take a closer look at the newest Flashpoint, 'Crisis on Umbara'. Get ready to battle your way across a moving train, brave the wilds of a dark new world, and more!
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Fireside Gathering Features – Now Live!

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Fireside Gatherings are about to be bigger and better than ever, because they’re getting in-game support! We’re making it easier to find local gatherings and play games with fellow attendees: introducing new in-person Fireside Brawls! Read on to find out more about what’s in store for you at your next Fireside Gathering! Find a Fireside Gathering What’s a Fireside Gathering? Fireside Gatherings let you get together with friends old and new to play Hearthstone in public gathering spots. Whether it’s a local coffee shop, book store, or campus lounge – find your tavern and spread the word! By participating in a Fireside Gathering, you can unlock a special card back! You can learn more about how to unlock a card back here. Fireside Brawls Fireside Brawls are special Tavern Brawls that can only be played at Fireside Gatherings! Each month there will be a different Fireside Brawl to try. These special brawls run the whole month with no breaks, and they co-exist with the weekly Tavern Brawls. Many Fireside Brawls are designed with in-person gaming in mind, so they promise to be both unique and fun Hearthstone experiences with new friends. Others will be returning Tavern Brawl favorites with a Fireside twist! Head over to http://ift.tt/1QNdRRj to find out what the new Fireside Brawl is each month, and to get all the latest Fireside Gatherings news. At Your Fingertips When you attend a Tavern while a Fireside Gathering is under way, Hearthstone will know it! Not only will you see the Tavern sign and get access to Fireside Brawls, but all your fellow attendees will also appear on your Friends list too, so it’s fast and easy to find a new friend to face off against or partner up with. Don’t forget to enable location services on your mobile device when you attend a Fireside to take advantage of the new features! Support Your Local Tavern Fireside Gathering Innkeepers* who have hosted at least one Fireside Gathering with checked-in guests can now found a Tavern on the Fireside Gatherings website! There they can give their Tavern a unique name and design a Tavern sign that perfectly embodies the spirit of their communities! Taverns will persist between gatherings, so they need your attendance and support to grow! When you attend a Fireside Gathering at a Tavern, a sign will flip down in your Hearthstone client to let you know which Tavern you’re attending. It’s a cool way for every Fireside Gathering Tavern to have its very own identity and flavor. Decorate! Innkeepers, we’ve whipped up some materials that can download to add some pizzazz to your events; Quest logs give your guests goals to shoot for, round robin tournament sheets for those with a little friendly competition in mind, and even Fireside Gathering bingo anyone can play. Some of these sheets are blank, so you can add your own text to personalize them for your gathering! Innkeeper BillboardInnkeeper Billboard All-Purpose QuestsAll-Purpose Quests Blank Quest LogBlank Quest Log Round Robin: 4 PlayerRound Robin: 4 Player Round Robin: 5 PlayerRound Robin: 5 Player Blank Fireside BingoBlank Fireside Bingo Pre-formatted Bingo Cards Color 1 2 3 4 5 Pre-formatted Bingo Cards Monochrome 1 2 3 4 5 Thanks for joining us! We hope to see you in the Tavern soon! *Innkeepers must also have completed the “Win 3 Games” quest and qualify for the Hearthsteed achievement before submitting a Fireside Gathering application. /* Normal Lightbox */ .imgborder { -moz-border-radius:4px; -webkit-border-radius:4px; border-radius:4px; -moz-box-shadow:0 0 20px #000000; -webkit-box-shadow:0 0 20px #000000; box-shadow:0 0 20px #000000; border: 1px solid #372511; padding: 1px; } .imgborder, .imgborder:hover { border: 1px solid #CD9000; } /* Borderless PNGS */ .imgnoborder { -moz-border-radius: 0px; -webkit-border-radius: 0px; border-radius: 0px; -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 0px tranparent; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0px tranparent; box-shadow: 0 0 0px transparent; border: 0px solid transparent; padding: 0px; } .imgnoborder, .imgnoborder:hover { border: 0px solid transparent; } /* HearthstoneDividerFiligree */ #blog .detail hr.filigree { width:100%; height: 50px; background:url('http://ift.tt/1rNaS1j') center center no-repeat; border: none; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; } /* HearthstoneDividerWood */ #blog .detail hr.wood { width:100%; height: 50px; background:url('http://ift.tt/1rNaS1l') center center no-repeat; border: none; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; } /* HearthstoneDividerManaCrystals */ #blog .detail hr.mana { width:100%; height: 50px; background:url('http://ift.tt/WHe18s') center center no-repeat; border: none; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; } /* StandardDivider */ #blog .detail hr.standard { width:100%; height: 100px; background:url('http://ift.tt/2cptIJ8') center center no-repeat; border: none; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; }

Download 10+ Aplikasi Screen Sharing & Remote Access Gratis Terbaik

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Apa kamu termasuk orang yang sering dimintai tolong orang lain untuk memperbaiki komputernya? Atau barangkali, kamulah si orang lain tersebut. Bagaimanapun, melihat dan mengontrol layar secara remote dapat menghemat waktu dan salah paham di kedua belah...

Posting Download 10+ Aplikasi Screen Sharing & Remote Access Gratis Terbaik ditampilkan lebih awal di DownloadSoftwareGratisan.com.

Trading Scars – A Short Story on Umbara

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Learn more about one of the STAR WARS galaxy's most mysterious and deadly planets, the shadow-world of Umbara.
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Dead Inside PC Game Full Version Free Download

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Dead Inside PC Game Full Version Free Download – Merupakan permainan horror yang baru saja di rilis pada 1 April 2017. Bagaimana rasanya jika kalian hidup seorang diri? ditambah lagi banyak para zombie yang berkeliaran yang bisa memakan anda kapan saja. Permainan ini cukup menantang sekali, dimana kita harus bertahan hidup menahan kelaparan, kehausan serta kedinginan. […]

Posting Dead Inside PC Game Full Version Free Download ditampilkan lebih awal di Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

Download 7 Aplikasi Gratis Terbaik untuk Enkripsi Data pada USB

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Kalau urusan membawa data-data digital kemanapun kita pergi, atau mentransfer file-file antarkomputer, rasanya media penyimpanan yang paling populer masihlah USB flash drive atau flash disk. Flash disk banyak dipilih karena bisa diandalkan, tidak ribet,...

Posting Download 7 Aplikasi Gratis Terbaik untuk Enkripsi Data pada USB ditampilkan lebih awal di DownloadSoftwareGratisan.com.

Dark Souls Prepare to Die PC Game Free Download

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Dark Souls Prepare to Die PC Game Free Download – Saat pertama kali bermain kalian diharuskan untuk membuat karakter yang kita inginkan beserta dengan nama karakter.  Kalian akan bermain di ruangan bawah tanah yang begitu gelap dan menyeramkan serta ada beberapa tahanan yang sudah mati menjadi tengkorak. Selain itu banyak sekali beberapa monster yang cukup menyeramkan […]

Posting Dark Souls Prepare to Die PC Game Free Download ditampilkan lebih awal di Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

Cartel Market Specials: Week of August 15, 2017

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Get your hands on some Cartel Coins!
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Become the ultimate STAR WARS™ hero or villain with the Revan Reborn armor set, plus an elite trooper kit and battle Droid sidekick!
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4 Aplikasi Online Gratis Terbaik untuk Manajemen Kontrak

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Dulu banget, ketika di kantor, yang dirisaukan palingan ‘cuma’ meja yang berantakan penuh dokumen di sana sini. Sejak teknologi berkembang pesat, yang dirisaukan semakin banyak. Kabel-kabel di komputer semakin ruwet dan tidak enak dipandang....

Posting 4 Aplikasi Online Gratis Terbaik untuk Manajemen Kontrak ditampilkan lebih awal di DownloadSoftwareGratisan.com.

Blizzard Battle.net Update

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When we announced that we’d be transitioning away from the Battle.net name for our online-gaming service, we suspected that the shift would be challenging. We understood that Battle.net stood for something special—it represents years of shared history and enjoyment, community and friendship, for all of us and our players. Battle.net is the central nervous system for Blizzard games and the connective tissue that has brought Blizzard players together since 1996. The technology was never going away, but after giving the branding change further consideration and also hearing your feedback, we’re in agreement that the name should stay as well. Take it from the developer formerly known as Silicon & Synapse, and Chaos Studios, names are important too. Moving forward, to help offset some of the original concerns we listed back in September, we will be connecting “Blizzard” to “Battle.net” in our logo for the service and in general when we refer to it in print: Blizzard Battle.net. We appreciate your feedback and look forward to many more years of bringing players together online. Thanks, Blizzard Entertainment

Guts and Glory PC Game Free Download

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Guts and Glory PC Game Free Download – Permainan yang cukup seru dan kocak banget setelah saya nonton video di Youtube. Dalam permainan ini kita akan berperan sebagai ayah yang membonceng anaknya dengan menggunakan sepeda. Dalam misi permainan ini kita harus mencapai tempat yang di tuju dengan selamat, akan tetapi akan banyak rintangan yang harus kalian […]

Posting Guts and Glory PC Game Free Download ditampilkan lebih awal di Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

Download 9 Aplikasi Gratis Terbaik untuk Pengelolaan Usaha Tani

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Berikut adalah daftar aplikasi gratis untuk pengelolaan usaha pertanian yang dapat dijalankan pada PC Windows. Dengan aplikasi ini, Anda dapat mengelola pertanian dengan lebih mudah, tanpa mempelajari komputer dan hitung-hitungan yang rumit dalam waktu...

Posting Download 9 Aplikasi Gratis Terbaik untuk Pengelolaan Usaha Tani ditampilkan lebih awal di DownloadSoftwareGratisan.com.

Battle Stadium D.O.N PS2 ISO PC Download

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Battle Stadium D.O.N PS2 ISO PC Download – Permainan yang sangat menarik karena beberapa hero anime yang kuat dan terkenal ini sekarang di gabubgkan. D.O.N adalah singkatan dari Draginball, One Piece dan Narutonya, tentunya pertarungan semakin menarik jika semua hero-hero kuat dapat bertarung. Tentunya anda dapat bermain download game ini secara gratis dan gamenya pun […]

Posting Battle Stadium D.O.N PS2 ISO PC Download ditampilkan lebih awal di Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

Introducing: Tavern vs Tavern!

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With the release of the new Fireside Gatherings features—including persistent Taverns—players will have the opportunity to represent their communities in a new, exciting way: Tavern vs. Tavern! Ever wonder how your Fireside friends would stack up against another Tavern? Here is your chance to find out. Innkeepers across North America will have the opportunity to form teams and have their teams represent their Taverns in a tournament to test their skills and see who emerges on top. The event will take place in three stages: Round Robin, Playoffs, and a Grand Final. Round Robin On Saturday, Sept. 9. Innkeepers with participating teams will need to host and run an event that is expected to last five to six hours. Playoffs Taverns that advance to the playoffs will need to host a one-day Fireside Gathering on Saturday, Oct. 7. This event will also be expected to last five to six hours. Grand Final The Grand Final will be held at BlizzCon (Nov. 3 and 4). The top teams will compete following the conclusion of the first official Hearthstone Inn-Vitational. Check here for the official rules. More details on the BlizzCon Inn-Vitational are coming soon. In addition to being flown out to BlizzCon to compete, each player that qualifies to the Grand Final will receive an ASUS ROG Zephyrus GX501 gaming laptop! Blizzard will also sponsor an awesome viewing party for the HCT World Championship in early 2018 for the winning Tavern! Register Today! Innkeepers need to submit an application for their Fireside Gathering using the Tavern vs. Tavern Campaign at http://ift.tt/1QNdRRj. Events must be scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 9. The deadline for registrations is Aug. 31 at 11:59 p.m. PDT. All Fireside Gatherings must be open to the public and located in public venues Tavern vs. Tavern events must be free for players to participate Innkeepers must already have an established Tavern Innkeepers are not eligible to play on teams All participating players must be 13 years of age or older Start Times: Start times for all events in their respective time zones are listed below. Check in for participating teams will need to be 45 minutes before play begins. Hawaii – 8:00 a.m. Alaska – 10:00 a.m. Pacific & Arizona – 11:00 a.m. Mountain – noon Central – 1:00 p.m. Eastern – 2:00 p.m. In addition to submitting your event with the above campaign, Innkeepers will be contacted by HearthstoneAdmin@blizzard.com to register their teams. When your application is accepted, a confirmation will be sent, and your Fireside Gathering will be approved. Please add HearthstoneAdmin@blizzard.com to your safe senders list to ensure timely receipt of communications! Standby Teams If Innkeepers would like to register secondary standby teams, they are able to do so. Confirmations of standby teams will be sent by 5:00 p.m. PDT on Sept. 1.

Download 11 Aplikasi Gratis untuk Cetak Label pada PC

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Berikut merupakan daftar aplikasi gratis terbaik untuk mencetak label untuk membuat dan mencetak label-label keren tanpa biaya. Aplikasi-aplikasi pencetak label berikut ini tergolong sederhana dan mudah digunakan. Kamu akan diberi pilihan untuk menambahkan gambar, barcode, teks,...

Posting Download 11 Aplikasi Gratis untuk Cetak Label pada PC ditampilkan lebih awal di DownloadSoftwareGratisan.com.

Arise, Knights of the Frozen Throne!

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Knights of the Frozen Throne has arrived! Card packs can be purchased and opened now! Log in now to receive 3 free Knights of the Frozen Throne card packs*! The Knights of the Frozen Throne The Lich King’s entrepreneurial ventures in the mortal world are at an end, but you can now face him in Hearthstone! He’s brought all the terrifying power of the Scourge to the tavern, and each of Hearthstone’s nine classic heroes is poised to embrace the Lich King’s dark power to serve him as a Legendary Death Knight Hero card! In Knights of the Frozen Throne, it’s up to you to decide how to wield the awesome abilities at their command! Hero cards are an entirely new card type that are neither spell, minion, nor weapon. When played, each Death Knight Hero card replaces your hero, casts a Battlecry, dons some hefty armor, AND provides a potent new Hero Power. While each Hero manifests their power as a Death Knight in a different way, they all offer possibilities that can transform the way you play Hearthstone. To see all of the Death Knight heroes, visit the Knights of the Frozen Throne gallery. Missions The denizens of Icecrown Citadel have been hard at work preparing the fortress for your arrival! Knights of the Frozen Throne is our first expansion to include free Missions where you’ll encounter dread foes that will put your Hearthstone skills to the test. As Knights of the Frozen Throne commences, you’ll face the lord of Icecrown Citadel. Completing this Prologue mission will add a free random Legendary Death Knight Hero card to your collection! If you can manage to overcome the final Mission with all nine Heroes, you’ll also unlock a new Paladin Hero: Prince Arthas, the young Paladin who claimed the cursed runeblade Frostmourne and became the Lich King! Lifesteal Knights of the Frozen Throne’s new keyword, Lifesteal, expands on an ability already found on some cards and gives its own dedicated keyword. When a card with Lifesteal deals damage, your hero is healed for the same amount. Witness the power of the Scourge! Mammoth Power Each new Hearthstone Year is an exciting time that brings a fresh start in the form of a new Standard format! The launch of Knights of the Frozen Throne marks the second expansion released in the Year of the Mammoth! Read more about formats and the Year of the Mammoth. The power of the Lich King is there for the taking. Claim it and wield the unholy might of a Death Knight as one of the Knights of the Frozen Throne! *3 free Knights of the Frozen Throne packs are a one-time offer and available only for a limited time. Offer available until October 31, 2017.

Counter Strike Source PC Game Full Version Free Download

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Counter Strike Source PC Game Full Version Free Download – Saya yakin para gamers tentunya sudah mengenal game FPS satu ini. Apalagi sekarang di Steam yang paling banyak di mainkan itu CSGO (Counter Strike Global Edition), akan tetapi jika anda ingin bermain CSGO ini harus membelinya terlebih dahulu baru bisa memainkan gamenya. Nah sebelum kalian membeli […]

Posting Counter Strike Source PC Game Full Version Free Download ditampilkan lebih awal di Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

Cartel Market Specials: Week of August 8, 2017

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Get your hands on some Cartel Coins!

Defend the galaxy with Jedi-inspired battle armor, plus an iconic Republic speeder and light side weapon customization! Let’s take a closer look at what this week has to offer:

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Defend the galaxy with Jedi-inspired battle armor, plus an iconic Republic speeder and light side weapon customization!
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Icecrown Tours - Part 3

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In which the Lich King himself bears news for the hard-working denizens of the citadel.

Download 9 Aplikasi Pemindai Barcode Gratis Terbaik untuk Windows

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Barcode memiliki semacam “kode rahasia” yang digunakan untuk keperluan sehari-hari dalam berbagai bidang. Untuk menerjemahkan sandinya, kamu bisa menggunakan mesin pembaca barcode yang dapat memindai atau scan barcode dengan sangat cepat. Tapi, lain halnya...

Posting Download 9 Aplikasi Pemindai Barcode Gratis Terbaik untuk Windows ditampilkan lebih awal di DownloadSoftwareGratisan.com.

Hearthstone Update – August 8

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In this Hearthstone update we’re laying a path of frost for Knights of the Frozen Throne, Hearthstone’s newest expansion! We’re also making Arena rewards more consistent, changing Dreadsteed, and fixing several bugs. Read on for details! Knights of the Frozen Throne arrives on August 10! Witness as Hearthstone’s heroes embrace the Lich King’s power to become Death Knights in Hearthstone’s latest expansion: Knights of the Frozen Throne. Knights of the Frozen Throne introduces 135 all-new cards -- including a crypt-full of undead monstrosities, a new health-draining keyword in Lifesteal, and an all-new card type: Hero cards! Death Knight Hero cards – Each of Hearthstone’s nine Heroes can wield the chilling power of a Death Knight. Hero cards are an all-new card type, neither spell nor minion, that allow you to transform your existing hero into a new one, complete with a powerful Battlecry, armor, and a potent new hero power! Knights of the Frozen Throne introduces free single-player Missions. A new section of Missions unlocks each week until all the Missions are unlocked. The Prologue and The Lower Citadel are available with the launch of Knights of the Frozen Throne. Earn a free random Death Knight hero card just for facing the Lich King in the Prologue. Earn a Knights of the Frozen Throne card pack after completing each Mission section, for a total of 3. Defeat the final Mission with all nine classes to earn a new Paladin hero! New Paladin Hero: Prince Arthas Arena Rewards: Reduced variance of rewards in Arena. In particular, reward bags will no longer contain single, non-Golden Common cards. Arena Draft Change – The first two sets of cards in a draft are now more likely to include synergy-based cards. Added the following card backs: Blood Knight – Acquired from achieving Rank 20 in Ranked Play, August 2017. Frost Knight – Acquired from achieving Rank 20 in Ranked Play, September 2017. Call of the Light – Acquired from a special promotion. Call of the Void – Acquired from a special promotion. Card Change: Dreadsteed. Dreadsteed’s text now reads: Deathrattle: At the end of the turn, summon a Dreadsteed. Mistress of Pain and Wickerflame Burnbristle now use the Lifesteal keyword. Fandral Staghelm’s text has been updated to reflect that he will interact with powers as well: Your Choose One cards and powers have both effects combined. Changing your Hero will no longer 'refresh' your weapon swing. Auchenai Soulpriest and similar effects will only trigger once when combined with Lifesteal. Bug Fixes The deck recipe "replace missing cards" UI no longer closes after every card is selected. Devices with no Wifi capability will now correctly receive a no wifi error message during Fireside Gatherings. Adventure bosses now correctly respond to the 'Wow' emote. Several cards that interact with cards of a specific type now glow when those cards are on the board. Anub'ar Ambusher no longer shows a Poisonous Keyword on mouse-over.

Banzai Escape PC Game Free Download

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Banzai Escape PC Game Free Download – Permainan ini memiliki grafik yang sangat keren dan seperti anime. Nah biasanya game anime kebanyakan berbahasa jepang akan tetapi untuk memainkan game Banzai Escape ini kalian dapat menikmatinya dengan subtitle inggris. Disini kalian akan memerankan sebagai wanita yang cantik dengan memakai kostum layaknya FBI serta menggunakan senjata api. Sebelum […]

Posting Banzai Escape PC Game Free Download ditampilkan lebih awal di Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

Top Hearthstone Players - July 2017

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The final results for Hearthstone Ranked Standard, Wild, and Arena play in July are in! These players have employed top notch deck building skills, in-the-moment decision making, and unyielding dedication to achieve a most noteworthy feat! Pour a toast, pull up a chair, and join us in recognizing Hearthstone’s top Ranked Standard*, Wild, and Arena** players in the Americas region! Standard Wild Arena Rank Battletag 1 JáraVyskočil 2 Apxvoid 3 lambyseries 4 Satellite 5 ESOGloktaF2P 6 Lektron 7 Purple 8 aznpatrickh 9 b787 10 Viper 11 clear 12 Fishyyy 13 Kycoo 14 denker 15 NoName 16 Monsanto 17 Hawkeye 18 Kaps 19 Bunnyhoppor 20 撒旦降臨 21 Gallon 22 FroStee 23 J4YOU 24 SteveD 25 Frosty 26 ACCESSSS 27 Ender 28 VespaYedder 29 Zarathustra 30 DerpyTroller 31 CaraCute 32 Fibonacci 33 TmwKOxyd 34 yoitsflo 35 SirVILGAUDAS 36 PNC 37 Yinus 38 AlwaysLucky 39 Klei 40 Legend 41 タコ3 42 Ike 43 Neirea 44 gcttirth 45 Kenex 46 Anthony 47 Richwebz 48 Cantelope 49 babber1 50 anniuusivirt 51 Machamp 52 aqua 53 killinallday 54 Zalae 55 Alpha 56 IDontKnow 57 Astrogation 58 YAYtears 59 Stark 60 Gusonaj 61 Fluxinfleau 62 Lawliet 63 clownJP 64 Nalguidan 65 TankWheels 66 Nagato 67 Rpbalance 68 발레스트라 69 Ropecoach 70 VoCungTinhTe 71 JohnnyBlack 72 muzzy 73 Swidz 74 osuttyo 75 zlsjs 76 Rase 77 Odemian 78 ninelie 79 SnarkyGoblin 80 PowerAid 81 BuckNastyZB 82 Sintolol 83 TerrenceM 84 CrazyPants 85 GingaNinja 86 While 87 Janetzky 88 Baumgott 89 ntR 90 UchihaSaske 91 Soffy 92 lnguagehackr 93 mooingsheep 94 Kaiser 95 Ryuuzu 96 Quiros2211 97 Squid 98 justsaiyan 99 RalA 100 Zeddy 101 mattun 102 Bear 103 Ostkaka 104 Hearthstoner 105 Brewski 106 Talion 107 Akumaker 108 CosplayGrill 109 Sekien 110 停電 111 katsucurry 112 にんにく 113 innovator 114 Zalgo 115 mtk60 116 DiegoDias 117 toriton 118 seiger 119 ProfessorOak 120 erazure 121 Casie 122 Macheen 123 Cyrax 124 jambre 125 Blitz 126 bieberfever 127 Nicslay 128 Law 129 Ellisor 130 Waterloooooo 131 Ruby 132 heisnotaxel 133 ETC 134 rogerclee 135 blueblurr 136 Metallic 137 seohyun628 138 Nasti 139 Savvat1 140 baenugget 141 TypoVampire 142 Frayis 143 Teebs 144 SkiZm 145 eko 146 Ace 147 Houdinii 148 Applechips 149 Chakki 150 Hammerfeet 151 KingPhilip 152 Qwerty97 153 GsauC3 154 glory 155 casanova 156 Kamahl 157 Matll 158 Moosey 159 Cesky 160 mstrike 161 Th3RaT 162 anothersy 163 ChonHipz 164 nukesaku 165 AquaThief 166 Pinche 167 Disdai 168 Nbass 169 SilentStorm 170 Echn2 171 fingerout 172 Fenom 173 JASON 174 Geekaleek 175 Neeex 176 Karomizu 177 Bao 178 TheMarine 179 Tyler 180 Luker 181 bonja 182 Kogyochi 183 Naiman 184 NeverLucky 185 TheOneJack 186 wabeka 187 Thanatos 188 babyboggler 189 Snowy 190 StemJeffersn 191 Abaddon 192 ANGEL3 193 Novista 194 Moonbear 195 Frosty 196 Fr0zen 197 tianyi86 198 Deltron6062 199 GoldenPants 200 Hearthstoner Rank Battletag 1 awedragon 2 Weatherlight 3 SamAnthony 4 Hurryupidiot 5 Hazer 6 NAVIWilson 7 NoobSlayer 8 TitanX 9 Dean 10 GetMeowth 11 Malek 12 TreeBagger 13 MeknugetZz 14 AZSwim 15 cosmoz 16 Buckslayer88 17 Roffle 18 Spanish 19 Neptane 20 Fisty 21 BnetPlayer 22 Cesky 23 Hey 24 RopeAddict 25 Bananaramic 26 Yano 27 GoDLiKe 28 swagarella 29 Zeus 30 Elvensblade 31 luminescents 32 SuperTrips 33 mooingsheep 34 StrifeCro 35 Seviang 36 XCrouton 37 Kongrunyong 38 Zoo 39 maddogmatt 40 Bluemoon 41 Bobby 42 akara 43 Leon 44 ElectroSurge 45 RWUNumot 46 Dawidoff 47 Dennisback 48 ShadowPriest 49 Control 50 Nacho 51 Fyrx 52 Antigua 53 Tetsuro 54 cvzeezee 55 touge 56 SiAoGinNaZ 57 Se7enSinner 58 Scout 59 MMD 60 Servex 61 GoTurtles 62 ChoiX 63 DieInsect 64 CaptainApple 65 Jalexander 66 DeathShadow 67 SinyoR 68 nepiatto 69 BnetPlayer 70 Firenova 71 BAckstabb 72 Singleuse 73 DannyDonuts 74 JJJ 75 Leandro 76 oooasa 77 fs9bobby 78 docinfierno 79 sangrr1996 80 Trenith 81 Blank 82 ColdWater 83 Falcon 84 JustBurnRope 85 Cthulhu 86 WildEusebius 87 Vomitslushie 88 Dracula 89 marioisla 90 Viral 91 Schmoopie 92 JayPower 93 Kotonoha 94 soapyeLo 95 garubor 96 xler 97 Kesram 98 oO7x7Oo 99 RustSubligar 100 CavemanDan 101 Fowenox 102 JackSparrow 103 Lisa 104 Doug 105 MattC 106 DrHax 107 Deimos 108 JMonopoli 109 rasutoru3 110 juniorr250 111 Joolz 112 JSRD 113 MrCharley 114 RedEclipse 115 BANHvsWILD 116 Blacksteel 117 Dalne 118 xiaotengteng 119 will 120 Moutonfou 121 vbay03 122 Aceman022 123 Xx394xX 124 RyoKei 125 Life 126 mannny 127 Kalaloch 128 NoName 129 GolDRoger 130 spine 131 AlzoroPatron 132 WildRage 133 maturewoman 134 Zureco 135 Zedd 136 Abar 137 theoNe 138 GateKeeper 139 Aroma 140 JackinnSS 141 UMR 142 Con 143 ASmith 144 Martian 145 KnightRide12 146 KimiHaSpider 147 Louise 148 Sengal 149 JustinC 150 jin 151 jonah 152 BlurryFace 153 i33 154 PrismaIllya 155 Hug 156 AmiKlauF 157 Tribeman 158 BnetPlayer 159 Calexis 160 laucha 161 Warheart 162 HarryPotter 163 Wysv 164 hienvn 165 Aldous 166 j4ckfr0st 167 TerranDan 168 Brouck 169 Babaduk 170 Exo 171 RobotWorgen 172 ScarletTears 173 ShiangChen 174 Mando314 175 Jonahrah 176 AleMaster 177 Kacerlotte 178 sanimfe 179 newmariostar 180 PiReZ 181 Halleluj 182 Male 183 Raz 184 Hiro 185 DRYOYO 186 ceros 187 WolfSpeak 188 Bro 189 Quirino2ON 190 Kefka 191 eramthgin 192 RubberDucky 193 HansleyMonte 194 Cynosure 195 SirFunchalot 196 Jonasjw 197 REFRESHMENTS 198 Xuroz 199 Yehster 200 SkemzyMcPlot Rank Battletag Average Wins 1 Merps 9.23 2 ArenaST 9.10 3 Dennis848 8.97 4 Blacksugar 8.93 5 Reickl 8.83 6 Emanon 8.83 7 Celeritas 8.83 8 m0rph1ing 8.77 9 Sushiehoang 8.73 10 Hafu 8.60 11 Matll 8.60 12 Nevermo 8.57 13 AngelOfDeath 8.57 14 yuuresu 8.57 15 MushroomGas 8.53 16 Squill 8.53 17 dreads 8.50 18 durr 8.47 19 Volcan 8.43 20 Icarox 8.43 21 Zakka 8.43 22 WJSProwler 8.43 23 chaoaoao 8.43 24 amam 8.40 25 WildSheep 8.37 26 Ownerism 8.37 27 paperroller 8.33 28 Cheerous 8.33 29 Cesky 8.33 30 Jspana 8.33 31 Hizashi 8.30 32 Near 8.30 33 Zeddy 8.27 34 twlevewins 8.23 35 Amdir 8.23 36 Sagita 8.20 37 kbam 8.20 38 Horo 8.17 39 dagonjugg 8.17 40 JamesZ 8.13 41 sundrew 8.13 42 Avista 8.13 43 Kripparrian 8.13 44 Water 8.10 45 mifundi 8.10 46 PrinceFancy 8.07 47 Fearfactory 8.07 48 InvincibleXI 8.07 49 dasuntier 8.07 50 icefire 8.07 51 Taihyo 8.03 52 lin 8.03 53 BnetPlayer 8.03 54 Xibigbig 8.00 55 metallic 8.00 56 trongtai 8.00 57 Arkham 8.00 58 VTFP666 8.00 59 Yougonnalose 8.00 60 Maies 7.97 61 BrianWong 7.97 62 Masterluke 7.97 63 schmeric 7.97 64 Eatmydog 7.97 65 LuckyTiger 7.97 66 OhGodStop 7.97 67 Dimli 7.97 68 Rrrubick 7.93 69 Hambo 7.93 70 BruceLeet 7.93 71 KellenAbel 7.90 72 GoodGame 7.90 73 vendo 7.90 74 Ksapa 7.90 75 blackmamba13 7.90 76 Zsa 7.90 77 spritecan 7.87 78 callsteadt17 7.87 79 Genesis 7.87 80 drstein 7.87 81 Livintrust 7.87 82 Rioht 7.87 83 Taunka 7.83 84 YourHarry 7.83 85 MiXerr 7.83 86 thatdude 7.83 87 Смертомышь 7.83 88 Reuzer 7.80 89 Mañjuśrī 7.80 90 BiffalloBuff 7.80 91 lnrael 7.80 92 Hearthledger 7.80 93 Toorop 7.80 94 Areth 7.80 95 PunkSnotDead 7.80 96 Alfaz 7.80 97 blah1 7.80 98 Wilson 7.77 99 iltiratore 7.77 100 MeowLensOrz 7.77 101 LeFour 7.77 102 Vung 7.77 103 HatsuneMiku 7.77 104 Hammerdal 7.77 105 IDontKnow 7.77 106 KoheiTime 7.77 107 Helios 7.77 108 S1T0 7.73 109 juandomingo 7.73 110 Kalash 7.73 111 jakesdabest 7.73 112 Justin 7.73 113 MeowGangZai 7.73 114 Fenix 7.73 115 Serpico 7.73 116 z4BHI 7.73 117 SakuraMirage 7.73 118 ryshoe 7.73 119 Wark 7.70 120 Xterminator 7.70 121 Thompson 7.70 122 Tachii 7.70 123 GhostDog 7.70 124 Loverockets 7.70 125 Flakes 7.67 126 Chirolita 7.67 127 GiveMeBoar 7.67 128 haoqi 7.67 129 GoldenDragon 7.67 130 Comber 7.67 131 Phleetwood 7.67 132 Alucard 7.67 133 Hinokakera 7.67 134 nchin122 7.67 135 Zamos 7.67 136 Undyne 7.67 137 Pseudonymous 7.67 138 Virgosity 7.67 139 Boss 7.63 140 微笑老蕭 7.63 141 Colo1900 7.63 142 MFdust 7.63 143 MegaDragonz 7.63 144 ShiangChen 7.63 145 TakiMarvadao 7.63 146 臭臭地精 7.63 147 Cosmin 7.63 148 CoinKraken 7.63 149 LovelyUmisan 7.63 150 NinjaSniPAH 7.63 *Players in the top Ranked Standard list have each earned points toward the 2017 Hearthstone Championship Tour. **These are last month’s best performing Arena players based on their best wins per run in 30 consecutive runs. /* Normal Lightbox */ .imgborder { -moz-border-radius:4px; -webkit-border-radius:4px; border-radius:4px; -moz-box-shadow:0 0 20px #000000; -webkit-box-shadow:0 0 20px #000000; box-shadow:0 0 20px #000000; border: 1px solid #372511; padding: 1px; } .imgborder, .imgborder:hover { border: 1px solid #CD9000; } /* Borderless PNGS */ .imgnoborder { -moz-border-radius: 0px; -webkit-border-radius: 0px; border-radius: 0px; -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 0px tranparent; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0px tranparent; box-shadow: 0 0 0px transparent; border: 0px solid transparent; padding: 0px; } .imgnoborder, .imgnoborder:hover { border: 0px solid transparent; } /* HearthstoneDividerFiligree */ #blog .detail hr.filigree { width:100%; height: 50px; background:url('http://ift.tt/1rNaS1j') center center no-repeat; border: none; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; } /* HearthstoneDividerWood */ #blog .detail hr.wood { width:100%; height: 50px; background:url('http://ift.tt/1rNaS1l') center center no-repeat; border: none; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; } /* HearthstoneDividerManaCrystals */ #blog .detail hr.mana { width:100%; height: 50px; background:url('http://ift.tt/WHe18s') center center no-repeat; border: none; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; } /* StandardDivider */ #blog .detail hr.standard { width:100%; height: 100px; background:url('http://ift.tt/2cptIJ8') center center no-repeat; border: none; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; }

Banished PC Game Full Version Free Download

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Banished PC Game Full Version Free Download – Merupakan permainan yang sangat menarik yang harus kalian coba. Awal cerita permainan ini ada warga masyarakat yang terbuang dari kampung halamanya, nah kalian harus mengurus warga tersebut untuk tumbuh di kota kita serta dapat memperbaiki kebutuhan ekonomi. Maka dari itu kita diharuskan untuk membangun kota sebaik mungkin agar […]

Posting Banished PC Game Full Version Free Download ditampilkan lebih awal di Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

Download 7 Aplikasi Monitoring Karyawan Gratis Terbaik untuk Windows

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Aplikasi monitoring karyawan adalah sebuah aplikasi yang membantu penggunanya mengawasi aktivitas karyawan ketika sedang tidak ada yang mengawasi secara langsung. Aplikasi jenis ini dapat membuat bisnis menjadi lebih baik, seperti: meningkatkan produktivitas bisnis dengan...

Posting Download 7 Aplikasi Monitoring Karyawan Gratis Terbaik untuk Windows ditampilkan lebih awal di DownloadSoftwareGratisan.com.

Hearthside Chat with Matt Place: Death Knight Hero Cards

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Join Hearthstone’s Senior Designer Matt Place as he demonstrates the fearsome powers of the all new Death Knight Hero Cards that are coming to Hearthstone in the Knights of the Frozen Throne expansion. He’ll also reveal what happens when an Archdruid embraces pestilence, and Azeroth’s greatest Paladin falls from the Light. Let us know what you think about Uther of the Ebon Blade and Malfurion the Pestilent in the comments below! Get the latest Knights of the Frozen Throne news on Twitter and Facebook. Visit TheFrozenThrone.com to learn more about Hearthstone’s upcoming expansion and find out how to Pre-Purchase.

Host a Knights of the Frozen Throne Release Party!

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Hearthstone’s latest expansion, Knights of the Frozen Throne, will be released in August! This will be a perfect time to “chill out” at your local Fireside Gathering and celebrate with a Knights of the Frozen Throne release party! Heed the call to Northrend, Innkeepers. Host your very own Knights of the Frozen Throne release party, and become eligible to receive a support kit to use at your next Fireside Gathering. Fireside Gathering support kits are full of awesome Hearthstone loot to share with patrons of your Tavern. You can schedule your Knights of the Frozen Throne release party anytime between August 12th and September 3rd, but in order to be eligible to receive the support kit, please be sure to register before August 25th. Become an Innkeeper It’s easy! Simply head over to the Fireside Gatherings website and submit your event details. We’ll review your information and let you know once it’s approved. Please note the following requirements: You must be 18 years of age or older. Your Fireside Gathering must be open to the public (i.e., café, restaurant, bar, meeting hall, etc.). Your event will need to be scheduled at FiresideGatherings.com. Your event must be scheduled at least 1 week in advance to be eligible to receive a support kit. Personalize Your Fireside Gathering After you’ve hosted your first Fireside Gathering, you will be able to found your very own Tavern at FiresideGatherings.com. Give your local community gatherings a unique name and construct your own custom tavern sign. Attend a Fireside Gathering It’s now easier than ever to find a Fireside Gathering near you! Just click the lantern icon in your Hearthstone friends list, or check http://ift.tt/1QNdRRj to find events near you. Fireside Brawls Are Hot! Fireside Brawls are special Tavern Brawls that are only available at Fireside Gatherings. These brawls last for a month with no breaks, and exist alongside the weekly Tavern Brawl. Keep an eye out for the latest Fireside Brawls to be announced on FiresideGatherings.com so you can plan future Fireside Gathering events.

The Lich King at Blizzard – Part 2

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Greetings Mortals. It is I, the Lich King. The time has come for you to bear witness as my brilliant stratagem fully unfolds. The accursed developers, their support teams, and that guy with the coffee . . . ALL will yield before the Lord of the Scourge! They will come to understand that no one orders ME around. In the final hour, all must serve the one . . . true . . . king.

Download 25 Aplikasi Kalender Gratis Terbaik untuk PC

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Kali ini DSG akan memberikan daftar 25 aplikasi kalender gratis terbaik yang bisa didownload tentunya. Aplikasi kalender dapat membantu jadwal harian, mingguan, dan bulanan lebih teratur. Entah itu jadwal kerja profesional, jadwal pribadi, pertemuan, hingga event...

Posting Download 25 Aplikasi Kalender Gratis Terbaik untuk PC ditampilkan lebih awal di DownloadSoftwareGratisan.com.

Card Reveals & Gameplay Livestream - Knights of the Frozen Throne

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Power alone is not to be feared. Fear instead, those who wield it! Join our mighty heroes, Game Director Ben Brode and Brian "bmkibler" Kibler, on Aug 7 at 11 a.m. PDT as we continue into Icecrown Citadel for the final gameplay livestream. Discover what dark powers and icy new cards await in Knights of the Frozen Throne . . . including the remaining Death Knight Hero Cards! If you are ready to charge into Icecrown Citadel, join our fearless heroes on both Twitch and Facebook Live! Twitch Facebook Looking for a broadcast in your language? Check out the official language rebroadcasts. Language Name Link IT Spaziogames.it http://ift.tt/29DbF61 PL BlackFireIce http://ift.tt/29JxA7e PL MKRR http://ift.tt/1Z8EmXF CZ CzechCloud http://ift.tt/29JxBIf RU Starladder http://ift.tt/1Z8EmXI FR GamersOrigin http://ift.tt/1QMI6Zu FR ArmaTeam http://ift.tt/2iUgvzi ES Evangelion http://ift.tt/2lI9l3p ES AKAwonder http://ift.tt/2bTX1Ie PT Ness http://ift.tt/2fpROtl KO Inven http://ift.tt/1XMkNmN Can’t make it? Don’t worry – we will be posting the full video on the PlayHearthstone YouTube channel after the stream has completed. Visit TheFrozenThrone.com to learn more about Knights of the Frozen Throne and find out how to Pre-Purchase a 50 pack bundle and receive the chilling Frostmourne card back. Keep up with all the bone-chilling news regarding the Knights of the Frozen Throne on Twitter and Facebook. We’ll see you there! /* Normal Lightbox */ .imgborder { -moz-border-radius:4px; -webkit-border-radius:4px; border-radius:4px; -moz-box-shadow:0 0 20px #000000; -webkit-box-shadow:0 0 20px #000000; box-shadow:0 0 20px #000000; border: 1px solid #372511; padding: 1px; } .imgborder:hover { border: 1px solid #CD9000; } /* Borderless PNGS */ .imgnoborder { -moz-border-radius: 0px; -webkit-border-radius: 0px; border-radius: 0px; -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 0px tranparent; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 0px tranparent; box-shadow: 0 0 0px transparent; border: 0px solid transparent; padding: 0px; } .imgnoborder, .imgnoborder:hover { border: 0px solid transparent; } /* HearthstoneDividerFiligree */ #blog .detail hr.filigree { width:100%; height: 50px; background:url('http://ift.tt/1rNaS1j') center center no-repeat; border: none; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; } /* HearthstoneDividerWood */ #blog .detail hr.wood { width:100%; height: 50px; background:url('http://ift.tt/1rNaS1l') center center no-repeat; border: none; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; } /* HearthstoneDividerManaCrystals */ #blog .detail hr.mana { width:100%; height: 50px; background:url('http://ift.tt/WHe18s') center center no-repeat; border: none; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; } /* StandardDivider */ #blog .detail hr.standard { width:100%; height: 100px; background:url('http://ift.tt/2cptIJ8') center center no-repeat; border: none; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; }

Season 8 PvP Rewards Blog

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PvPers, Season 8 is slated to end on August 22nd with the launch of Game Update 5.4. Before we get to the end of the season, let’s show you the rewards and what rating you need to be to earn them.

Bronze Tier (Rating 1250-1499)

  • Bronze Season 8 Battle Flag
  • Bronze Season 8 Frame Decoration
  • 15,000 Season 8 Tokens
  • Bronze Season 8 Character Portrait Flair
  • Bronze Season 8 Title – “Hot [Character Name]”
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The end of Season 8 is almost upon us! Learn about the rewards you can earn for competing in Ranked Warzone Arenas.
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Join the Knights of the Frozen Throne on August 10

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Only the bravest heroes dare venture to the freezing reaches of the evil Lich King’s forbidding fortress, Icecrown Citadel. The most skilled might even overcome his terrifying undead minions. But when faced with the unholy fury of the Lich King himself, what happens when the heroes fall from the light? What will they do with the immense and terrible power the Lich King offers? Soon it will be time to find out! Rise and harness the dread powers of a Death Knight for yourself when Knights of the Frozen Throne arrives on August 10! Pre-Purchase Knights of the Frozen Throne The Lich King might be immortal, but this bargain is not! Fortunately, a little time yet remains to pre-purchase 50 Knights of the Frozen Throne card packs for $49.99 USD. Pre-purchase now, and you’ll also unsheathe the chilling Frostmourne card back for your collection. Click Here for AUD Pricing Pre-Purchase Now You will receive the Frostmourne card back and your packs as soon as your purchase is processed, and you can break the seal on your card packs once Knights of the Frozen Throne arrives. Frost Festival The coolest party of the year is still in full swing, so don’t miss it! Complete a special Arena quest each week to be rewarded with a Knights of the Frozen Throne card pack that you can open once Knights of the Frozen Throne arrives. Northrend awaits! We’ll see you in the icy depths of Icecrown Citadel on August 10.

The Lich King at Blizzard – Part 1

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Greetings, Mortals. It is I, the Lich King. If you have been paying attention, you have no doubt witnessed my utter mastery of countless mortal enterprises. I have now taken my first steps toward true dominion in your world: a “job” at Blizzard Entertainment. As you can see, everything is going extremely well. Soon I will sear my frozen mark upon this, MY Hearthstone expansion.

Men of War Assault Squad 2 Complete Edition PC Download

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Download Game Perang Men of War Assault Squad 2 Complete Edition PC Download adalah Permainan yang mengambil cerita dari Perang Dunia Kedua. Game ini lanjutan dari seri sebelumnya yaitu Men of War 2011 : Assault Squad. Permainan ini tentunya mempunyai gameplay dan grafis yang bagus, sebelum kalian download game pc ini pastikan spesifikasi laptop atau PC kalian […]

Posting Men of War Assault Squad 2 Complete Edition PC Download ditampilkan lebih awal di Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

The Star Wars: The Old Republic Community Cantina is Headed to New York!

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Short description: 
We’re happy to announce that the next Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Cantina will be happening on Friday, October 6th 2017!
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Alpha Prime PC Game Free Download

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Alpha Prime PC Game Free Download – Admin bagikan lagi permainan ringan yang bisa kalian mainkan secara gratis dan tentunya full version. Game FPS Shooting dan Action ini dikembangkan oleh Black Element pada 7 november 2017. Meskipun game ini sudah lawas banget akan tetapi alur ceritanya cukup menarik dan spesifikasi yang di butuhkan pun sangat ringan, […]

Posting Alpha Prime PC Game Free Download ditampilkan lebih awal di Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

Download 10 Aplikasi Penjadwal Tugas Gratis Terbaik untuk Windows

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Berikut merupakan daftar 10 aplikasi gratis terbaik untuk penjadwalan tugas-tugas / kegiatan atau yang lebih beken dengan sebutan task. Seluruh aplikasi penjadwal task tentunya akan membantu penggunanya mempermudah melakukan penjadwalan. Tenang, semuanya bisa di-download secara gratis...

Posting Download 10 Aplikasi Penjadwal Tugas Gratis Terbaik untuk Windows ditampilkan lebih awal di DownloadSoftwareGratisan.com.

Join us for the 2017 HCT Summer Season!

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The third season of the 2017 Hearthstone Championship Tour (HCT) is here! The top 64 point earners from every region will be joined by the top eight players in their respective Tavern Hero Tournaments over three consecutive weekends in September. Competitors are duking it out from their local taverns for their share of the $25,000 USD prize pools and one of the four spots per region in the upcoming Summer Championship. Read on for the complete details of the Summer season, including deck list submission deadlines, competition dates, and more! Format HCT Summer will utilize the Conquest format with a single ban for best-of-five matches in all events. Tavern Hero is unchanged from the Spring season. Deck lists do not need to be submitted in advance for the Tavern Hero Tournament, but are due as follows: Europe deck list deadline: Tuesday, August 29 at 9:00 a.m. CEST Asia-Pacific deck list deadline: Tuesday, September 5 at 9:00 a.m. KST Americas deck list deadline: Tuesday, September 12 at 9:00 a.m. PDT Summer Championship deck list deadline: Tuesday, October 3 at 9:00 a.m. PDT Regional Playoffs will again use seven rounds of Swiss play to seed the top eight players in a single elimination bracket, with players being automatically eliminated from Swiss rounds after three losses. The top four players from each region’s Playoffs will be invited to the Summer Championship, which will have four dual tournament four-player groups and a single elimination top eight bracket. Venue Locations Europe Asia-Pacific Americas Locations Venue Vienna, Austria Respawn eSports Bar Brussels, Belgium Meltdown Brussels Sofia, Bulgaria PLAYGROUND The Mall Czech Republic, Prague Kavárna Maják Copenhagen, Denmark Aalborg University Copenhagen Paris, France Meltdown Paris Cologne, Germany Meltdown Cologne Thessaloniki, Greece Inspot Rotontas Budapest, Hungary Barcraft 2 Esport Bár Tel Aviv, Israel Hype Gaming Lounge Rome, Italy RedStar Gaming Area Vilnius, Lithuania Anticafe Time Area Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands Theater Castellum Oslo, Norway Egon Karl Johan Krakow, Poland Hex Cafe Lisbon, Portugal 1UP Gaming Lounge Bucharest, Romania Nexus Gamers Pub Moscow, Russia FirePlace Novosibirsk, Russia Cybersport arena TEKKEN St. Petersburg, Russia O'Deer Johannesburg, South Africa The Nexus Madrid, Spain Meltdown Madrid Stockholm, Sweden Webhallen Fridhemsplan Zurich, Switzerland Löwen Istanbul, Turkey Goblin FRP & Oyun Cafe Leicester, UK ESL Studio UK Kiev, Ukraine CyberSport Arena Locations Venue Auckland, New Zealand Megaweb Sydney, Australia The Nerd Cave Melbourne, Australia Zen Gaming Lounge Seoul, South Korea GameinUS PC Bang Taipei, Taiwan Blizzard Estadium Japan TBD Thailand TBD Singapore TBD Locations Venue Austin, Texas Nerdstock Gaming Center Atlanta, Georgia Battle & Brew Boston, Massachusetts The GamePad Mission Viejo, California Howie's Game Shack Kansas City, Missouri SoPro Gaming Salt Lake City, Utah University of Utah Entertainment Arts and Engineering Master Game Studio Quebec City, QC, Canada Meltdown Bar Vancouver, BC Canada Spacekraft by Cmpny Cartago, Costa Rica AFK Gaming Center Cali, Colombia TBD Quito, Ecuador El Baúl del Enano Santiago, Chile Nacion Cyber Buenos Aires, Argentina LocalStrike Showroom Sao Paulo, Brazil TBD Brasilia, Brazil Ultimate Arena Lima, Peru TBD Zapopan, Mexico Esports Latin America * locations and venues subject to change Tournament Schedule Unable to join in on the action at one of the taverns? Fear not! The Playoffs will be broadcast live on the official Hearthstone Twitch channel in English. Europe Saturday, September 2 – 1:00 a.m. PDT Sunday, September 3 – 1:00 a.m. PDT Asia-Pacific Friday, September 8 – 7:00 p.m. PDT Saturday, September 9 – 7:00 p.m. PDT Americas Saturday, September 16 – 8:00 a.m. PDT Sunday, September 17 – 9:00 a.m. PDT HCT Summer Championship Friday, October 13 Saturday, October 14 Sunday, October 15 Calling all the action will be the usual suspects – your HCT casting crew! Dan ‘Frodan’ Chou Brian Kibler Simon ‘Sottle’ Welch Alexander ‘Raven’ Baguley TJ ‘Azumo’ Sanders Nathan ‘ThatsAdmirable’ Zamora Attendee Rewards In addition to showing the Americas Summer Playoffs on September 16 and 17, taverns will also have side events for attendees – meaning loot and prizes will be available! Be sure to join us in person if you can. If you visit any of the taverns during the event, you’ll be able to add the Power Core card back to your Hearthstone collection. Who are you cheering for to advance to the Summer Championship? Will you be joining us live from a local tavern? Let us know in the comments!

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Posting 18 Aplikasi Online Manajemen Properti Gratis Terbaik ditampilkan lebih awal di DownloadSoftwareGratisan.com.

Wild Sets and Card Pack Changes Now Live

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In our previous blog, we mentioned that we wanted to improve your card pack opening experience by removing the possibility of opening a duplicate Legendary until you own all Legendary cards of a given set. We also touched on the other card pack improvement of never being able to open more than two copies of a single card in a single pack. Both changes were slated to go live with the official launch of Knights of the Frozen Throne in August. We have some good news! All card pack changes that were mentioned in this blog are NOW LIVE! We decided to have this feature go live as soon as possible so you could continue to flesh out your collection before Knights of the Frozen Throne goes live. Return to the Wild! Wild sets are once again available to purchase in the Blizzard shop! Click the link below to see the Expansions and Adventures that are now a part of Wild. Go to Blizzard Shop Unsure about the differences between Wild and Standard Hearthstone sets? Check out our A Year of Mammoth Proportions blog for what you need to know about the 2017 Hearthstone Year and the sets available for play. Share your craziest Wild experiences and Legendary card openings in the comments below!

Cartel Market Specials: Week of August 1, 2017

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Get your hands on some Cartel Coins!

Unleash the Dark Side of the Force with a Sith-themed gear bundle, plus a legendary battle mask and weapon customization! Let’s take a closer look at what this week has to offer:

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Unleash the Dark Side of the Force with a Sith-themed gear bundle, plus a legendary battle mask and weapon customization!
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Titanfall 2 PC Game Full Version Free Download

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Titanfall 2 PC Game Full Version Free Download – Merupakan permainan yang bergenre Action dan Shooting yang sangat populer sekali. Permainan ini memiliki Gameplay yang enak sekali untuk di kontrol, belum lagi cerita dari game ini cukup menarik di tambah Grafisnya yang super realistis. Alam di sekitar anda, suara tembakan, pergerakan serta beberapa efek lainya akan […]

Posting Titanfall 2 PC Game Full Version Free Download ditampilkan lebih awal di Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

Download 20 Aplikasi Monitoring & Analisis Jaringan untuk Sysadmin

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Sistem administrator cenderung menyukai aplikasi gratisan (siapa yang tidak?) untuk membantu pekerjaan mereka. Berikut ini adalah 20 aplikasi gratis terbaik untuk monitoring perangkat, layanan, ports, atau protokol dan menganalisis traffic dalam jaringan. Mungkin kamu sudah pernah dengar nama aplikasi-aplikasi...

Posting Download 20 Aplikasi Monitoring & Analisis Jaringan untuk Sysadmin ditampilkan lebih awal di DownloadSoftwareGratisan.com.

August 2017 Ranked Play Season – Blood Knight Bash!

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The August Ranked Play Season is now live—and we’re unveiling a new card back you can add to your collection! Blood Death Knights manipulate and corrupt life energy in a furious, sanguinary onslaught! Embrace the power of the Lich King and add the Blood Knight card back to your collection by playing Hearthstone during the month of August. These card backs replace the art decorating the reverse side of your cards and are a great way to show off your Hearthstone accomplishments. Add the Blood Knight card back to your collection by hitting Rank 20 in either Standard or Wild Ranked Play modes. You’ll receive the Blood Knight card back at the end of August’s Ranked Play Season in your Ranked Play reward chest. You earn Ranked Play reward chests based on your highest earned rank over the course of a Ranked Play season. Reward chests may contain seasonal card backs, Arcane Dust, and golden cards, and can be obtained by playing in either Standard or Wild Ranked Play modes. You’ll be awarded one chest per Ranked Play season based on your highest rank between the two modes. Don’t forget—the further you move up the Ranked Play ladder, the more bonus stars you’ll receive next season. In Ranked Play, you’ll receive bonus stars based on your performance from the previous season—one bonus star per rank you attained. Please note that even if bonus stars from the previous season get you directly to Rank 20 or above, you still have to log in at least once each Ranked Season to qualify for the card back reward. Go for the throat in August’s Ranked Play Season, Blood Knight Bash!