The final results for Hearthstone Ranked Standard, Wild, and Arena play in July 2018 are in! The players featured below have employed top notch deck building skills, in-the-moment decision making, and unyielding dedication to achieve a most noteworthy feat! As previously mentioned, monthly Arena rankings now take players’ best 30 consecutive Arena runs regardless of game events or format changes. Pour a toast, pull up a chair, and join us in recognizing Hearthstone’s top Ranked Standard*, Wild, and Arena players in the Americas region! Standard Wild Arena Rank Battletag 1 noblord 2 Zamos 3 Sequinox 4 SGAhIce 5 Pan 6 zlsjs 7 DenBut 8 Babon 9 Jonahrah 10 Machamp 11 Juristis 12 Control 13 ProfessorOak 14 Maverick 15 LuigEzz 16 GreenSheep 17 mikolop 18 Hadeson 19 Thelast 20 sjow 21 Firebat 22 s8ris 23 DacRyvius 24 oyatsu 25 Snoodyboo 26 Ant 27 Hoej 28 Alan870806 29 Athanas 30 Starfruit 31 Aviera 32 caravaggio8 33 Justine 34 wiz 35 Creapz 36 거북이 37 Taesang 38 あれっくす 39 tenergy 40 FroStee 41 Gladen 42 Rosty 43 DrJikininki 44 dawido 45 justsaiyan 46 yaoi420 47 Cesky 48 Zalae 49 DawN 50 RealTerror 51 Klei 52 Che0nsu 53 Zarathustra 54 Pal 55 TheChosenGuy 56 Glasnost 57 Deathsie 58 dog 59 strikeright 60 Amnesiac 61 Meati 62 ScreaM 63 Silvors 64 TheOneJack 65 Activelee 66 Rage 67 Lii 68 Xeno 69 seohyun628 70 ahqRoger 71 Jakaso27 72 ШтанУдачи 73 Saturos 74 Nalguidan 75 SnipedAgain 76 SilverByz 77 nickysicky 78 Korextron 79 Yinus 80 cowboys367 81 Rooftrellen 82 Birthday 83 Doubtless 84 Ryder 85 TankWheels 86 Cheese 87 Akatsu 88 내게로와 89 Crane333 90 Mephisto 91 Kycoo 92 seogui 93 AgentW 94 Theo 95 Crumpled 96 Ian 97 PhatLH 98 JJBOSS 99 GRETOZA 100 Mousethecat 101 serra 102 ute1234 103 Villain 104 Zananananan 105 Vardu 106 BigBlackDeck 107 Janetzky 108 Kitava 109 Muramatsu 110 patoyao 111 발레스트라 112 MaeveDonovan 113 Victarion 114 rayC 115 Kufdon 116 SwaggyG 117 Airball 118 seiger 119 SilverName 120 Indianguy 121 Juggernaut 122 BeNice 123 H4RAMBE 124 ntR 125 KanyeBest 126 Bullseye 127 Virtual 128 Fungggg 129 INER 130 Florindo 131 bobbyex 132 Coglorin 133 Tone 134 Purple 135 MegaGliscor 136 Houdinii 137 Pantalone 138 BornToStitch 139 BLS4GAME 140 Stark 141 Nostam 142 Badonkadonk 143 yoitsflo 144 Sintolol 145 zumpp 146 SebastianJo 147 xavierrocket 148 Savvat 149 CozyKitten 150 ironFIRE 151 Joaquin 152 Sid 153 Orange 154 blueblurr 155 Dragodz 156 kevin 157 Ortapepe 158 takas 159 Avaritia 160 L3GENDARY 161 Dartharius 162 Butterz 163 Gandalf 164 Elrich 165 RomaNorgy 166 While 167 deadwood 168 Pinche 169 Flock 170 Cydonia 171 Bacco 172 StrifeCro 173 Conrad 174 Hotform 175 jtamonda 176 Insom 177 Narkotikzx 178 CryBaby 179 Sneakyche 180 Wolfy 181 Triton 182 Qwerty97 183 Atythrem 184 YYJ 185 lalasong 186 Deathspitter 187 콜로퀴엄좀 188 LOL 189 Insurrection 190 Tree 191 Lakerfan 192 banata 193 Anguistar 194 Bèp92 195 Empanizado 196 DacCarp 197 TiuTangClan 198 Картошечка 199 Innate 200 mooingsheep Rank Battletag 1 IMTChitu 2 MightyOwl 3 TreeBagger 4 keithnumbers 5 Marburg 6 Gankplang 7 DBowie 8 leslie 9 SheikVII 10 SMOrc 11 awedragon 12 Dean 13 Milithemir 14 Epsilon 15 FeeshCake 16 Woodford 17 TC02 18 Shane 19 Apson 20 Memnarch 21 watemerald 22 slizzle466 23 RyanYan 24 Yano 25 Monozica 26 dab 27 dawnrule 28 gemonyo 29 majinbxr 30 HanSolo 31 XxFroBro45xX 32 Roffle 33 rogerclee 34 gorky 35 OldLady 36 firestarter 37 Nekosame 38 Perchy 39 RikkyFloren 40 Eisen0818 41 Tripz 42 edro 43 mooingsheep 44 Samuel 45 ColdStory 46 Secondary 47 Makura 48 Raijuu 49 Control 50 binkclone 51 Mishu 52 Nightwalk 53 Diddy 54 Robotninja 55 Jão 56 sleight 57 GetMeowth 58 TofuBaron 59 Solumin 60 JayPower 61 ChoiSangHoon 62 JoãoPedro 63 Expert 64 BattMasile 65 Doug 66 Lisa 67 WildWolf 68 Amadieus 69 Diablillo 70 Silverhawk 71 XCrouton 72 Goshawk 73 ewws 74 Buckslayer88 75 magikman 76 StrickAM 77 IMTChinese 78 Ghostdog 79 Splitface 80 Modius 81 blisterguy 82 Grondus 83 Lionheart 84 MrSimoes 85 corbett 86 Toxiclaw 87 Bananaramic 88 Ninjamagic 89 Zeddy 90 jin 91 Synapse 92 Balyssa 93 Defozul 94 RoaldOcean 95 Wolfy 96 ForArc 97 Fable 98 Vexia 99 Saintpanda26 100 ghostguts 101 mrbl0nd3 102 Twilanchor 103 Jonahrah 104 Zircon 105 gerard 106 Tyler697 107 LOL 108 Icarox 109 DiGi 110 ShackDaddy 111 Satanslilboy 112 Fiasco 113 Luisevil 114 WhiteDelight 115 sirfubbus 116 Edge2522 117 Flames345 118 DomonKassui 119 オルフェウス 120 Zero0 121 MrHebee 122 tackle70 123 BestPriestNA 124 Rookery 125 H123123 126 foodstamp 127 Kamikaze 128 DiegoBrando 129 gener1cname 130 Mavissauro 131 WildSora 132 새벽달빛향기 133 Atemahawke 134 Applecat 135 Pyrrhos 136 Afterglow 137 fabiq 138 Zog 139 vlob 140 DoubleDown 141 Antetegmo 142 BRLSOCI 143 Darkxswarm 144 Ajar 145 DeVentero 146 You 147 Redtim29 148 godsire 149 Duwin 150 yuma 151 Wejerin 152 KosDarkFighT 153 ChronoCross 154 ice1973 155 Grizzly 156 MajorPayne 157 Triplelift 158 Stonewalljay 159 ArcKalocal 160 WiLheLm 161 ScarletTears 162 Madarakes 163 Xanzipher 164 TOS 165 wassy 166 Fade 167 DPHT 168 Jazphi 169 Seviang 170 Why2K 171 Espositosp 172 EricVonBek 173 Feepitee 174 blasto 175 Pac 176 wyvagon 177 skyyame 178 WinterWizard 179 S2K 180 Suppressed 181 TwoZeroThree 182 jHS 183 Chill 184 xDurbo 185 Tangsin 186 Kalevolent 187 BATMAN 188 LouRolfes 189 ZeroSky 190 HerbJohnson 191 RWUNumot 192 Darkolme 193 Lawfuldog 194 Blackacre 195 Juanshop 196 TimS 197 OPrimal 198 LADesigner 199 taketoku 200 ThornyDevil Rank Battletag Average Wins 1 Wangstie 8.47 2 jellybanana 8.23 3 Gift 8.17 4 CHAO 8.03 5 jakesdabest 7.93 6 raymond 7.93 7 LettuceKing 7.93 8 Tachii 7.93 9 Middle 7.93 10 GiveMeBoar 7.90 11 Rolex 7.90 12 TTEXXX 7.83 13 Celeritas 7.83 14 Xanzipher 7.70 15 dreads 7.70 16 Mantis 7.70 17 savior 7.67 18 m0rph1ing 7.67 19 Wilson 7.60 20 Daigats 7.57 21 Kyle 7.57 22 FareBear 7.57 23 Dennis848 7.53 24 SUPA786 7.50 25 spritecan 7.47 26 Horo 7.47 27 UtherDoul 7.43 28 Wagwamer 7.43 29 배반낭자 7.40 30 tmaholch 7.40 31 Maximus 7.40 32 Dentist 7.37 33 the1pete 7.37 34 MeowBoZi 7.33 35 FreeZIng 7.33 36 Huffer 7.30 37 Apm65 7.30 38 Zyst 7.27 39 Arunos 7.27 40 PlayingCards 7.23 41 Durpalurpa 7.23 42 TrahanM2 7.23 43 OHBadAss 7.23 44 HackerPacker 7.23 45 RedBeard 7.23 46 结局未定 7.20 47 Fivebamboo 7.20 48 Clabbeklet 7.17 49 DashingHenry 7.17 50 Fruckpucinno 7.17 51 Linkastarta 7.13 52 ArenaMania 7.13 53 xCyborg 7.13 54 Amaso 7.13 55 Cicci 7.13 56 Dks 7.13 57 BDBRINGA 7.10 58 Eragon 7.10 59 Ali7450 7.10 60 GrumpyMonk25 7.10 61 samplefish 7.10 62 ShadowStorm 7.10 63 Lucidus 7.07 64 Remedie 7.07 65 SilentKing 7.07 66 DanMan33 7.07 67 LuckyPants 7.07 68 DanicaEng 7.07 69 Dylonion 7.07 70 Quincy 7.03 71 BrianWong 7.03 72 Zoupy 7.00 73 eiam 7.00 74 kaboomba 7.00 75 Rrrubick 7.00 76 Emanon 6.97 77 GoldenPants 6.97 78 Thompson 6.97 79 Moonbuggy 6.97 80 Babysprinkle 6.93 81 trongtai 6.93 82 Luwig 6.93 83 Ahmun 6.90 84 Bommy3 6.90 85 iCeDream 6.90 86 SleepingLion 6.90 87 Rozz 6.90 88 PJSalt 6.90 89 DupaZupa 6.87 90 TinyTauren 6.87 91 TheCheat 6.87 92 icefire 6.87 93 ninjaimoney 6.87 94 Sinanno 6.87 95 Shadow 6.87 96 LazyTitan 6.83 97 Souse 6.83 98 sundrew 6.83 99 MushroomGas 6.83 100 fibby 6.83 101 Akatombo 6.80 102 Varmag 6.80 103 Chance 6.80 104 banata 6.80 105 Happy313 6.80 106 evd00 6.77 107 qiudaoyu 6.77 108 SilverHawk 6.77 109 LaZ 6.77 110 Fester 6.77 111 Trikalicious 6.77 112 Icee 6.77 113 sino 6.77 114 Nate 6.77 115 flethers 6.77 116 Himura 6.77 117 Gateway 6.77 118 Boozor 6.73 119 Narchon 6.73 120 Klaytrix 6.73 121 itzBolt 6.73 122 Treyceratops 6.73 123 hinatada 6.73 124 wahuuuuuf 6.73 125 Save 6.73 126 starworld111 6.73 127 Dawidoff 6.70 128 Darcouth 6.70 129 Tea 6.70 130 Khoodos 6.70 131 Dalkri 6.70 132 Cadeboom 6.67 133 WatchUrMouth 6.67 134 DESDESDES 6.67 135 Shoryuken 6.67 136 Valence 6.67 137 nellamad 6.67 138 Gilgamesh 6.67 139 Oaka 6.67 140 FrostyFeet 6.63 141 ADubs 6.63 142 Doublea 6.63 143 Marco1234ss 6.63 144 Manter 6.63 145 BalothTO 6.63 146 UOtterKnow 6.63 147 MeatPopsicle 6.63 148 nkustc 6.63 149 dLuxe 6.63 150 pizzapiemmm 6.63 EuropeAsia *Players in the top Ranked Standard list have each earned points towards Season 2 of the 2018 Hearthstone Championship Tour.
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