The final results for Hearthstone Ranked Standard, Wild, and Arena play in April 2018 are in! The players featured below have employed top notch deck building skills, in-the-moment decision making, and unyielding dedication to achieve a most noteworthy feat! As previously mentioned, monthly Arena rankings now take players’ best 30 consecutive Arena runs regardless of game events or format changes. Pour a toast, pull up a chair, and join us in recognizing Hearthstone’s top Ranked Standard*, Wild, and Arena players in the Americas region! Standard Wild Arena Rank Battletag 1 Steelo 2 Kolento 3 Monsanto 4 UchihaSaske 5 kolmari 6 Ownerism 7 물리왕 8 Cydonia 9 Vardu 10 pokrovac 11 DacLue 12 Twink 13 heisnotaxel 14 FroStee 15 hunterace 16 ironFIRE 17 承泰不要 18 Crumpled 19 Amnesiac 20 Mage 21 aqua 22 Janetzky 23 香菇奾汁 24 reall 25 TheMaverick 26 Sintolol 27 Mryagut 28 zlsjs 29 にん 30 Control 31 Tansoku 32 A83650 33 zumpp 34 iNS4NE 35 Zaguios 36 SebastianJo 37 Cosmo 38 Meati 39 INER 40 Nicslay 41 posesi 42 fzmushko 43 jambre 44 Xeno 45 SilverByz 46 Facap 47 Bozzzton 48 Fled 49 DrBoom 50 Taesang 51 edux1690 52 DenimBlue7 53 DawN 54 Ender 55 Gusonaj 56 Jonahrah 57 killinallday 58 MaRu 59 Dazzar 60 b787 61 Pblcb 62 Peter 63 yaoi420 64 撒旦降臨 65 Piyobot 66 Sci 67 Gallon 68 Rase 69 StrifeCro 70 Cheese 71 Kevor24 72 s8ris 73 PNC 74 Charon 75 Akumaker 76 Lii 77 pksnow 78 seiger 79 PrinceFancy 80 riku97 81 DEHP 82 Fenomeno 83 TechnoGoose 84 Schadenfreud 85 Kribo 86 kevin 87 Nalguidan 88 NaviOOT 89 BustaJ 90 Xelerator 91 Hatul 92 Electrify 93 bobbyex 94 Dizdemon 95 Faeli 96 JhongTin 97 Hoej 98 Tamizo 99 ahqRoger 100 Tincho 101 Nostam 102 Fr0zen 103 SATANCURSEYO 104 k3nny 105 While 106 Swidz 107 Machamp 108 Madara 109 Purple 110 Bunnyhoppor 111 IwillHuntYou 112 ETC 113 Surrender 114 Ryvule 115 Zamos 116 XxFroBro45xX 117 Deathsie 118 Matteo 119 noblord 120 Kuonet 121 lynx 122 Vespasian 123 Doubtless 124 Virtual 125 Jarla 126 DacCarp 127 BoarControl 128 Kufdon 129 Ike 130 blitzchung 131 PoweR 132 justsaiyan 133 콜로퀴엄좀 134 Leviathan 135 SGAhIce 136 Ant 137 lnguagehackr 138 Pathra 139 ViperPro 140 Toastmonster 141 evans 142 hollow 143 DacRyvius 144 Coglorin 145 LawlietDuart 146 seohyun628 147 simonedeho 148 Jin 149 Disdai 150 TiltRrantes 151 Foot 152 BigBoy 153 Geometer 154 TeamAmerica 155 Furyhunter 156 Artefy 157 starworld111 158 Kyouma 159 yoitsflo 160 Pinche 161 Pascoa 162 Heisenberg 163 SargentoSC 164 SilentStorm 165 Clark 166 KoeSoyh 167 Creapz 168 Lucken 169 Robshow 170 Fearadot 171 nukesaku 172 Korextron 173 VespaYedder 174 Alpha 175 Binj17 176 exilessmath 177 pogoman 178 Lucas 179 Tyler 180 Pool8 181 あれっくす 182 ntR 183 Jakaso27 184 Justine 185 SoLegit 186 Conrad 187 Macheen 188 Lakerfan 189 okasinnsuke 190 Tyrant 191 Lmac77 192 anothersy 193 Emanon 194 Usedpapercup 195 HappyFeet 196 mooingsheep 197 Zyrios 198 Athanas 199 k1ngkong 200 patoyao Rank Battletag 1 ShackDaddy 2 corbett 3 Peter 4 BattMasile 5 BigPappi 6 awedragon 7 keithnumbers 8 Milithemir 9 ReganisPrime 10 rogerclee 11 FeeshCake 12 ShadowKun 13 PernOctopus 14 Weatherlight 15 Modius 16 MattC 17 PsychicBattl 18 KimiHaSpider 19 Dean 20 らいら 21 xDurbo 22 MeatyOwlLegs 23 jin 24 Seviang 25 gorky 26 Alec 27 slizzle466 28 Buckslayer88 29 sjowyuicy 30 DarthFiero 31 Fonerisan 32 Raijuu 33 sohmax 34 Carlitoe 35 Common 36 Kamil 37 Yano 38 Xcrouton 39 kluge 40 Shane 41 XxFroBro45xX 42 Memnarch 43 dab 44 WhelpLaid 45 Ravenger 46 Locke 47 mooingsheep 48 ShockiiGodx 49 Robmmmm 50 Xanitos 51 DiegoBrando 52 LADesigner 53 Tangsin 54 LawlietDuart 55 TreeBagger 56 Kalevolent 57 Blackacre 58 BossG 59 Cruecial 60 Jonahrah 61 Richierich 62 BigMac 63 BanjoX 64 Hadeson 65 theslipster 66 Grizzlybayer 67 Pepper13 68 Tigergirl 69 Wololo 70 Clickpwn 71 EPICBOOM 72 ghostguts 73 Bananaramic 74 Elvensblade 75 MSB 76 Ghostdog 77 MrHebee 78 invokarl 79 Darckio 80 ChristianMom 81 RatsWithHats 82 ItsATrap 83 Angela 84 Gandalf 85 Emperorguy 86 cider 87 Yehster 88 Fallen 89 tobius 90 Ego 91 Zyan 92 Gvir101 93 Praxis 94 Woodford 95 Zeddy 96 xuwang 97 Suvixon 98 Zircon 99 Du6U 100 yilingsama 101 Appa 102 lugea 103 foodstamp 104 世阿弥 105 Grondus 106 GhostDragon 107 Applecat 108 KremePuff 109 Plasticman 110 xia0cai 111 GodOfWar 112 Hyxios 113 TDarkSlayer 114 PacoTaco 115 ohanzee 116 bobbyex 117 ssor 118 JackHarper 119 VIP 120 KosDarkFighT 121 Toxiclaw 122 Grenelle 123 skyyame 124 vbay03 125 HanSolo 126 Darkolme 127 Zermrot 128 mrdeez 129 illusion 130 TwoZeroThree 131 Spark 132 Etoy 133 GetMeowth 134 GrayDerr 135 ShiangChen 136 HolyAwe 137 sage 138 marsteralex 139 Sku 140 Laylain 141 Fingaz 142 Starkfire 143 Lionheartex 144 Irenicus 145 Jorj 146 BoggleMinds 147 heartless 148 Sam 149 BroHos 150 OldDrache 151 새벽달빛향기 152 alix 153 LOL 154 Xaos 155 DarkShadow 156 FoxyFox 157 Raveette 158 Dolph1nately 159 Azrael 160 kukaloko 161 Galo 162 Dennisback 163 doomguystand 164 WinterMan 165 GrantHinds 166 Cuvee 167 Bourbon 168 Elthran 169 Karl 170 UltimateGod 171 BlandonC13 172 Satpat 173 Andrash 174 MEGALODON777 175 LLCoolRay78 176 TrayalBlazer 177 Sniper 178 Santosbrown 179 SuperMage 180 edwardtzj 181 PatrickSales 182 JayPower 183 XAMAEL 184 Hotrunner 185 Jhao 186 SuperFit 187 Faustvt 188 bladee 189 RenzoxxD 190 Marcus 191 iGoBingBong 192 Roffle 193 Creeper 194 CodeNameG 195 Swatch 196 WeiQ 197 Beemo 198 Incubus 199 Osmar18 200 MajorX Rank Battletag Average Wins 1 kaboomba 8.10 2 dreads 7.80 3 m0rph1ing 7.70 4 Celeritas 7.67 5 Near 7.67 6 Glebe 7.67 7 Himura 7.67 8 BouncyBear 7.60 9 Franxx 7.57 10 Happy313 7.57 11 Shako 7.57 12 ArenaMania 7.57 13 アァァァ 7.57 14 Wilson 7.53 15 Polarin 7.53 16 Cheerous 7.53 17 LockeLamora 7.53 18 Middle 7.50 19 Tachii 7.50 20 Psychedelic 7.50 21 WJSProwler 7.43 22 Chaco186 7.43 23 uhhohhpewpew 7.40 24 dominator 7.37 25 Kabaam 7.27 26 Lanners 7.20 27 SuperSB 7.17 28 BrianWong 7.17 29 Abomination 7.13 30 ImmortalKing 7.13 31 Boozor 7.13 32 Mitchriz 7.13 33 SirOsis 7.13 34 Reickl 7.10 35 OHBadAss 7.10 36 Daigats 7.10 37 Chunkzer 7.07 38 Eduardo90 7.00 39 Eclectic 7.00 40 LuckyPants 7.00 41 KingofChem 6.97 42 Remedie 6.93 43 Vanairyn 6.93 44 CaptainKeen 6.93 45 Hoa 6.90 46 Ronik 6.90 47 Shiro 6.87 48 Pep 6.87 49 Jspana 6.87 50 JerkStore 6.87 51 sino 6.83 52 GsauC3 6.83 53 DjinnKahn 6.83 54 Silien 6.83 55 DiorPanda 6.80 56 Taihyo 6.80 57 luminescents 6.80 58 CircleSound 6.80 59 Magecollins 6.80 60 thegabebabe 6.77 61 chaoaoao 6.77 62 Loyalty 6.73 63 mordred 6.73 64 Avista 6.73 65 Qinn 6.73 66 Creith 6.73 67 KellenAbel 6.73 68 Tapana 6.73 69 tamamama 6.70 70 Archer 6.70 71 lurrch 6.70 72 BDBRINGA 6.70 73 Phleetwood 6.70 74 Eve 6.70 75 XRailgunX 6.70 76 Bullet 6.67 77 Osok2 6.67 78 WhySoCereal 6.63 79 yqfwill 6.63 80 Marco1234ss 6.63 81 ninjaimoney 6.63 82 TTEXXX 6.60 83 Save 6.60 84 Varmag 6.60 85 Juise 6.60 86 Zyst 6.60 87 paperroller 6.60 88 Synched 6.57 89 MrDubbya 6.57 90 Talriel 6.57 91 Dylonion 6.57 92 Tikson 6.57 93 cgsongbird 6.57 94 HatsuneMiku 6.57 95 StaticKitty 6.57 96 Azam 6.57 97 ProwlingWolf 6.57 98 FreakMurder 6.57 99 Amaso 6.53 100 Cmg8462 6.53 101 FantyElf 6.53 102 Amam15 6.53 103 Lotsofpie 6.53 104 PhoneK 6.53 105 Onionboy 6.53 106 Cheetos 6.50 107 MrBigShot 6.50 108 tandy 6.50 109 meriin 6.50 110 Noobcheeks 6.50 111 daffy 6.50 112 CryoCamel 6.50 113 Dennis848 6.50 114 Rooftrellen 6.47 115 My 6.47 116 Abdz 6.47 117 fay 6.47 118 Letsfireitup 6.47 119 Furyotic 6.47 120 한강다이버 6.43 121 BloodyC 6.43 122 Genieboi 6.43 123 DEATHRAIN 6.43 124 Kartoffel 6.43 125 Austinmart 6.43 126 OhSoNasty 6.43 127 Crantly 6.43 128 mutebob 6.43 129 NightKnight 6.43 130 LordOfD 6.43 131 KSBuffalo 6.40 132 FaintSmile 6.40 133 Cveast 6.40 134 Polukranos 6.40 135 TeamAmerica 6.40 136 Lancelot 6.37 137 TwitchTvKoz 6.37 138 Shipapotamus 6.37 139 Xyst 6.37 140 Amaz 6.37 141 Razorsharp 6.37 142 Wuman911 6.37 143 qiudaoyu 6.37 144 shararr 6.37 145 out4fun 6.37 146 Kreuzer 6.37 147 timsta007 6.37 148 scaenicorum 6.37 149 all4win 6.33 150 Bleeblaabloo 6.33 Europe Asia *Players in the top Ranked Standard list have each earned points towards Season 2 of the 2018 Hearthstone Championship Tour.
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