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Now on PTS: The Spirit of Vengeance Flashpoint, Login Rewards, and Emote Window!
In the upcoming Game Update 6.2 - Echoes of Vengeance - we’re introducing the new Spirit of Vengeance Flashpoint, Login Rewards and Emote Window! Players can jump and test this new Flashpoint, this new rewards system, and the Emote Window by logging into the Public Test Server now. The Flashpoint’s story will not be available, only the gameplay can be tested.
The Spirit of Vengeance Flashpoint

The Community Content Creators of SWTOR - Meet PeterTheSelkath
Our community highlight series is back! This series of articles shines a light on members of our Content Creator program, the people who create walkthroughs, videos, guides and provide entertainment for fans of Star Wars: The Old Republic. We sat down with YouTuber and Twitch streamer PeterTheSelkath to talk about the many years he’s been creating SWTOR related content and how he’s gone from creating guide videos to livestreaming Operation runs with members of his community.

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Behind the Scenes of the Feast of Prosperity
Events are a cornerstone of repeatable content for Star Wars: The Old Republic. Recurring events, like Rakghoul Resurgence and the All Worlds Ultimate Swoop Rally, happen every few months, while Seasonal events only happen once a year.

SWTOR In-Game Events for November
Feast of Prosperity
Date: October 20th - November 10th, 2020 (BEGINS AND ENDS AT 10:00AM PST/6:00PM GMT)
Requirement: Level 20+
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Cara Mengetahui Jika Kamu Telah Diblokir di WhatsApp
Cartel Market Additions: Game Update 6.1.4

Game Update 6.1.4 is Live!
Game Update 6.1.4 is now live! Included in this update is our new seasonal event, the Feast of Prosperity. During the Feast, players will experience new Story Missions, Daily Missions, mini-games, rewards, and more!
We’ve also broadly rebalanced Conquest objectives, and we’ve added a new tier of Augments for end-game players. Additionally, we’ve added a Legacy Ignore option so players can better curate their social interactions.
Feast of Prosperity
Prepare For The Feast of Prosperity!
Launch is just a few days away, and on October 20th, the Feast of Prosperity will arrive on Nar Shaddaa! This new seasonal in-game event will only be active for three weeks before going away until this time next year. During the Feast, players will experience new Story Missions, Daily Missions, mini-games, rewards, and more!
Gaboorga the Abundant or Duuba the Magnanimous

5+ Game Alternatif Terbaik Among Us
10 Aplikasi Terbaik untuk Mengenali Lagu / Musik
SWTOR In-Game Events for October
Relics of the Gree
Date: October 6 – October 13, 2020 (BEGINS AND ENDS AT 11:00AM PDT/6:00PM UTC)
Requirement: Level 50+

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Claim Your Free Mini-pet to Celebrate the Star Wars™: Squadrons Launch!
We have all been counting the days until we could jump into our very own cockpits in a galaxy far, far away! The day has finally arrived and we are excited to experience the adventures of Vanguard Squadron in Star Wars™: Squadrons. Join us in offering a huge congratulations to our friends at Motive on their amazing accomplishment!

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The Feast of Prosperity is now on PTS!
The Feast of Prosperity is our newest seasonal event, coming soon with Game Update 6.1.4. This event, like Life Day and Nar Shaddaa Nightlife, will reoccur once a year.
Alongside this new event, several changes are in the works for the Conquest system. These changes focus on scaling Conquest points to better reflect the difficulty of the required task. Before this update goes live, any players interested in testing the event or Conquest changes can head over to the Public Test Server now!

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Review Adobe Audition
Cartel Market Additions: Game Update 6.1.3

Game Update 6.1.3 is Live!
Game Update 6.1.3 is now live! Highlights of this update include additional Ranked Replica rewards, the return of Double XP, and more! We’ve also fixed another batch of bugs, and the entire list of fixes can be found at the bottom of the article.
Ranked PvP Rewards

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SWTOR In-Game Events for September
Rakghoul Resurgence on Alderaan
Date: September 8 – September 15, 2020 (BEGINS AND ENDS AT 11:00AM PDT/6:00PM UTC)
Requirement: Levels 25+

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Steam-Inspired Login Reward and Shae Vizla Returns!
Coming August 28th, 2020, the Star Wars™” The Old Republic™ team is excited to announce two new promotions. Inspired by SWTOR’s Steam launch, the Pipeworks Character Flair is available to all players who login to the game. And the legendary Mandalorian Shae Vizla returns for subscribers. Let’s dive in!

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SWTOR In-Game Events for August
Bounty Contract Week
Date: August 11 – August 18, 2020 (BEGINS AND ENDS AT 11:00AM PDT/6:00PM GMT)
Requirement: Level 15+
For a limited time, the Bounty Brokers Association has opened its doors to anyone willing to take on their dangerous contracts, offering an opportunity for both seasoned and rookie hunters to prove their skills and bring crime syndicates and violent gangs to justice!
Ranked Season 13 Begins
Ranked PvP Season 13 has officially started! Rewards for Bronze, Silver, and Gold ranked players from Season 12 are waiting in your mailboxes. For those who climbed to the very top and obtained Platinum ranking, rewards are going out in the near future. Before we kick off the new season, let’s talk about new rewards, the future of replicas, and the revised win requirements.
New Rewards

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File PDF dirancang untuk menjadi format dokumen universal yang mudah dibaca. Jika kamu memiliki koleksi gambar, sebagai contoh dokumen yang kamu pindai ke dalam komputer kamu sebagai JPEG, kamu dapat menggabungkannya ke dalam dokumen...
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Dengan smartphone dan aplikasi yang tepat, seorang wirausahawan yang selalu bepergian sekarang dapat meningkatkan penjualan dan mengelola pelanggan, mulai dari prospek hingga kesepakatan, semuanya bisa dilakukan dalam perjalanan. Berikut adalah daftar aplikasi Android untuk...
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Pernah ingin tahu bagaimana rasanya menjalankan studio desain interior kamu sendiri? Sekarang kamu bisa merasakannya dengan game desain rumah. Rancang dekorasi rumah dan furnitur baru, tingkatkan kemampuan di berbagai level dan merenovasi rumah impian...
SWTOR is on Steam!
Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ is now available on Steam! The Steam platform provides a new way for players--Padawan and Master alike--to play, discuss, and experience The Old Republic. Now you can earn new trading cards, emoticons, and more all while playing your original characters with full cross-save and crossplay, on or off the Steam platform!
Unfamiliar with Steam? Read on for a full breakdown of what to expect.

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Aplikasi cetak struk kasir merupakan aplikasi ringan yang berguna ketika Anda harus membuat tanda terima dari setiap penjualan yang dilakukan. Aplikasi jenis ini membantu Anda dalam membuat tanda terima yang mudah dipahami dan profesional...
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Punya sesuatu yang ingin disembunyikan? Saat kamu menyimpan file rahasia di komputer, file tersebut dapat dikembalikan meskipun kamu menghapusnya dan mengosongkan “recycle bin”. Tidak semua kunci pintu melakukan hal yang sama, hal tersebut juga...
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Sistem operasi Windows 10 hadir dengan kredibilitas luar biasa dan fitur-fitur produktif yang kita butuhkan untuk tugas yang spesifik. Windows 10 juga berguna untuk pebisnis dan blogger juga. Windows 10 menyediakan platform yang sangat...
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Di zaman smartphone ini, kita semua menyimpan semua di komputer kecil kita(smartphone), mulai dari gambar, spreadsheet, dokumen, video, musik, dan banyak lagi lainnya. Namun, jika kamu ingin berbagi konten dengan orang lain, mengapa harus...
SWTOR In-Game Events for July
The All Worlds Ultimate Swoop Rally
Date: June 30 – July 7, 2020 (BEGINS AND ENDS AT 11:00AM PDT/6:00PM GMT)
Requirement: Levels 20+

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Kamu tidak perlu memiliki scanner dan printer besar untuk scan dokumen kantor yang penting. Karena sebagian besar handphone saat ini memiliki kamera yang bagus, sehingga kamu dapat scan dokumen dengan kualitas tinggi menggunakan salah...
Menyinkronkan Folder Antar Komputer Melalui Internet - Download Aplikasi Gratis Terbaik
Google telah memastikan semua orang memiliki cadangan data penting mereka, dan baru-baru ini Google merilis alat baru untuk pengguna Windows dan Mac untuk membawa redundansi ke tingkat berikutnya. Namanya Backup and Sync yang merupakan...
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Pada Windows 10 kamu dapat berbagi file di komputer kamu dengan pengguna lain melalui jaringan, dan meskipun ini mungkin terlihat rumit, sebenarnya berbagi file adalah tugas sederhana ketika menggunakan alat yang disediakan oleh Windows....
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Adobe Photoshop CC Review - Download Aplikasi Gratis Terbaik
Photoshop CC hanya tersedia dengan berlangganan Creative Cloud, yang akan membuat beberapa orang langsung membatalkan niatnya, tetapi paket Fotografi Adobe mulai dari Rp. 134.800 per bulan termasuk aplikasi Lightroom. Untuk pemula dan penggemar ada...
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Youtube merupakan mesin pencari video terbesar di dunia. Youtube menjadi platform yang menyediakan miliaran video yang bisa kita tonton kapan saja dan di mana saja. Youtube juga menyediakan subtitle otomatis sehingga kita bisa lebih...
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Cartel Market Newest Additions: Available Now!

Game Update 6.1.2 is Live!

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The All Worlds Ultimate Swoop Rally
In the growing shadow of war, swoop fans across the galaxy descend on Dantooine, Tatooine, and even Onderon for the sport’s biggest spectacle—The All Worlds Ultimate Swoop Rally! They’re packing the stands, eager to take their minds off their troubles and cheer their favorite swoop gangs. The bikers are here to take on dangerous challenge courses, show off their piloting skills, and flaunt their souped-up swoop bikes. The thunder of the engines, the deafening applause from the fans, the wind battering their helmets… there’s no bigger rush for these thrill seekers.

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Blog Archive
- 10 Aplikasi Perekam Panggilan Terbaik untuk Menyim...
- Cara Mengetahui Jika Kamu Telah Diblokir di WhatsApp
- Cartel Market Additions: Game Update 6.1.4
- Game Update 6.1.4 is Live!
- Prepare For The Feast of Prosperity!
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- 10 Aplikasi Terbaik untuk Mengenali Lagu / Musik
- SWTOR In-Game Events for October
- 10 Aplikasi Manga Terbaik untuk Android & iOS
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- Game Update 6.1.3 is Live!
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