So You Think You Can Cast Hearthstone 2018 Results

Hungry for the chance to test your casting chops, you came and cast the VOD of Antreezy and Azumo. Now, with So You Think You Can Cast: Hearthstone Edition 2018 concluded, we are happy to announce the lucky few who have conquered it! Say hello to your casting talent for the Hearthstone Collegiate Championships Championship Bracket April 28 and 29! Seven Nicholas “DollaBilz” Bilz Cole “WillScarlet” Andersen Jace “DrJikininki” Garthright Watch their submission VODs: Here’s a bit more about these fine individuals! Seven Currently the host of several regular live shows, Seven has nearly a decade of live event and show hosting experience. He feels there’s still room in the Hearthstone scene to get to know players and create opportunities for viewers to relate to them. Casting Hearthstone has been an obsession of mine since I won my first match at the game's reveal at PAX East. It's a game I've followed competitively since the start and tend to talk about endlessly to friends and tirelessly explain to coworkers. And when it comes to shows, my co-hosts have come to understand that if there is dead air, I'm going to fill it with something Hearthstone related, because I can talk about it for days on end. DollaBilz A two-time Emmy Award winner with experience in front of and behind the camera, Bilz started out commentating StarCraft before turning to Hearthstone. The control Warlock/Handlock deck archetype has always been his favorite. I want to take the plunge and become a Hearthstone caster because this is the dream. I’ve been watching esports since I realized people play Brood War competitively and I’ve been enamored with Hearthstone since the beta. I have a ton of production experience (quick brag – I’ve won 2 Emmys), which gives me additional utility in the live tv / broadcast space. I find video games enthralling and game design fascinating. Everything I’ve done in my 9-year production career has been preparing me for this - it’s time for me to GET IN HERE. Willscarlet A content creator at Vicious Syndicate, Willscarlet has deep roots in his local community. He casts weekly at Fireside Gatherings and placed top eight in Summer 2017’s Tavern Hero Tournament. He thinks Hearthstone casting is constantly evolving and improving. I’ve always had a passion for card games, and I didn’t realize how much more I enjoy casting the games I was playing rather than playing them myself. It becomes a teaching opportunity, not only for the viewers, but for you yourself. I come from a family of educators, so I suppose this attraction is just in my blood. DrJikininki A professional competitive Hearthstone player flying the SpaceStation Gaming flag, DrJikininki recently started earning his casting chops in tournaments like HCT Bangkok and The Witchwood Inn-vitational, as well as at various TESPA events. Here’s an official welcome to the desk! Casting to me is a different approach to having fun with the game. I’m a very talkative and energetic person so naturally I felt very comfortable casting in front of the camera or live audiences. I want to be a caster so I can enjoy the game I love in a different sort of light. If you weren’t selected for this initial round, don’t worry! We’re always looking for new Hearthstone casting talent, and our doors remain open all year round. Continue to send submissions to our Talent inbox if you so desire (it’s—and who knows, it might be you on the casting desk for an upcoming event! The Hearthstone Collegiate Championships Championship Bracket will be held on April 28 and 29 with a live finals in California, broadcast on Don’t forget to tune in!

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