Last month, after the official debut of the 50 initial teams competing in Pro Team Standings, we had a chance to get to know the players representing Red Reserve. As the competition heats up with Season 3 of the Hearthstone Championship Tour (HCT) around the corner, it’s time to learn about another team fighting for the point throne: Intrepid Fox. The Fox Army Intrepid Fox sports a roster of three talented European players: Kostas “Thowlmenos” Sakellaridis, Fotis “Fibeli3” Raptis, and Dawid “Dawido” Florczyk. Hailing from Greece and Poland, these three make up Intrepid Fox’s competitive roster, but they’re also joined by their manager Dimitris “Dethelor” Theodoropoulos. Presenting our Hearthstone squad, with some of the finest Greek players as well as @dawidohs - the Anchor of Team in #HGG. He will be joined with the deadly duo of @tholwmenosHS & @FibEli3 as well as meme overlord @ImisslethalHS and content creator @therpeon.#foxarmy — Intrepid Fox (@intrepidfoxgg) May 19, 2018 “I’ve been competing since late 2015,” says Thowlmenos. His focus has always been being competitive on the Hearthstone ladder, and he participated in the very first European playoffs—and has made a total of five of them. He also boasted an impressive top 100 Legend ladder finish in every HCT point-earning monthly ladder season in 2017! He’s known for his love of aggressive decks like Pirate Warrior and Murloc Paladin. “I think most people know me as a passionate aggro player,” he says. Dawido is the Polish constituent of the team. “I started [playing Hearthstone] when a friend showed me, but I got motivated to compete seeing Firebat win the first world championship,” he says. He also fancies himself an aggro player, preferring to be the proactive one asking questions in a match. “I saw an opportunity with so many great free agents,” Dethelor says of the team’s formation. Each of the team members is individually motivated to succeed—Thowlmenos, for example, laughs and says, “Optimal is winning the world championship!” He adds that they believe they can be successful in Pro Team Standings: “If we play well, we can secure a top 10, maybe even top five.” He adds that he really does hope at least one member of Intrepid Fox makes it to a seasonal championship in 2018. Stiff Competition It could be easier to win the world championship than to top Pro Team Standings. Dethelor The team works, Dethelor says, because they complement each other. “It helps having good players to talk to,” Thowlmenos says. Dawido chimes in, “It’s having people on your level to help with perspective." Thowlmenos also thinks the sense of unity they share as a team is good not only for each other, but for Hearthstone competition generally. Our boys @tholwmenosHS @FibEli3 and @dawidohs are officially going to compete in the @HSesports team standings! You can find all the teams taking part here: #HCT — Intrepid Fox (@intrepidfoxgg) May 31, 2018 Asked if they have any rivals, everyone jumps to mention Fade2Karma. “The top teams are probably F2K, Tempo Storm, Genji Blue, and Nordavind,” Dawido says. “We have to focus on top ladder finishes,” Thowlmenos explains. The guys all agree that their primary focus is on the close competition between them and other teams they are in close contention with, like Planet Odd and SK Gaming. “Getting to the top five would mean extra exposure,” Dethelor says. In closing, the team highlights the importance of their heritage. “Kostas has one of the biggest Greek Hearthstone streams,” Dethelor says. They refer lovingly to his subscribers as the “300 Spartans," and say he has a very strong community around him. They also speak highly of the Hearthstone Global Games (HGG), since it opens the door to them for lots of cool opportunities. The Long Haul My journey isn’t over. I’m getting better every day. Dawido A big thank you to everyone at Intrepid Fox for sharing their stories! With their success so far, look for these guys to make a big impact as the end of Season 2 rolls around. Which teams are you cheering for in Pro Team Standings? Who would you like to see interviewed next? Let us know in the comments!
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