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7 Aplikasi Online untuk Blast Email Terbaik (Gratis & Berbayar) Firman Herdiansyah

Farm Manager 2018 Free Download

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Farm Manager 2018 Free Download – kali ini admin akan kembali membagikan sebuah game simulasi pertanian, seperti yang kamu ketahui game simulasi pertanian walaupun peminat nya tidak sebanyak peminat game genre RPG atau Adventure tapi game simulasi pertranian ini selalu memiliki penggemar dikalangan gamer sehingga pada setiap tahun nya game simulasi pertanian selalu memiliki seri baru. […]

The post Farm Manager 2018 Free Download appeared first on Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

8 Aplikasi Gratis untuk Cek Grammar Bahasa Inggris

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Apakah kamu pernah ditegur karena mengirimkan karya yang penuh kesalahan tata bahasa dan sintaksis? kamu tidak sendirian, karena bahkan penutur asli bahasa Inggris juga sering menjadi korban dari hal ini. Grammar adalah fondasi untuk...

8 Aplikasi Gratis untuk Cek Grammar Bahasa Inggris Firman Herdiansyah

Classy Choices: Building a Tournament Deck with Apxvoid

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Courtesy of the much-revered Mage master Jacob “Apxvoid” Coen, today we have a great glimpse into what it’s like to think through your class, its win conditions, and how to use them to develop and refine a tournament-worthy deck all your own. Read on for Apxvoid’s guidance on building a competitive deck! How do I identify the strengths and weaknesses of my favorite class? “The first thing to look at in a class is their Hero Power,” Apxvoid says. “For example, Warlock decks often build around Life Tap by including cards affected by your hand size or running a lot of low-cost cards to overwhelm your opponent.” “Some Hero Powers are less significant to the deck-building process, like Mage’s Fireblast, since it can work well with many decks and doesn’t really define your playstyle,” he adds. Apxvoid also recommends looking at your class cards carefully. “Sometimes, one card can even shape how the rest of the deck ends up being built,” he says. “Tempo Mage has been strong for a long time because of Mage’s defining cards, like Mana Wyrm or Sorcercer’s Apprentice, and spells like Frostbolt and Fireball. I have been able to build Tempo Mage decks for over two years because these core cards can form a base structure for the deck.” Apxvoid suggests looking at what your class lacks for weaknesses. “Rogue doesn’t have many defensive class cards, so their decks will often be built to be very offensive,” he says. “This can be seen as a weakness, because it means it’s harder to make a Rogue deck to win certain matchups. [For instance,] Rogue lacks defensive cards to survive Mage spells.” What are the different types of win conditions I can build around? “I love Hearthstone because there are so many different ways to win a game,” Apxvoid says. “Some decks will have one win condition, where others can have more depending on what matchup you’re playing. One of the reasons that I have been drawn to Tempo Mage for so long is because its win condition can rapidly change. Sometimes you will go from using your spells to clear the board to suddenly firing off every spell possible at your opponent.” He says other win conditions, like fatigue or combo decks, may have less flexibility. “When building a deck, it’s important to have a solid idea [for] how you are going to win, and what decks you’re aiming to beat,” he adds. By way of example, Apxvoid helped Frank “Fr0zen” Zhang design his Control Mage deck for the 2017 Hearthstone Championship Tour (HCT) World Championship, targeting aggressive decks like Tempo Rogue and Aggro Druid. Fr0zen competes at the 2017 HCT World Championship, where he played a Control Mage deck Apxvoid helped refine. How do I fill out a tournament deck? What variables—mana curve, tech cards, or otherwise—should I be considering? Tournament deck design is all about understanding the field, or what other players will bring. “If you can predict what decks will be played, you can try to build yours to counter the field,” Apxvoid says. But, “It’s not as easy as it sounds—it’s difficult to find a lineup of three or four different decks that will work well against other lineups.” In terms of tech cards, Apxvoid thinks about them in terms of which archetypes his opponents are likely to play. “Some lineups are meant to target control decks, so you might want to tech your deck to be greedy with cards like Doomsayers.” He goes on, saying, “You can’t tech for every matchup, so you have to carefully decide what is most important and will be used most often. It’s so important to predict the field, so you can choose tech cards that will be as useful as possible against the majority of lineups.” How should I decide to replace a card to refine a deck as I’m testing it? “When building and testing a deck, I’ll start with an initial idea that I think will be good,” Apxvoid says. “I usually won’t spend too much time building the first version of the deck—it’s more valuable to spend time testing it in game and getting a feel for it. I’ll just keep playing with it and try to figure out what works and what doesn’t.” Apxvoid advises swapping in alternatives quickly to try them out. “If I come up with a deck list that I like and want to take to an upcoming tournament, then I’ll contact other tournament players to test the deck in friendly games,” he says. “This also allows me to really focus on matchups of my choosing.” When is my deck “done”? “In my opinion a deck is almost never done,” Apxvoid says. “For a deck to be completely done, all 30 cards would have to be core to the win condition, with no worthy alternatives.” Given that the metagame constantly adapts to what people are playing, a deck should constantly be in a state of revision. He says, in an observation that also applies to tournaments, “I find myself changing my Mage decks all the time to adapt to meta shifts.” What an awesome guide! You can find Apxvoid on Twitter, or check out his next-level Mage play personally on Twitch. Do you have any advice of your own for players looking to concoct a competitive creation? Lay it on us in the comments!

The Monster Hunt Begins Now!

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Marshal your courage! The time has finally come to fight your way into the heart of the Witchwood in pursuit of the evil witch Hagatha! The Monster Hunt has begun! The Monster Hunt is The Witchwood’s new free, single-player mission content. You’ll take on the role of one of four veteran monster hunters who are venturing deep into the Witchwood on Hagatha’s trail. Each of these heroes (or anti-heroes as the case may be!) has their own favorite tricks—a special hero power or ability that you’ll need to master if you hope to survive the hunt. Each time you go on a Monster Hunt, you’ll attempt to defeat a series of up to eight monstrous bosses. With each victory, you’ll build a stronger and stronger deck with the items you find—though if you should fall, you’ll have to begin your hunt again with a fresh deck. The trail ahead won’t be easy—the forest is full of fiendish foes! Each hunter also carries a grudge against a particular foe they’ve crossed paths with before—a nemesis, if you will. These are unique bosses that only that hunter can track down to fight. You’ll want to go on a Monster Hunt with all four heroes because each offers a quest that, if completed, will earn you a The Witchwood card pack! Each quest completed will unlock the next quest in the series, but hunt swiftly—these quests are only available for a limited time*. If you can complete the Monster Hunt with all four hunters, you’ll finally have a chance to face off with the source of the evil in the Witchwood: Hagatha! If you can defeat Hagatha with the power of all four heroes combined, and free the wood from her vile curse, you’ll earn the gratitude of Gilneas and the Monster Hunter card back! Tess, Darius, Shaw, and Toki aren’t the only ones with an interest in the Witchwood! Learn more about each of them and the other dreadful denizens of the Witchwood in the Mysterious Missives series: Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3 The Monster Hunt awaits! We’ll see you on the trail! *Special Monster Hunt quests will continue to be available until July 26.

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Nintendo DS merupakan salah satu konsol genggam paling populer sepanjang masa. Kepopulerannya setara dengan Game Boy dan PSP. Ada beberapa game luar biasa untuk konsol ini dan terkadang lebih mudah untuk menyimpan game-game itu...

5 Emulator Nintendo DS Terbaik untuk Android Firman Herdiansyah

Pro Player Playoff Predictions

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As we close in on the first Hearthstone Championship Tour (HCT) Playoffs of 2018, expectations are running high. Top performers from Season 1 are practicing to refine their deck list lineups, and we’ll know in just a few short weeks who will emerge victorious and advance to the Summer Championship. While we wait with bated breath for the first premier competitions of the 2018 HCT circuit, we’re fortunate to have some insight into the preparation and competitive field from Julien “Cydonia” Perrault, who gave us his thoughts on the players from the Americas and Europe to follow this season. Americas Playoffs In the Americas, Cydonia thinks a lot of familiar faces will see success. “Most of the established players—justsaiyan, Amnesiac, muzzy—they’re all going to do well,” he says. “Even players like dog, who is more of a streamer and hasn’t done as well before, might do well this year.” HCT World Championship competitor muzzy in action. He’s also quick to point out some of the lesser-known players who he foresees making an impact. “I faced seohyun628 at DreamHack Montreal last year, where he placed second. He’s been doing really well. I think he’s someone to watch out for,” Cydonia says. Other standout competitors, in his mind, are Monsanto, Gallon, and Tarei. There are some surprises, however. “[Strifecro] is a really good player, but sometimes he doesn’t get the points,” Cydonia explains. He also notes Justine: “She’s streaming and always top legend.” He finds her recent pickup by Complexity to be noteworthy as well. Cydonia also continues to playtest and practice with wabeka and last year’s World Championship contender, DocPwn. Europe Playoffs It’s hard to talk about the European scene without jumping straight to discussing hunterace, and Cydonia is no exception. “I got to meet hunterace recently, because he tests a lot with Mitsuhide,” Cydonia says. “I’m really impressed by how good he is.” Europe Groups Up In Europe, you really have guys with strong groups. Part of the reason for that is that it really helps to identify the metagame quickly. Cydonia Pointing to the value of practice groups and working together, Cydonia also highlights the success of several French players—such as Kalax, Swidz, and Windello—in Europe. “It feels like they’ve outpaced the Germans,” he says with a chuckle. “In Europe, you really have guys with strong groups. Part of the reason for that is that it really helps to identify the metagame quickly.” He adds that he’d also like to see Tyler do well this season. Meta & Decks With The Witchwood only recently having launched, Cydonia isn’t sure what Playoffs will bring. “I think it’s difficult to tell,” he says. “Some players are known for certain styles—Ant is known as an aggro player, hunterace likes control—but they’re still doing really well.” He notes that players who stick to a specific class or deck, like Apxvoid or Fibonacci, often earn points, but need a wider range to succeed in tournaments. “Control is really strong right now,” Cydonia says. “Other than Quest Rogue, no one has found a lot of counters.” He thinks Odd Hunter could target certain control decks, but that “it won’t do good against every single control deck.” Overall, he says, “I don’t see a really good anti-control lineup. Warlock is going to be a popular ban.” Above all, Cydonia says he is looking forward to seeing what decks see play. “I’m excited to see what lineups people bring,” he says. “I hope someone can find a way to beat the field, not just target individual decks.” He suggests tuning in to HCT Taipei this weekend to see what people are playing, since it’s the last tournament before Playoffs start. We’re right there with him! HCT Taipei is sure to be excellent, and Playoff deck lists will start rolling in next week. Which decks would you play in the HCT Playoffs? Who are you hoping will advance to the Summer Championship? Let us know in the comments!

The Witchwood – Mysterious Missives Part 3

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As you prepare to face the evil in The Witchwood, it would be wise to arm yourself with knowledge of the key players in this unfolding conflict. Fortunately for you, such knowledge has mysteriously materialized. . . . The source of the following dossiers is a mystery, and it is uncertain whether you can trust the information contained herein. After all, in these dark times, rumors fly like a murder of crows. Still, even the slightest knowledge of who’s who could be just the edge you need to survive the curse. Read on, brave monster hunter. Toki, Time-Tinker Profession: Mage, clock-maker Hobbies: Irresponsible use of magical technology, déjà vu, boxes that are larger on the inside, leaping, rustless carriages, boxed cats, uncertainty, flat circles, recursion, bargaining with Nozdormu Don’t be deceived by this fresh-faced, young gnome—Toki is a powerful mage who possesses an uncanny talent for time magic. Unusually, she often channels her power through arcane devices of her own invention, rather than casting spells. Her unflappable determination and willingness to take inconceivable risks make her a dangerously effective hunter. Somehow, she is always exactly where she needs to be, at the exact moment she needs to be there, and chance events tend to go her way far more often than they should. Unfortunately, her extreme talent is paired with a blithe disregard for the consequences that her magics might have for the fabric of time. She displays a similar cheerful apathy toward both Gilneas and the curse—she appears solely interested in stopping Hagatha from affecting an event in her own future. It is certain that Toki will play a key role in undoing Hagatha’s work in the Witchwood—no matter how many tries it takes! Toki, Time-Tinker Profession: Mage Hobbies: Phased plasma rifles in the 40-watt range, string theory, jigsaw puzzles, rabbit masks, the TEC, securing the time stream This scarred and grizzled arch-mage is fiendishly powerful, with an incredible and innate control over time magic. There have been frequent sightings of her in the city of late, though only for moments at a time. Startled witnesses have noted that her form flickers in and out of existence— it’s as if she can’t maintain her presence in this timeline for long, and they describe her as seeming haunted, crazed, or obsessed. Bizarrely, she has been showing citizens pictures of herself and asking them if they have “seen this gnome.” She displays a grim disregard for both Gilneas and the curse—she appears solely interested in stopping someone in this city from affecting an event in her own future. It seems clear that she absolutely will not stop until she finds her quarry. Given her evident power, it’s certain to be a bad day for that unfortunate soul when the time comes. (We received these conflicting reports about Toki at precisely the same time. Both were delivered by the same agent, who disavowed any knowledge of writing either report.) Baku the Mooneater Profession: Dream serpent, Eater of Moons Hobbies: Selenography, selenophagy, devouring hopes and dreams, eclipses, smooth jazz No being akin to Baku exists in any our exhaustive records that describe serpents, dragonhawks, dragons, or other scaled, magical creatures. Given that this being has not been seen physically by anyone at all—instead observed solely via shared dream visions—our duty to investigate her nature is clear. Our arcanists’ initial hypothesis is that Baku may in fact be the tormented psyche of a dragon whose physical form is trapped within the bounds of the Witchwood, but outside of physical reality—some kind of dream-dwelling projection of this dragon’s mind, warped and twisted by Hagatha’s own nightmares. Whatever the Mooneater’s true nature, those who dream of her tend to slowly descend into a fugue state—neither waking nor dreaming—and develop the ability to manifest their will in surprising ways. In brief moments of lucidity, these subjects express a feeling of crushing, unyielding dread, and report seeing a kaleidoscopic serpent coiling and stretching across the horizon, blotting out the sky overhead. Shudderwock Profession: Phantasmagoric aberration Hobbies: Biting, catching, punk wock, power wocking The earliest mentions of this bizarre entity were recorded in nonsensical children’s rhymes. As a result, initial reports of the Shudderwock in the woods were dismissed as the hysterical prattle of an unhinged mind. The poor soul was indeed unhinged, but the Shudderwock lurking in the Witchwood is nonetheless terrifyingly real. Our arcanists are as puzzled by this entity as they are by Baku the Mooneater. Like Baku, Shudderwock is unique to the Witchwood, and seems to exist somewhere on the edge of reality, defying easy description as well as physical and arcane laws. In fact, it is unclear if this creature is “real” in the way that one generally uses the word, though it certainly exists. Was it always so, or is the Shudderwock yet another testament to Hagatha’s power? Speculations as to its nature are immaterial; we would be wise to heed the oft-repeated warning to beware the Shudderwock! It is incredibly dangerous, warping reality wherever it walks, leaving those who meet it jabbering wrecks, pale shadows broken by darkest hex. They fail to understand they are out of time, when their speech begins to rhyme. Can they recover from this diminished state? Being devoured would be a kinder fate. (Note: It seems that there was supposed to be more in this report, but it ends abruptly mid-page. Nor have we had further contact with this agent after the report was delivered. Curiouser and curiouser…) Splintergraft Profession: Vengeful lumber Hobbies: Scrimshaw, grinding axes, NOT fetch No new wood is being cut near Gilneas, and with Crowley’s engineering projects demanding resources, supplies of lumber in the city are dwindling rapidly. Most who venture beyond the gates with axe in hand do not return, and those few brave souls who have spin quite a tale. They tell of roots rippling out of the ground like hungry serpents, and splintered stumps assembling themselves into a jagged, towering monstrosity wielding a woodsman’s axe. They are no doubt referring to Splintergraft. She is the closest thing we’ve encountered to an undead treant, and her rage-fueled strength is immense. But brute strength is far from her most frightening aspect. Splintergraft can infect other creatures, turning their flesh and blood to wood and sap. The transformation wildly increases her victims’ strength and toughness, but renders them powerless to resist the Witchwood’s commands. Yearning for vengeance against those who split her trunks in life, Splintergraft is impatient for the day that the roots of the Witchwood make a tomb for Gilneas. Lady in White Profession: Mournful apparition Hobbies: Whispering messages to children, hiding small objects, eerie drifting, hitchhiking, pretending to be dust motes in photographs While the activity of restless spirits has increased sharply since the curse’s arrival, most seem to be petty, malignant things, content to rage against the living. Not so with the Lady in White, as the citizens of Gilneas have taken to calling her. The Lady has become a symbol of hope and reassurance to the citizens of Gilneas in this dark time. Who this spirit was in life remains a mystery—if indeed she is a ghost and not something else entirely. The reports surrounding her further cloud the issue. She tends to appear only to those in deepest despair, and to each witness, she resembles a mother, sister, wife, or friend come to offer comfort from beyond the veil. Her dress is always white, though the details here differ as well; she was certainly wearing her wedding dress, claims one witness. “No, it was noblewoman’s gown,” says another. “She was a poor girl in a plain white shift,” reports a third. Regardless, one consistent element among the many accounts we’ve collected: her expression is kind, but achingly sad, and she seems to be searching for something. Most will never witness the Lady in White, but those who have who have received her blessing have seen their spirits lifted in a most profound way. (I believe that the recent developments in the so-called Witchwood near Gilneas may present opportunities for our growing organization. The research has been fascinating thus far. Looking forward to your thoughts on the preceding dossiers. - R.) Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3

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OKAMI HD PC Game Free Download – kali ini admin akan membagikan sebuah game yang cukup unik baik dari segi grafis ataupun cerita dari permainan, game yang admin bagikan ini berjudul OKAMI HD, dalam game ini kamu akan memainkan karakter srigala berwarna putih dengan api pada sebagian tubuh nya, Srigala ini bukanlah srigala biasa melainkan […]

The post OKAMI HD PC Game Free Download appeared first on Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

Sword Art Online Fatal Bullet PC Game Free Download

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Sword Art Online Fatal Bullet PC Game Free Download – kali in admin akan membagikan sebuah game anime yang sudah sangat populer, game seri Sword Art Online yang admin bagikan kali ini merupakan seri terbaru dimana disini kamu akan menjelejahi game Gun gale Online, buat kamu yang belum mengetahui Gun Gale Online (GGO), GGO adalah game […]

The post Sword Art Online Fatal Bullet PC Game Free Download appeared first on Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

The Izax Challenge Ends April 30th

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The last and largest of the dangerous droid superweapons of Iokath has been unleashed! With no one remaining to reign in its terrifying power, Izax the Destroyer, is set to annihilate everything in its path – starting with your Alliance. Do you have what it takes to defeat Izax’s superweapon “family” of bosses and then face the final God from the Machine Operation boss… in Veteran Mode? Set your sight on epic rewards and arm yourself with some pro-tips!

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Defeat the final boss from the God from the Machine Operation in Veteran Mode to receive the unique ‘Wings of the Dragon’ mount plus arm yourself with pro-tips!
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10 Aplikasi Pencari File Terbaik untuk PC Windows

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Jika orang yang cenderung menginstal banyak program atau membuat banyak file di komputer kamu, mencari file tertentu dapat menjadi tugas yang menantang. Jika kamu tidak menggunakan folder khusus untuk berbagai jenis file, kemungkinan kamu...

10 Aplikasi Pencari File Terbaik untuk PC Windows Firman Herdiansyah

Raven Raves About Year of the Raven

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No one was more excited than Alexander “Raven” Baguley for the introduction of the Year of the Alex Raven. His partner-in-crime from their dynamic casting duo, Simon “Sottle” Welch, was… less impressed. Jia: "Look, it's Year of the Raven, isn't that exciting?" Sottle: "..." pic.twitter.com/MJvme4NpfL — Simon Welch (@coL_Sottle) February 28, 2018 Raven’s optimism for the year ahead goes far beyond its name, though. “I think the thing I’m most excited about is the in-game tournament feature,” Raven says. Announced alongside the Hall of Fame inductees and quests that players can complete more quickly, in-game tournaments are coming later this year to Hearthstone. In looking at the core element of every Hearthstone Year—set rotation—Raven says he enjoyed speculating on what would enter the Hall of Fame. “It’s always interesting,” he says. “What do we think the Hearthstone team will decide to move this year?” He’s excited to see how Ice Block entering the Hall of Fame will shake up the styles of Mage that are playable, and loved having Molten Giant at its original cost in Standard for a couple of days. “No one knew it was going to happen, but it was a nice surprise and a lot of fun,” he says. The Year of the Raven’s first expansion, The Witchwood, has kept Raven’s undivided attention. (At this point, we’re just trying to see how many times we can say “Raven” in one post.) “It’s a very interesting expansion overall,” Raven says. “The expansion that comes out alongside set rotation is always kind of a big deal.” He says he has enjoyed the new Even and Odd archetypes that Genn Greymane and Baku the Mooneater open up, since they’re available to every class. Memorable highlights from the 2018 Hearthstone Championship Tour (HCT) have already begun to roll in for Raven. “The year has been even better than I thought it would be,” he says. “I love the sheer number of Tour Stops. It’s cool to watch the good plays and players, but more than that, I’m enjoying seeing the journey of players over multiple tournaments.” Raven says his player to watch right now is Casper “hunterace” Notto. “He’s the current point leader, so he’s automatically someone to keep an eye on,” Raven says. “I remember casting him a couple of years ago at a DreamHack, and he impressed me back then, too.” He also points to top European point earners like Chris “Feno” Tsako and Tyler Hoang Nguyen as people he’s excited to see succeed in HCT 2018. “I think they’re really going to kick it out this year,” he says. At the heart of all this competition is how HCT has evolved over the years: “I think the extra push this year has come from the format continuing to improve how it rewards players—more tournaments to attend, more prize money—and the improved incentives to compete with Masters coming online.” He’s especially interested in the expected “very tense” point race that will happen in Season 3. Did we cover what you’re most excited for in Year of the Raven? Is Raven claiming Year of the Raven as his own OK with you? How many times did we finally end up saying Raven in this post? Let us know in the comments!

Hearthstone Collegiate Championships Varsity Division

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More gamers are going to college every year, and schools that invest in esports are seeing results. Tespa is leading the charge toward making esports more integral to the student experience. It’s a lofty goal—and to get there, Tespa is collaborating with colleges and universities everywhere to bring gaming into the spotlight of varsity competition. Tespa’s mission to support gaming on college campuses has brought together countless competitions, millions of dollars in prizes, and a national network of over 60,000 members in schools across North America. Tespa has grown into a 200-chapter strong organization that brings gamers together through community and competitive programs. A LEAGUE OF THEIR OWN Foremost among Tespa’s 2018 initiatives is the Hearthstone varsity program, the Hearthstone Collegiate Championships (HCC) Varsity Division. With only a handful of teams and more initial rounds, the Varsity Division is a gauntlet, designed to test the mettle of serious competitors. Twenty-three powerhouse Hearthstone teams were welcomed into the inaugural varsity class. These varsity competitors are expected to devote more time to their game, playing more total matches than their counterparts in the open division. For viewers, the Varsity Division serves as an introduction to the emerging rivalries in the college Hearthstone scene—drawing attention to both schools and the student gamers leading their teams into battle. STUDENTS FIRST Tespa’s 2018 programs have already opened doors to over half a million dollars in scholarship grants for college Hearthstone players. As participation in the competitive scene increases, publicity and payouts for student gamers are set to grow—and be awarded to esports athletes and the schools that support them. While these gains are vital to growing college gaming, Tespa will never lose sight of the larger mission of colleges and universities to support students as they prepare for their futures. Tespa’s goal is not only to grow our own competitions—starting with Hearthstone—but also to continue to promote a holistic approach to gaming on campuses. Like athletics, gaming should improve student life on campuses, not distract from the goal of earning a degree. Schools that wish to join the fray must meet a minimum threshold of support for their players to be eligible. Qualified varsity programs must provide scholarships for students representing their school. In turn, Tespa also expects competitors who represent schools in the Varsity program to be full-time students. Tespa’s esports programs will always encourage universities and students to put education first. Expect these requirements to level up over time to better suit the needs of our competitive community. ALL INCLUSIVE From a play perspective, Tespa has something for everyone. From varsity esports to casual game nights, Tespa has always sought to promote healthy competition on campus. Our community support spans campuses from Hawaii to Nova Scotia, bringing social experiences and networking to student gamers across the continent. For the very best of our college student competitors, we hope to deliver an experience that encourages them to pursue higher education, not avoid it. Tespa believes that players who compete at the highest level should be empowered to do so without putting their studies on hold. Varsity or not, Tespa tournaments are designed to accommodate thousands of collegiate teams, each with different competitive goals and schedules. No matter your school, we will continue our commitment to offering open tournaments for all college students. VARSITY IN ACTION While Tespa’s focus may be on improving varsity esports, the collegiate Hearthstone season is far from over. The HCC Varsity Division is through its initial 14 rounds of Swiss play, but the competition still rages on. The top 8 varsity juggernauts will enter the arena on April 7th, where they will compete to earn the right to represent the Varsity Division in the HCC Championship Bracket. Watch the HCC Championship Bracket live on twitch.tv/playhearthstone on April 28th & 29th where eight teams will punch their tickets to the live finals in California on May 19 and 20 to compete for their share of $150,000 in scholarship prizing.

So You Think You Can Cast Hearthstone 2018 Results

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Hungry for the chance to test your casting chops, you came and cast the VOD of Antreezy and Azumo. Now, with So You Think You Can Cast: Hearthstone Edition 2018 concluded, we are happy to announce the lucky few who have conquered it! Say hello to your casting talent for the Hearthstone Collegiate Championships Championship Bracket April 28 and 29! Seven Nicholas “DollaBilz” Bilz Cole “WillScarlet” Andersen Jace “DrJikininki” Garthright Watch their submission VODs: Here’s a bit more about these fine individuals! Seven Currently the host of several regular live shows, Seven has nearly a decade of live event and show hosting experience. He feels there’s still room in the Hearthstone scene to get to know players and create opportunities for viewers to relate to them. Casting Hearthstone has been an obsession of mine since I won my first match at the game's reveal at PAX East. It's a game I've followed competitively since the start and tend to talk about endlessly to friends and tirelessly explain to coworkers. And when it comes to shows, my co-hosts have come to understand that if there is dead air, I'm going to fill it with something Hearthstone related, because I can talk about it for days on end. DollaBilz A two-time Emmy Award winner with experience in front of and behind the camera, Bilz started out commentating StarCraft before turning to Hearthstone. The control Warlock/Handlock deck archetype has always been his favorite. I want to take the plunge and become a Hearthstone caster because this is the dream. I’ve been watching esports since I realized people play Brood War competitively and I’ve been enamored with Hearthstone since the beta. I have a ton of production experience (quick brag – I’ve won 2 Emmys), which gives me additional utility in the live tv / broadcast space. I find video games enthralling and game design fascinating. Everything I’ve done in my 9-year production career has been preparing me for this - it’s time for me to GET IN HERE. Willscarlet A content creator at Vicious Syndicate, Willscarlet has deep roots in his local community. He casts weekly at Fireside Gatherings and placed top eight in Summer 2017’s Tavern Hero Tournament. He thinks Hearthstone casting is constantly evolving and improving. I’ve always had a passion for card games, and I didn’t realize how much more I enjoy casting the games I was playing rather than playing them myself. It becomes a teaching opportunity, not only for the viewers, but for you yourself. I come from a family of educators, so I suppose this attraction is just in my blood. DrJikininki A professional competitive Hearthstone player flying the SpaceStation Gaming flag, DrJikininki recently started earning his casting chops in tournaments like HCT Bangkok and The Witchwood Inn-vitational, as well as at various TESPA events. Here’s an official welcome to the desk! Casting to me is a different approach to having fun with the game. I’m a very talkative and energetic person so naturally I felt very comfortable casting in front of the camera or live audiences. I want to be a caster so I can enjoy the game I love in a different sort of light. If you weren’t selected for this initial round, don’t worry! We’re always looking for new Hearthstone casting talent, and our doors remain open all year round. Continue to send submissions to our Talent inbox if you so desire (it’s hstalent@blizzard.com)—and who knows, it might be you on the casting desk for an upcoming event! The Hearthstone Collegiate Championships Championship Bracket will be held on April 28 and 29 with a live finals in California, broadcast on twitch.tv/PlayHearthstone. Don’t forget to tune in!

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Struggling to find the perfect gift for a friend, or just hoping to give them the flexibility to choose their own gifts? We’re expanding our gifting service by allowing you to send Blizzard Balance to your friends, offering you the benefits of retail gift cards in a new and easy-to-use digital format. Sending Balance gifts is simple: visit the Blizzard Shop, select one of the suggested values—or enter a custom amount, click the “Gift Balance” button, and select a friend. Blizzard will deliver your gift along with a notification and personalized message directly to your friend, who can then claim the digital gift card balance onto their account. As with other gifts, you’ll receive an email and a notification in the Blizzard App when a friend sends you Blizzard Balance, informing you that the gift has arrived and is ready to be claimed. Giving the gift of Blizzard Balance is a fast and easy way to ensure that your friends and family will get the Blizzard product that they want most. Happy Gifting!

Hearthside Chat: Monster Hunt

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Start stocking up on vials of holy water and cannonballs, because The Witchwood’s free, single-player missions, the Monster Hunt, goes live on April 26 at 10:00 a.m. PDT! Join Lead Mission Designer Dave Kosak, along with Mission Designers Paul Nguyen and Giovanni Scarpati, for a Hearthside Chat that will equip you with everything you need to know for a successful Monster Hunt! Ready for Action If you played the Dungeon Run in Kobolds & Catacombs, the Monster Hunt will be eerily familiar—but much is different! Rather than choosing one of Hearthstone’s nine classes, you’ll take on the role of one of four veteran monster hunters, each with a special ability that you’ll need to make the most of if you hope to survive the hunt. Your hunter will venture deep into the Witchwood on Hagatha’s trail, defeating a series of monstrous bosses who dare to cross your path. With each victory, you’ll build a stronger and stronger deck with the items you find. You may encounter some trusty old equipment out in the forest, but much of what you’ll find will be entirely new, including treasures unique to certain foes. Each monster hunter has their own favorite tricks—a special hero power or ability that you’ll need to master if you hope to survive the hunt. Each hunter also carries a grudge against a heinous nemesis in the woods: a unique boss that only they can track down to fight. You’ll want to go on a Monster Hunt with every hunter, because each offers a quest that will earn you a Witchwood card pack. And if you’ve got the mettle to complete the Monster Hunt with all four hunters, you’ll finally have a chance to face off with the real witch in the woods: Hagatha! If you can free the wood from Hagatha’s curse, you’ll earn the gratitude of Gilneas and the Monster Hunter card back! We hope you enjoyed learning more of what lurks ahead in Monster Hunt! We’re eager to hear your tales of The Witchwood on social media using the #Witchwood hashtag. Learn more about The Witchwood at TheWitchwood.com! We’ll see you on the hunt!

HCT Pros Tell Us Which Witchwood Cards They’re Most Excited About

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The Witchwood is upon us, coming right alongside the commencement of a new Hearthstone Year. At this moment of great upheaval, we polled some of your favorite competitive Hearthstone players about their favorite cards from the new set. Some of their answers may surprise you! hunterace – Glinda Crowskin Always eager for new tools to set up combo decks, Casper “hunterace” Notto is particularly excited about Glinda Crowskin. “Imagine this with Meat Wagon and Summoning Portals,” he says. “All minions having Echo—there’s so much power there.” RDU – Chameleos Dima “RDU” Radu loves the hand-revealing Chameleos above all. “It’s my favorite because it brings a cool new mechanic that can provide a competitive advantage to any deck that runs it,” he says. “It offers you a lot of information, but there will also be a turn where it gives you a super good play.” Orange – Countess Ashmore Jon “Orange” Westberg‘s fondness for The Curator—which enabled a bonanza of card draw in the right decks—knows no bounds. As a result, he’s all-in on Countess Ashmore. “Curator was one of my favorite cards ever,” Orange says. “Countess has even more flexibility, because it can get spells or weapons as well!” DrJikininki – Mossy Horror An admirer of exceptional artwork, Jace “DrJikininki” Garthright chose Mossy Horror on the strength of its presentation alone. “The artwork and sounds are incredible, on top of the fact that I love his removal effect.” Raven – Darius Crowley Stay tuned for a deeper dive into Alexander “Raven” Baguley’s thoughts on the new Hearthstone Year. For now, Raven is content to share his thoughts on the Warrior legendary, Darius Crowley. “You can play him quite regularly,” Raven says. “There are lots of ways to draw Rush minions, too, so he feels like a lot of fun to include in a deck.” What’s your favorite card from The Witchwood? Are there other pros whose opinion you’d like to hear? Let us know in the comments!

Try Out The Witchwood Inn-vitational’s Decks!

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The Witchwood was buzzing with life and fel magic last Friday the 13th when it played host to The Witchwood Inn-vitational—the first official tournament that featured the new expansion’s cards. Each of the eight players invited to participate brought unique (and occasionally crazy!) decks to the table just one day after the expansion released. Curious as to what decks they brought? Why not try them out for yourselves now? (If you didn’t catch The Witchwood Inn-vitational, read about it here. And if you scroll all the way to the bottom, you might find some extra special decks!) Players: Firebat Alliestrasza Savjz Dog Orange RDU Sjow Tyler Americas Grand Finals Decks Europe Grand Finals Decks The Hearthstone Dev Team Firebat Mage Warlock Paladin Alliestrasza Warlock Warrior Rogue Savjz Warlock Paladin Warrior Dog Warlock Druid Rogue Orange Warlock Paladin Shaman RDU Priest Warrior Shaman Sjow Paladin Warrior Priest Tyler Rogue Paladin Priest Americas Grand Finals Decks Hunter Mage Shaman Europe Grand Finals Decks Paladin Warrior Priest Can't get enough of The Witchwood? Here are some decks straight from the desks of the Hearthstone development team for you to try out! The Hearthstone Dev Team Priest Shaman Druid

The Witchwood – Mysterious Missives Part 2

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As you prepare to face the evil in The Witchwood, it would be wise to arm yourself with knowledge of the key players in this unfolding conflict. Fortunately for you, such knowledge has mysteriously materialized. . . . The source of the following dossiers is a mystery, and it is uncertain whether you can trust the information contained herein. After all, in these dark times, rumors fly like a murder of crows. Still, even the slightest knowledge of who’s who could be just the edge you need to survive the curse. Read on, brave monster hunter. Houndmaster Shaw Profession: Royal Master of Hounds, thieftaker Hobbies: Dogs, doggos, pups, hounds, grooming, flea baths, unleashing justice A renowned hunter of criminal, beast, and monster, the man known as Houndmaster Shaw has humble roots. So humble, in fact, that he is rumored to have been raised by a pack of hounds on the streets of the city! While that story is of dubious provenance, there’s no questioning the man’s skills. He has an almost supernatural way with the animals in his care, and he ascended from the gutters into the king’s service as a thieftaker and master of hounds—all on his own merits. He certainly didn’t charm his way into the position—Shaw doesn’t get on nearly as well with people as he does with his four-legged charges—but he does get results. The tracking ability of his prize hounds—Princess, Butch, and Bubba—as well as the shocking speed of his raids on thieves and smuggler’s dens, are the stuff of legend in the Gilnean underworld. While many others have given themselves over to fear under the influence of the curse, the unflappable houndmaster has been calmly getting to work. The sharp noses of his hounds, as well as his own keen instincts, have put him on the trail of the leader of the Crowskin cult. It’s only a matter of time before he tracks the hag down in her lair. Glinda Crowskin Profession: Cult leader, pawn Hobbies: Motivational speaking, shadow puppetry, cooking, the care and feeding of huts The ancient forest surrounding Gilneas was never entirely safe, even before it was cursed and transformed into the Witchwood, and entities like Glinda Crowskin are the reason why. For as long as anyone in Gilneas can recall, there have been tales of a sinister crone in the woods who can grant one’s fondest desire—for the modest price of a human heart. It’s very likely that Glinda Crowskin is the mastermind behind the “Crowskin cult” that has sunk its claws into the city’s underbelly. Her deluded followers believe that Hagatha will grant them power in exchange for devotion. They break Greymane’s curfew, sneaking into the forest in the dead of night to drink strange concoctions and perform mysterious rites. More disturbing still: somehow, more of the cultists return to the city after these nightly sojourns than had snuck into the woods in the first place. Lord Darius Crowley Profession: Gilnean noble, military commander, former rebel Hobbies: Cannons, cannon towers, cannonballs, and cannons Despite a colorful past, Lord Darius Crowley has earned an unassailable reputation among the people of Gilneas. Once disgraced and imprisoned for leading a rebellion against King Genn Greymane, Crowley nonetheless proved himself a staunch defender of Gilneas in conflict after conflict. Due to his exemplary service—not to mention dauntless ferocity—he and his once-bitter rival now pay one another grudging respect. King Greymane knows who he can call upon when he needs results at any cost. Crowley is eager to crush Gilneas’ enemies in the Witchwood, and he is approaching the problem as he would a military campaign. While some might turn to mystic trinkets or ancient superstitions to get an edge, Crowley has yet to encounter a threat that well-crafted iron, steel, and wood could not dispatch, especially when explosives are involved. Darius has the city’s genius engineers working the foundries night and day to construct engines of war—cannons in particular. When Crowley’s confrontation with the monsters in the Witchwood comes, it will not be quiet. Lord Godfrey Profession: Former Gilnean noble Hobbies: Betrayal, plots, manipulation, ambition, regicide, trick shots, polishing glasses Even while still among the living, Lord Godfrey had a penchant for cold-blooded self-interest and treachery: he devastated Lord Darius Crowley by political maneuvering, probably instigating a rebellion in the process. Then, while Gilneas itself was under siege, he betrayed King Greymane. After Godfrey’s untimely demise, the Dark Lady Sylvanas resurrected him among her undead Forsaken, but expecting anything resembling loyalty from a creature like Godfrey is always a deadly mistake. He betrayed her as well, then fled to an abandoned keep to continue doing what he does best: pursuing his own interests. Precisely what those interests might be remains a mystery, but it seems that Godfrey has chosen this moment to act. Since the curse descended on the Witchwood, he left the seclusion of the keep he’s haunted for years, and has recently been sighted near the city. It’s not clear what he’s planning—or what he hopes to gain—but devastation tends to follow whereever Godfrey treads. Dollmaster Dorian Profession: Puppet maker Hobbies: Puppeteering, puppet making, puppets, poppets, dolls, action figures, marionettes, figurines, homunculi, collecting, conventions, auctions, amateur surgery Master Dorian is a very nice man. A kind man. Very kind. He knows what’s best. He makes puppets, did you know? (This report is to be disregarded. It was delivered by a doppelganger of the agent we sent to investigate Dorian’s possible association with the Crowskin cult. The duplicate has been disposed of, but we still do not know the whereabouts of the missing agent.) Part 1 - Part 2

Toki Tori 2 Plus Pc Game Free Download

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Toki Tori 2 Plus Pc Game Free Download – kali ini admin akan membagikan sebuah game ringan dengan genre Adventure yang di padukan dengan genre Puzzle bernama Toki Tori, game ini sangat admin rekomendasikan buat kamu yang mencari game untuk PC Low Spek, dalam game ini kamu akan memainkan karakter berwujud ayam kecil berwarna kuning, […]

The post Toki Tori 2 Plus Pc Game Free Download appeared first on Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

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Kingdom Come Deliverance Free Download – dalam game ini kamu akan memainkan karakter bernama Henry yang merupakan anak dari pandai besi, disini kamu akan musuh yang mencoba menginvasi desa yang kamu tempati selain itu juga kamu harus melawan musuh yang telah membunuh orang Henry. Cerita dalam game ini dimulai di jantung Eropa tepat nya di […]

The post Kingdom Come Deliverance Free Download appeared first on Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

Welcome to the Hearthstone Global Games 2018!

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Everyone, get in here—because we’ll soon be going to the polls to decide the teams for the 2018 Hearthstone Global Games (HGG)! Until then, though, here’s a rundown of the full program. Voting Criteria Team eligibility this year will be determined by Season 1 Hearthstone Competitive Points (CP). A country or region’s top point earner will automatically be the team anchor unless they decline. The next eight point earners are eligible to be voted on to the final four player team. Should any player decline to be put up for vote, the next eligible player in line will take their place. Format HGG 2018 will once again feature 48 countries and regions. This time, the first phase will be a Swiss-format bracket that includes all 48 teams. The Swiss rounds will run from mid-July to early September, and will pare the bracket down to just 16 teams. After that, we’ll take a short break before heading into the Round of 16, which will be played in dual tournament format. This will last two weeks in September and will identify the eight teams advancing to the playoffs. The HGG playoffs this year will take place at BlizzCon 2018! Rules Schedule Want to keep up with the action? Here are specific dates and times for all HGG 2018 broadcasts, which will air on the official PlayHearthstone Twitch channel. Week/Phase CEST PDT KST Week 1, Swiss Rounds July 17: 10:00 a.m. CEST July 18: 4:00 p.m. CEST July 20: 3:00 a.m. CEST July 17: 1:00 a.m. PDT July 18: 7:00 a.m. PDT July 19: 6:00 p.m PDT July 17: 5:00 p.m. KST July 18: 11:00 p.m. KST July 20: 10:00 a.m. KST Week 2, Swiss Rounds July 24: 10:00 a.m. CEST July 25: 4:00 p.m. CEST July 27: 3:00 a.m. CEST July 24: 1:00 a.m. PDT July 25: 7:00 a.m. PDT July 26: 6:00 p.m PDT July 24: 5:00 p.m. KST July 25: 11:00 p.m. KST July 27: 10:00 a.m. KST Week 3, Swiss Rounds July 31: 10:00 a.m. CEST Aug. 1: 4:00 p.m. CEST Aug. 3: 3:00 a.m. CEST July 31: 1:00 a.m. PDT Aug. 1: 7:00 a.m. PDT Aug. 2: 6:00 p.m PDT July 31: 5:00 p.m. KST Aug. 1: 11:00 p.m. KST Aug. 3: 10:00 a.m. KST Week 4, Swiss Rounds Aug. 7: 10:00 a.m. CEST Aug. 8: 4:00 p.m. CEST Aug. 10: 3:00 a.m. CEST Aug. 7: 1:00 a.m. PDT Aug. 8: 7:00 a.m. PDT Aug. 9: 6:00 p.m PDT Aug. 7: 5:00 p.m. KST Aug. 8: 11:00 p.m. KST Aug. 10: 10:00 a.m. KST Week 5, Swiss Rounds Aug. 28: 10:00 a.m. CEST Aug. 29: 4:00 p.m. CEST Sep. 1: 3:00 a.m. CEST Aug. 28: 1:00 a.m. PDT Aug. 29: 7:00 a.m. PDT Aug. 30: 6:00 p.m PDT Aug. 28: 5:00 p.m. KST Aug. 29: 11:00 p.m. KST Sep. 1: 10:00 a.m. KST Week 6, Swiss Rounds Sep. 4: 10:00 a.m. CEST Sep. 5: 4:00 p.m. CEST Sep. 7: 3:00 a.m. CEST Sep. 4: 1:00 a.m. PDT Sep. 5: 7:00 a.m. PDT Sep. 6: 6:00 p.m PDT Sep. 4: 5:00 p.m. KST Sep. 5: 11:00 p.m. KST Sep. 7: 10:00 a.m. KST Week 7, Dual Tournament To be updated To be updated To be updated Week 8, Dual Tournament To be updated To be updated To be updated Dates are subject to change. Apart from the tournament broadcasts, we also have a weekly show focused on the Hearthstone Global Games! Catch that on Twitch at 7:00 p.m. CET / 10:00 a.m. PDT / 2:00 a.m. KST on Mondays each week the broadcast runs. Frequently Asked Questions My country has not been included in the Hearthstone Global Games. Why? We have included the same 48 countries and regions that competed in HGG 2017. We are always looking for ways to include more countries into our esports tournaments. We hope to have more countries included in future tournaments. Why is HGG focused on competitive point earners rather than community figures this year? We want to focus on the highly-competitive aspect of this prestigious tournament. I am eligible to be voted for but was not contacted. Who should I contact? Please send us an email at HearthstoneAdmin@blizzard.com and include “[HGG VOTING]” in your subject line. Where will the broadcast be aired? You can watch all HGG broadcasts on the official Hearthstone Twitch channel. Voting for HGG 2018 will begin very soon. Meanwhile, share your thoughts on #HGG2018 with us on the official Hearthstone Esports Twitter!

#SWTOR Cartel Market Specials: Week of April 16, 2018

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HCT Lands in the Paese Del Sol—Italy!

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Pack your bags and sunglasses—the Hearthstone Championship Tour’s next stop is in the Paese Del Sole! Literally translated as “land of the sun”, HCT Italy Powered By Zotac is the first Hearthstone tour stop in the country’s history. The event will take place July 6 to 8 at the PALA2A in Varese, home of the city’s basketball team. The HCT Italy Tour Stop Powered By Zotac will be a bring-your-own-device Grand Prix and feature a 512-player Swiss bracket that will narrow down into a top 16 single elimination playoffs. All matches will be played best-of-five in Conquest format with one ban. Deck lists will be open, with the tournament administered through Battlefy. All games will take place on the Europe server, and all tournament rounds will be streamed. Tournament registration requires the pre-purchase of a three-day competitor pass to the event. Ticket sales will begin on April 20 at 6:00 p.m. CEST (9:00 a.m. PDT) and cease on June 29 at 8:00 p.m. CEST (11:00 a.m. PDT), so make sure you register fast! As with other Tour Stops, travel and accommodation must be self-funded. Tournament organizer eVox has two partner hotels that you can take advantage of—learn more here! If you have any questions about the tournament or registration, send an email to tourstop@evoxsrl.com or join the dedicated Discord server here. Register This button will be updated with a link when registration is live. If you’re just interested in spectating the tournament, general admission ticket sales will be open right up to the day of the event. For more information on general admission tickets to HCT Italy, click here. The full ruleset for HCT Italy Tour Stop Powered By Zotac can be viewed here, with the HCT 2018 Player Handbook available here. Schedule The HCT Italy Tour Stop Powered By Zotac takes place from July 6 to 8, with the tournament schedule being: July 6: Swiss rounds 1 to 4, 1:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. CEST July 7: Swiss rounds 5 to 9, 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. CEST July 8: Top 16 playoffs, 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. CEST Points and Prizing Standing Points Prize 1st 15 $6,500 2nd 12 $3,500 3rd – 4th 10 $1,500 5th – 8th 8 $1000 9th – 16th 6 $500 17th – 32nd 4 $250 Total: 191 $25,000 Frequently Asked Questions Who can participate in HCT Italy Registration for HCT Italy Tour Stop Powered By Zotac is open globally. Which game region will HCT Italy be conducted on? HCT Italy will be played on the Europe server. What is the format for all matches in HCT Italy Tour Stop Powered By Zotac? Matches will be played in two different phases. The Swiss rounds will be played best-of-five in Conquest format with one ban, while the top 16 playoffs will be single elimination. Each player will have to bring four decks. The full ruleset for HCT Tour Stop Italy Powered By Zotac can be viewed here, with the HCT 2018 Player Handbook available here. How do I get more information on HCT Italy Tour Stop Powered By Zotac? Email the organizer with any questions you might have! Click here to do so. You can also join the official Discord server. Can I play with an account that is not mine? All participating players must be the legal owners of their Hearthstone accounts. Players found to not be in ownership of the account they are using to play will be disqualified immediately. Stay up to date on tournament details through the Hearthstone Esports Twitter channel and let us know your thoughts with the hashtag #HCTItaly! We’ll see you in the tavern!

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The Disappearing of Gensokyo Free Download – merupakan sebuah game doujin yang memiliki artian game yang dibuat oleh para fans, The Disappearing of Gensokyo merupakan sebuah game ber genre ARPG, walaupun ukuran game ini terbilang relatif kecil tapi untuk masalah grafis nya terbilang bagus, belum lagi game The Disappearing of Gensokyo ini bisa kamu mainkan di pc […]

The post The Disappearing of Gensokyo Free Download appeared first on Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

A Look at HCT 2018 Season 1’s Point Leaders

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Season 1 of the 2018 Hearthstone Championship Tour (HCT) now has its final Competitive Point (CP) standings, and it paints an interesting picture of the year to come as the chase for placement in the Hearthstone Masters System continues. If CP earnings are any indication, Europe is the region to watch as we begin the Year of the Raven. Casper “hunterace” Notto, the young Norwegian prodigy, is the worldwide point leader thus far, with an astonishing 66 points to his name—and an 11-point lead over the next closest competitor. Many familiar names also appear at the top of the point standings: Rdu Kolento justsaiyan Purple muzzy tom60229 Surrender With top placements at regional Playoffs or the Hearthstone Summer Championship guaranteeing anywhere from 6 to 30 additional points, some of these players could be more than halfway to becoming the first Hearthstone 1-Star Masters—and that’s before even taking early Season 2 ladder finishes or upcoming Tour Stops into consideration! Season 2 also brings with it the beginning of the Pro Team Standings Leaderboard—stay tuned for more details on that soon. Tour Stops were a vital component of players’ success in conquering the CP leaderboard. Both hunterace and Alexandre “Odemian” Leadley finished in the eight-player playoff brackets of HCT Germany and HCT Toronto, and those consistent placements got these two both guaranteed Playoff invites for Season 1. Even more Tour Stops will take place in Season 2; see the schedule for more details. Players looking to earn a berth at future Playoffs should hit up as many Tour Stops as they can! Even if you’re not a pro player, competing in a Tour Stop is an experience worth having. Overall point leader hunterace spoke with us about his success in Season 1, and said he was able to lead the pack by working hard and staying consistent. “I’ve been trying to compete in all the tournaments I could, and to make the best out of it,” he says. “I’ve been super eager to start this year off, and spend the off-season getting really into Hearthstone.” The bulk of his points to date have come from Ranked Play finishes, but hunterace also saw success in multiple Tour Stops. “My Tour Stop experience started with HCT Germany,” he explains. “I played in all four of the qualifiers and managed to sneak through in the last one.” His practice paid off for HCT Germany, where he felt he had a strong read on what his opponents would bring to the tournament. “I tried to do something similar in HCT Oslo, but it didn’t quite work out the way I wanted it to.” Buoyed by his current point total, hunterace has turned toward the HCT World Championship. “My main goal is qualifying for the World Championship,” he says. “I’m going to try and do everything to achieve that goal.” He says that he’ll work to qualify for a Seasonal Championship through Playoffs, but that he’s currently focused on earning Masters status and jockeying for the Last Call berth. That’s it for now! Stay tuned for the upcoming HCT Summer Playoffs coming up in May, and we’ll be back with thoughts from some of your favorite pro players on which Witchwood cards they’re loving and what they want to experiment with in their class of choice in the weeks to come.

Top Hearthstone Players - March 2018

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The final results for Hearthstone Ranked Standard, Wild, and Arena play in March 2018 are in! The players featured below have employed top notch deck building skills, in-the-moment decision making, and unyielding dedication to achieve a most noteworthy feat! This month, Arena rankings take players’ best 15 consecutive Arena runs from March 12 to March 31. From next month onward, monthly Arena rankings will always take players’ best 30 consecutive Arena runs regardless of game events or format changes. Pour a toast, pull up a chair, and join us in recognizing Hearthstone’s top Ranked Standard*, Wild, and Arena players in the Americas region! Standard Wild Arena Rank Battletag 1 PNC 2 ETC 3 lambyseries 4 UchihaSaske 5 Qwerty97 6 SteveD 7 Meati 8 Jarla 9 Swidz 10 Hoej 11 iNS4NE 12 Steelo 13 wabeka 14 Fenomeno 15 Disdai 16 pokrovac 17 b787 18 TheMaverick 19 Leta 20 Jaekyll 21 hunterace 22 Rostovmax 23 MegaGliscor 24 Level9001 25 b4bana 26 patoyao 27 Sequinox 28 FroStee 29 Casie 30 bloodyface 31 rayC 32 Ryuuzu 33 Taesang 34 FibEli3 35 ntR 36 PapaJason 37 BoarControl 38 noblord 39 Ruby 40 Gogongsing 41 Pr0d1gy 42 Hearthstoner 43 Seiko 44 justsaiyan 45 Mryagut 46 Zalae 47 Klei 48 Bunnyhoppor 49 TerrenceM 50 Houdinii 51 zlsjs 52 BeNice 53 matff 54 tenergy 55 Grant 56 posesi 57 katsucurry 58 Alan870806 59 Yinus 60 SCACC 61 Piyobot 62 killinallday 63 aqua 64 garifar 65 ahqRoger 66 Cool 67 발레스트라 68 Pignas 69 espumito 70 MaxTheRipper 71 lnguagehackr 72 seiger 73 Lucas 74 s8ris 75 glory 76 Ant 77 Joaquin 78 Justine 79 Nicslay 80 riku97 81 Rage 82 Tarei 83 starworld111 84 jad346 85 GundamFlame 86 RENMEN 87 BustaJ 88 chosenone 89 물리왕 90 caravaggio8 91 CitizenNappa 92 sjowyuicy 93 DawN 94 Arawn 95 ViperPro 96 reall 97 RageSquad 98 dog 99 BowserRoar 100 Fame 101 xprot 102 Jakaso27 103 AKAWonder 104 AZSwim 105 Pascoa 106 MeatUshijima 107 Stitch 108 seohyun628 109 Tars 110 香菇奾汁 111 matuko 112 SATANCURSEYO 113 Rapion 114 Electrify 115 pksnow 116 Monsanto 117 Majyqman 118 Redtea 119 순이 120 Virtual 121 Twink 122 Londgrem 123 horo 124 Gaindalf 125 Janetzky 126 Macheen 127 TheJordude 128 DocPwn 129 SirVILGAUDAS 130 vbay03 131 Mogumi 132 T4COTASTIC 133 Metallic 134 Yaraki 135 DWU 136 blueblurr 137 Cheqmate 138 Kapi 139 MATSURI 140 Izzy 141 GreenSheep 142 Vardu 143 A83650 144 Rezdan 145 Joth703 146 zumpp 147 oyatsu 148 icer 149 simonedeho 150 Matteo 151 Zyrios 152 Jonahrah 153 Usedpapercup 154 SilverByz 155 fire 156 KremePuff 157 Yak 158 Akumaker 159 Tastatur 160 JamesBond 161 Hammerfeet 162 Avaritia 163 mcsongi92 164 Botticus 165 x420Blaziken 166 Deathsie 167 TheBigMac 168 DimitriKazov 169 Joller 170 Tansoku 171 Gladen99 172 Florindo 173 Viper 174 Zeh 175 YAYtears 176 Rase 177 XOST 178 Chakki 179 fzmushko 180 Xixo 181 DouAhou 182 Amnesiac 183 Gallon 184 Odemian 185 Kono 186 UrgentSloth 187 Fire 188 nukesaku 189 Elto 190 Theo 191 Mitsuhide 192 KingOfType89 193 kevin 194 DarkShadow 195 RaitO 196 ute1234 197 Madara 198 MoleGamez 199 Sintolol 200 Guiyze Rank Battletag 1 Dean 2 Pyr0s 3 DodoGizmo 4 Goshawk 5 Jonahrah 6 kluge 7 Milithemir 8 Nightmare 9 ShackDaddy 10 MetricTrout 11 Modius 12 BattMasile 13 Peter 14 frantano 15 Dolph1nately 16 Elvensblade 17 Yrahcaz36 18 amplive 19 Blackscarab 20 CONCERNEDMOM 21 JayPower 22 FoxyFox 23 majinbxr 24 Applecat 25 Arlos 26 TheRaven 27 Weatherlight 28 Yano 29 maddogmatt 30 らいら 31 jin 32 sohmax 33 Ryuuzu 34 LoreMastrEve 35 Tangsin 36 BananaHammok 37 PsyKK 38 Eltaen 39 awedragon 40 Thee5fthax 41 Ashenshugar 42 WinterWizard 43 SONGOKU 44 thebossdde 45 ShiangChen 46 Apson 47 mooingsheep 48 Xcrouton 49 HappiKenny 50 Severian 51 Garzak 52 Matbat99 53 Hadeson 54 Hyxios 55 slizzle466 56 Splitface 57 gorky 58 Roffle 59 rickbr 60 Wololo 61 Kalevolent 62 Daxter777 63 AZSwim 64 ElPrimo 65 BurritoJesus 66 Downlar 67 sjowyuicy 68 Enberg 69 ReganisPrime 70 KremePuff 71 TDarkSlayer 72 Seviang 73 TimDuncan 74 TreeBagger 75 Pino 76 Pact 77 Gankplang 78 sinyang 79 Titans 80 MeatyOwlLegs 81 Aroma 82 iiiiiiiiiiii 83 DiegoBrando 84 WhelpLaid 85 Ghostdog 86 Skeetch24 87 GetMeowth 88 ARZEK 89 Butts 90 Buckslayer88 91 PernOctopus 92 Oswerone 93 Raijuu 94 calc1223 95 monk3ywrench 96 soursurfer 97 Jimbo 98 DrFreakberg 99 Rks 100 ChristianMom 101 LawlietDuart 102 Cosa 103 JarryGuy 104 Perchy 105 DrNeems 106 Monk 107 V1K1NG 108 Lumble 109 Skeptic 110 rogerclee 111 Bananaramic 112 cake 113 Robotninja 114 Shwitz44 115 DnkDanzy 116 ColdSnapSP 117 Gadwen 118 cauliflower 119 LevityHS 120 Smaugbelly 121 Goooblin93 122 xia0cai 123 bobbyex 124 HanSolo 125 IndianNinja 126 MaximumBoy 127 cluelesspug 128 bankies 129 JJJ 130 Mul 131 Leogcb 132 Kankka 133 OldDrache 134 IN4MOUS 135 Redtim29 136 Cuchilla 137 BillyLeBully 138 Allen 139 Palpelo 140 Maddocktor 141 Ninjamagic 142 Clingywin 143 Marburg 144 Richierich 145 keithnumbers 146 NightKnight 147 Hisoka 148 xxcarlosxx 149 BamBoost 150 Memnarch 151 ChoiSangHoon 152 Moos 153 LouRolfes 154 olympus 155 richMizer 156 Alec 157 JasonNBK 158 Rofellos 159 Felwynter 160 LithiumLeech 161 ZealThief 162 Kwisatch 163 luminescents 164 ZombieDust 165 G0D0FTHEHUNT 166 Itsuki 167 TRON 168 magikman 169 spritecan 170 stazed 171 Nator 172 XAMAEL 173 Suvixon 174 FRID 175 Noradz 176 Buffy 177 Soper 178 Dilpickle515 179 RabidPlatypu 180 Captain 181 TTF#11399 182 ArcKalocal 183 Rabidking 184 JohnKimble 185 Mtgsquirrel 186 Zach 187 Ihamburgle 188 HugeEyesCat 189 Grondus 190 Ruixiang 191 Osmar18 192 Desperado 193 Fester 194 AgentZero 195 Samuel74717 196 Fable 197 Chenanigans 198 KittyCat666 199 Tohsaka 200 Galroc Rank Battletag Average Wins 1 CHARLIEiggy 8.47 2 DeadlyPants 8.47 3 Naslund 8.40 4 tigerlash 8.27 5 cleanup141 8.27 6 Phleetwood 8.20 7 TwoThirtyTwo 8.20 8 Zamos 8.13 9 Amaz 8.13 10 BruceLeet 8.13 11 Middle 8.07 12 dreads 8.00 13 Near 8.00 14 mordred 8.00 15 Amaso 7.93 16 Calka 7.93 17 Genieboi 7.93 18 Karmademon 7.93 19 Avista 7.93 20 PainofMind 7.93 21 Hoyviken 7.80 22 Psychedelic 7.80 23 Talriel 7.80 24 KellenAbel 7.80 25 BrianWong 7.80 26 Kreutzer 7.80 27 krownmeking 7.80 28 Polygonz 7.80 29 denske 7.73 30 Yumeno 7.73 31 SuperSB 7.73 32 WJSProwler 7.73 33 GabeLF 7.67 34 Shyft4 7.67 35 jakesdabest 7.67 36 bnjy99 7.67 37 Battle.net User 7.67 38 FormatMan 7.67 39 Nevermo 7.67 40 Dewey 7.60 41 Save 7.60 42 Mancubus4 7.60 43 HoangHai 7.53 44 TeppyRS 7.53 45 FrankDaFish 7.53 46 gunbread 7.53 47 LOL 7.53 48 CBEAEM 7.53 49 MrL 7.53 50 LazyTitan 7.53 51 Arcanan 7.53 52 Yogurtslinga 7.53 53 jellybanana 7.47 54 Hadeson 7.47 55 WhiteRebel 7.47 56 LuckyPants 7.47 57 Emlur 7.47 58 Briyou 7.47 59 willander 7.47 60 Celeritas 7.47 61 Rrrubick 7.47 62 mainecoon 7.47 63 PeterBaelish 7.47 64 blah1 7.47 65 Prayze42 7.40 66 TheCheat 7.40 67 Dwarm 7.40 68 UtherDoul 7.40 69 Toorop 7.40 70 Carey 7.40 71 Hoagithor 7.40 72 Timmylol 7.40 73 Kartoffel 7.40 74 Etoce 7.40 75 Dub 7.33 76 NgAnhTuan 7.33 77 TitanEtereo 7.33 78 Hogger 7.33 79 dysnomia 7.33 80 Glebe 7.33 81 Golken 7.33 82 ProwlingWolf 7.33 83 Townee 7.33 84 Azure 7.27 85 gridman 7.27 86 Rui 7.27 87 Rexd 7.27 88 Alex 7.27 89 Kibler 7.27 90 Morgan 7.27 91 banata 7.27 92 Diminish 7.27 93 goodguy 7.27 94 GiveMeBoar 7.27 95 Hattrick 7.27 96 zedlaw 7.27 97 Gralthator 7.27 98 Gateway 7.20 99 SoysauceFan 7.20 100 HubukiNinten 7.20 101 frzwind 7.20 102 Farroway 7.20 103 bababackship 7.20 104 shararr 7.20 105 berelol 7.20 106 DashingHenry 7.20 107 starworld111 7.20 108 veritas 7.20 109 Tachii 7.20 110 FilipTM 7.13 111 HangingSky 7.13 112 Herpderp 7.13 113 kingplay 7.13 114 EvilRainbow 7.13 115 R32312729 7.13 116 Jhyun 7.13 117 oooasa 7.13 118 HatsuneMiku 7.13 119 HARRYMA 7.13 120 ArofRemet 7.07 121 trueapm69fan 7.07 122 medievalist 7.07 123 YourHarry 7.07 124 m0rph1ing 7.07 125 TuMama 7.07 126 pokerpro 7.07 127 CCJIEYU 7.07 128 Pep 7.07 129 lovezoey 7.07 130 Tesdey 7.07 131 Abdz 7.07 132 SwankyOrc 7.07 133 Evilwithin 7.07 134 LegendLegacy 7.07 135 Sceptrezz 7.00 136 Steampunk 7.00 137 Exsanguinate 7.00 138 TommyOKe 7.00 139 TezzeretEX 7.00 140 roguelike 7.00 141 Kyonko 7.00 142 Vike 7.00 143 jasonkidd008 7.00 144 Lando 7.00 145 MrMime 7.00 146 NumbTheFear 7.00 147 Caliban 7.00 148 Daigats 7.00 149 Chaospiggy 7.00 150 Listener 7.00 *Players in the top Ranked Standard list have each earned points towards Season 1 of the 2018 Hearthstone Championship Tour.

Enter The Witchwood Now!

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The Witchwood has arrived! You can now purchase and open card packs! Log in to claim a random class Legendary card and three card packs from The Witchwood, FREE*! Join the Hearthstone team for a look beyond the forest’s gnarled branches to get at the roots of what it took to bring The Witchwood to life! The Witchwood The evil witch Hagatha has put a vile curse on the forest surrounding the city of Gilneas, twisting the woods into a terrifying place of eerie spectres, bizarre manifestations, and mysterious disappearances. The curse has begun to encroach on the city itself—strange shapes can be seen haunting its foggy streets in the dead of night. But the citizens of Gilneas are no ordinary folk—they are Worgen, able to assume the form of ferocious, hulking wolf-beasts at the drop of a top hat! They won’t take the threat of a curse lying down. Even now, the determined monster hunters of Gilneas prepare to stalk Hagatha in the haunted wood. Arm yourself with 135 all-new cards and join the hunt in Hearthstone’s latest hair-raising expansion: The Witchwood! Echoes of Evil The Witchwood’s unsettling effects have touched both material beings and spells alike. Some will Echo, creating phantasmal duplicates of themselves. Cards with the new Echo keyword can be played again and again on the same turn—so long as you have the mana to pay the price. No Shades of Grey? The forces of order and chaos will soon clash in the dark and twisted wilderness of The Witchwood. Embrace discipline and reduce the cost of your Hero Power to 1 mana by adding Genn Greymane to your deck—though he demands that you sacrifice using odd-cost cards. Alternatively, you can harness the power of the curse for yourself and gain an upgraded Hero Power by constructing a deck with Baku the Mooneater, but beware—Baku will not tolerate even-cost cards. Where will you stand? Blood Rush The Witchwood’s curse can fill even the calmest heart with an unquenchable rage. Those affected by its unnatural vigor will barrel toward foes with terrifying speed. Minions with the new Rush keyword can attack opposing minions—but not Heroes—on the same turn they are played. The Monster Hunt Begins Soon In The Witchwood’s challenging single-player mode, Monster Hunt, Gilneas’ veteran monster hunters are called to cleanse the forest of its darkness. Similar to the Dungeon Run from Kobolds & Catacombs, players will defeat bosses and collect their bounties to build a deck that will keep them alive as they stalk their quarry deeper and deeper into The Witchwood. The stakes are high—if your Hunter should fall, then you will need to begin the hunt again with a new deck! The Monster Hunt begins April 26! If you manage to survive a full Monster Hunt with each of the four Hunters and defeat Hagatha, you’ll add the “Monster Hunt” card back to your collection. The shadowed trail lies ahead, leading ever deeper into the labyrinth of gnarled branches. Check your weapons, bolster your courage, and enter The Witchwood! * Legendary card and three The Witchwood card packs are a one-time offer and available only for a limited time. Offer available until July 11.

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The post TT Isle of Man PC Game Free Download appeared first on Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

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Azure Saga: Pathfinder PC Game Free Download – adalah sebuah game yang bergenre JRPG buatan orang indonesia, cerita dari game ini bermula ketika 2 karakter utama yang berma Nolde dab Synch yang dikejar oleh kapal luar angkasa, karena aksi pengejaran itu membuat Nolde dan juga Synch terdampar disebuah planet yang tidak mereka kenal, di planet […]

The post Azure Saga: Pathfinder PC Game Free Download appeared first on Download Game Gratis PC Full Version Terbaru 2017.

The Witchwood – Mysterious Missives Part 1

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As you prepare to face the evil in The Witchwood, it would be wise to arm yourself with knowledge of the key players in this unfolding conflict. Fortunately for you, such knowledge has mysteriously materialized. . . . The source of the following dossiers is a mystery, and it is uncertain whether you should actually even trust the information contained herein. After all, in these dark times, rumors fly like a murder of crows. Still, even the slightest knowledge of who’s who could be just the edge you need to survive the curse. Read on, brave monster hunter. Hagatha the Witch Profession: The Witch in the Woods Hobbies: Croc-het, homebrewing, debating the plural form of “Shaman” We do not know much about Hagatha’s true nature. Is she indeed the source of the curse, as rumored? Or is she merely another one of its victims? Was she a survivor of some great battle who dragged herself deep into the forest and fell prey to dark magic? A wicked manifestation of the forest’s anger, furious with intruders and despoilers? An unusually skilled shaman, whose ambition and desire for vengeance have outstripped all good sense? Somewhere, on the bank of a dank and deadly swamp in the depths of the forest, she waits. When she speaks, every malignant thing in the woods bends an ear to listen. When she breathes, coils of glowing mist drift between tangled branches, and restless spirits wake from timeless slumber. When she rages, gnarled trees with jagged grins uproot themselves, and whole hillsides rise to lumber into the night. When she dreams, the people of Gilneas have recurring nightmares of a great serpent that threatens to devour the moon. In her despair, the vile and bizarre Shudderwock stalks the land. She is terrifying, but she isn’t a mindless force of nature, nor is she all-powerful. She is lucid, cunning, and plotting. We do not know why she hates this city and its people, nor whether she really even does—Gilneas may be just an obstacle to a larger goal. Whatever Hagatha’s ultimate motive, the curse is already closing its shadowy claws around the city, and she will not stop until it is lost to the Witchwood. King Genn Greymane Profession: King of Gilneas Hobbies: Formerly: Hubris, Poor foreign policy, Vengeance (against Sylvanas the Banshee Queen). Current: Sovereignty, Fatherhood, Craft cocktails. We dare not approach the king too closely, but this is what we know. Genn Greymane is King of Gilneas (the country and the city). His arrogance, stubbornness, and overconfidence once led Gilneas down a path of isolationism that brought it to the brink of destruction. Had he not learned to be a better ruler since those days, the city might already be lost. In the days since the curse began afflicting the wood, he has worked tirelessly in the service of his city. He is often confined to his study, working into the wee hours by gaslight, night after night. The constant flow of reports emerging from the city allow him no rest: disappearances in the wood, horrifying shapes with glowing eyes stalking the city streets, and an endless array of ever stranger and more disturbing phenomena. There are even rumors that citizens have turned to a doomsaying “Crowskin” cult that operates in shadowy back rooms and cellars. The normally tough-minded people of Gilneas are gripped with fear, suspicion, and superstition, but King Greymane has an iron will, and he expects the same of his subjects. His response has been to crack down, demanding absolute discipline and dedication. He’s tasked one of his finest thieftakers with investigating the cult, a man named Shaw. That’s not all: the Worgen King is currently recruiting the best monster hunters in Gilneas for a sortie into the forest. No subtlety here: he intends to confront the threat head-on and howling. Princess Tess Greymane Profession: Princess, Heir to the Throne of Gilneas Hobbies: Espionage, tea, assassination, baking, knives, the interior design of sewers, secret societies Princess Tess Greymane is heir to the throne of Gilneas, and by all accounts a woman of extraordinary skill and razor wit. Tess combines her father’s iron will with a subtlety and deftness he’s always lacked. She’s well renowned for cleverly using her enemies’ best tricks against them, and she’d make a powerful Queen—though she seems to have little interest in matters of state. In fact, she spends an unusual amount time around low-born thieves, rogues, and rapscallions. Lately her behavior has been most concerning. The Princess has been seen haunting—figuratively, as she’s not dead . . . yet—the lonely, rocky shorelines of Gilneas. As the fog rolls in off the sea, she confronts eerie visitors: spectral buccaneers from the depths, whose unquiet spirits rise from the icy gray surf. Even those who know how very formidable the Princess can be fear for her safety during these nightly sojourns. These spirits seem less spectral and more solid with each passing night. She may need to abandon her pet project soon, in any event. The hunters entering the Witchwood will have need of her skills. Prince Liam Greymane Profession: Former Prince of Gilneas. Friendly Ghost Hobbies: Doing good from the Great Beyond Prince Liam’s devotion to his father and people was unceasing before he fell in defense of Gilneas. That was long ago—long before the curse. Recently, sightings of the Prince’s ghost have been reported. Rumors among the peasantry seem to imply that Liam’s spirit appears to people who are in great danger, and helps them do extraordinary, unbelievable things. Perhaps the Prince feels that he failed his people once, and a desire to do better keeps him fettered to this mortal plane. Perhaps the curse denies him his eternal rest. Whatever the case, Prince Liam is not done serving Gilneas. Countess Ashmore Profession: Countess, Unknown Hobbies: Being enigmatic, magic, acquiring dangerous friends The Countess is an enigma. No one in Gilneas seems to have heard of her noble line prior to the Witchwood curse, but suddenly, the records show an Ashmore family tree stretching all the way back to pre-Alliance days, written in a hand none of the royal scribes recognize. She’s taken up residence in an old manor that’s been abandoned since before the first battle of Gilneas, but while some claim that many voices can be heard emerging from the old estate, she’s the only one who’s been seen entering or leaving. Rumor has it that she’s researching the curse, and she’s been seen asking questions of those who claim to have witnessed dragons in the wood. Is she truly the scion of a forgotten noble family returned home in a time of great need? Or something much more dangerous?

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Welcome to The Witchwood Inn-vitational!

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Conflict is brewing in The Witchwood, but Gilneas will not be taken unawares. The city needs all the help it can get—and we’re bringing in the big guns to pitch in. Welcome to The Witchwood Inn-vitational, the first tournament wherein The Witchwood’s cards will see competitive play. This eight-player tournament will pit players from North America and Europe against one another, to bring to light some of the finest decks and plays of the new meta. Players & Talent The eight players will be split into two teams of four. Competing in The Witchwood Inn-vitational are: Americas Europe Alexandra Macpherson Alliestrasza Tyler Hoang Nguyen Tyler James Kostesich Firebat Jon Westberg Orange David Caero Dog Radu Dima RDU Janne Mikkonen Savjz Jeffrey Brusi Sjow Casting for this thrilling display will be provided by Nathan “ThatsAdmirable” Zamora, TJ Sanders, and Jace “DrJikininki” Garthright. The bracket will be determined before the tournament, so if you’re interested in finding out who plays who, stay tuned to @PlayHearthsone. Format True to its namesake forest, the tournament format has been. . . twisted, so we can see the new cards in all their macabre glory: to that end, each deck will contain at least eight cards from The Witchwood. The first phase of the tournament will have four matches, with Player A from North America facing off against Player A from Europe, and so on. These best-of-five Conquest rounds will have no bans; instead, all players will bring three decks to play. For each round won in the first phase, a class ban is earned. These class bans will be used in the next phase, the Grand Finals. If a team sweeps the first phase, they could earn as many as four class bans! In the winner-take-all Grand Finals, both teams will nominate a representative to play on their behalf. Each player may use existing decks or entirely new ones, untested in battle, should all their preferred classes be banned. We’ll be sharing all the inventive new decks the week after the tournament, so you can try them out for yourself! Broadcast The Witchwood Inn-vitational airs on Twitch on April 13 at 9.00 a.m. PDT. Watch the stream below, or head over to our Twitch channel to join the chat! Check out our Fireside Gatherings celebration campaign if you’ve got a regular Fireside Gathering going or simply want to celebrate The Witchwood’s launch with some friends. Remember that this is also your last chance to pick up The Witchwood pack pre-purchase—don’t forget to do so! Let us know what you expect from the tournament, using the hashtags #Witchwood and #WWInnvitational, as we ramp up to the spookiest expansion of the year.

#SWTOR Cartel Market Specials: Week of April 9, 2018

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Get your hands on some Cartel Coins and Take Advantage of the Cartel Market Specials this Week!
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As the Hutts are nowhere to be found, Spring Sale continues in the Cartel Market!
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Update 11.0 – April 10 – Enter The Witchwood

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We’re on the cusp of the new Hearthstone Year! This Hearthstone update puts the final touches in place for the Year of the Raven and the launch of Hearthstone’s latest expansion, The Witchwood! We’re also adding Lunara, the new Druid Hero, Daily Quest improvements, Friendly Challenge deck sharing, Arena updates, and new card backs. We’re also fixing some bugs. This update is now live in the Americas and Europe! Read on to learn more! Brave The Witchwood on April 12! Join the best monster hunters of Gilneas as they seek out the source of a dreadful curse in a haunted forest! The evil in the woods will soon learn that it’s bitten off more than it can chew, because the people of Gilneas bite back! The Witchwood features: 135 hair-raising new cards New keywords: Rush and Echo Even and Odd decks – Build a deck with Genn Greymane or Baku the Mooneater to boost your Hero Power, but you’ll only be able to use even- or odd-cost cards! For a limited time after The Witchwood arrives, log in to claim three card packs and a random class Legendary card—both from new expansion—for free! The Witchwood’s challenging, free single-player mode, Monster Hunt, opens in two weeks! Time is short! The Witchwood pre-purchase bundle will only remain available until 11:59 p.m. PDT on April 11. This bundle includes 50 card packs at a special price, as well as 20 more bonus card packs and the In a Dark Wood card back! Year of the Raven The Year of the Raven begins when The Witchwood launches! When the new year arrives, Standard decks can be created with the following sets: Basic Classic Journey to Un’Goro Knights of the Frozen Throne Kobolds & Catacombs The Witchwood The following sets will become exclusive to Wild: Whispers of the Old Gods One Night in Karazhan Mean Streets of Gadgetzan The following cards will go to Hall of Fame and will become exclusive to Wild: Iceblock Coldlight Oracle Molten Giant – Molten Giant is being reduced to its original mana cost of 20. The change happens when the patch goes live, even though the card will move to the Hall of Fame with the release of The Witchwood. Once the Year of the Raven begins, you will receive the full Arcane Dust value of these cards without needing to disenchant them (up the maximum number that can be used in a deck). New Druid Hero: Lunara Earn Lunara by winning 10 Standard Ranked or Casual games after the new Year of the Raven arrives! Daily Quest Updates All quests that previously awarded 40 gold will now award 50 gold. Most Daily Quests are now easier to complete. Note: Quests acquired prior to this patch will keep old requirements and rewards. Friendly Challenge Deck Sharing Now you can share your decks with friends during a Friendly Challenge! This feature isn’t available for Tavern Brawl or Fireside Brawl. Noblegarden is Coming We’ve begun preparing the Tavern for an egg-cellent event coming in Spring. Added the following card backs: Raise the Roof – Acquired from winning five games in Ranked Play, April 2018 Monster Hunter – Acquired from completing the Monster Hunt with all four heroes and defeating the evil in The Witchwood. Lunara’s Garden – Acquired from winning five games in Ranked Play, May 2018 Arena Updates Moderately reduced the appearance rates of below average cards. Humongous Razorleaf and Ancient Watcher will no longer appear in Arena drafts. Bug Fixes and Gameplay Improvements The Enrage keyword has been retired. These minions still work the same way, but have re-phrased card text. The Rampage Daily Quest to play 10 Enrage minions has been removed. Deathstalker Rexxar’s Hero Power has been updated to include Beasts from Kobolds & Catacombs and The Witchwood. Minions now only break Stealth when attacking. Damage dealt by card abilities, such as Knife Juggler’s knife throw, no longer breaks Stealth. Cards that were burned, such as by drawing cards when your hand is full, will now appear in match history. The animated glows signifying that a card’s ability has been activated in your hand have been adjusted to make them easier to distinguish without relying on color. The red “X” on daily quests in the Quest Log has been replaced with a new blue “reroll” icon. Added additional Search functionality in the Collection Manager to support even- and odd-cost cards. Use Mana:Even and Mana:Odd. New Daily Quest—Catch a Big One: "Defeat 3 Monster Hunt Bosses." Fixed a bug where certain cost-reduction effects, such as Ethereal Peddler or Shadowstep, were not removed when transformed by cards such as Lilian Voss or Golden Kobold. Fixed various issues associated with spells cast by Scroll of Wonder. Doomerang’s effect no longer incorrectly counts as destroying the equipped weapon for the purposes of interacting with minion or card abilities. Playing Grand Archivist while Nozdormu is in play will no longer sometimes skip an opponent’s turn. Duplicates created by Doppelgangster will now correctly trigger their Val’anyr Deathrattles while Spiritsinger Umbra is in play. Lesser Pearl Spellstone now upgrades correctly when a Hero receives healing from two different sources at the same time. V-07-TR-0N will now properly destroy the other friendly mechs in play when formed from Mimiron's Head while Warsong Commander is in play. Fixed an issue that could cause a disconnect when returning Lord Jaraxxus to a player’s hand before its Battlecry resolves. Genzo the Shark will no longer activate twice if his attack is redirected. Crypt Lord no longer buffs itself after it is destroyed by an effect that summons a friendly minion. Madam Goya will no longer destroy the targeted minion if your deck is full. Serrated Shield now correctly displays bonuses from Spell Damage. Stand Against the Darkness can no longer be cast when your board is full. [Android] Fixed an issue that could cause instability when browsing card backs in the Collection Manager. Fixed various minor UI and Animation issues. Improved the phrasing of some cards. Dungeon Run Your spells will no longer gain the Stealth keyword if you chose the Cloak of Invisibility. Using Scroll of Confusion will no longer prevent a minion that you control from attacking.

Stand Watch Against the Curse of The Witchwood, Host a Launch Party!

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The Witchwood has been restless lately. Twisted creatures stir in the forest, and ghastly specters haunt the foggy streets of Gilneas. Terror is afoot in the night . . . and the time to strike back is nigh! Grab some friends and pledge your swords—and decks—in defense of Gilneas, then celebrate the launch of The Witchwood by hosting or attending a Hearthstone Fireside Gathering! Host a Fireside Gathering Release Party for The Witchwood Kick things off by heading over to FiresideGatherings.com and submitting your event details. Make sure to be very specific so your friends and fellow townsfolk can find your tavern. Once your application is submitted, we’ll review your event and let you know if it’s been approved. Remember to hold your Fireside Gathering in a place that’s accessible to the public! Requesting a Support Kit Rally new members to your cause by requesting a support kit full of pins, plushies, and other goodies! Supplies are limited, so register your event between now and May 3 to be eligible for one. While you can host Fireside Gatherings at any time during the year, this round of support kits will be available only for select events taking place between April 21 to May 20. Finding a Safe, Warm Place The nights in Gilneas are dark and dangerous, but you can find safety by joining a nearby pack of welcoming worgen. Find your own place by a Gilnean hearth—visit FiresideGatherings.com to search for local celebrations near you. If you’d like additional company, make sure to visit a tavern that’s already established (you can tell it is if it has a unique Tavern Sign) and complete a Fireside Brawl. If you do so, the warlock Hero Nemsy Necrofizzle will join your ranks to help fight off things that go bump in the night. Innkeepers who would like to facilitate meetings between Nemsy and their patrons can learn more about establishing taverns here. The Witchwood Celebration Support Kit Requirements If you’re interested in getting a celebration support kit, make sure you meet the following criteria: Host your Fireside Gatherings at a location accessible to the public, like a café, restaurant, local game store, tavern, or town square. Schedule your event at FiresideGatherings.com so other players can find out about it. Innkeepers requesting a support kit must be 18 years of age or older. Celebrate the launch of The Witchwood today! Get Started

Get Ready for BlizzCon® 2018

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Team up with your friends and family and get ready for a journey to Southern California for BlizzCon® 2018, Blizzard’s epic celebration of games and esports and the communities that bring them to life! Tickets to the main event, taking place at the Anaheim Convention Center on November 2 and 3, will go on sale May 9 and May 12, with tickets to a special pre-BlizzCon benefit dinner going on sale May 16. BlizzCon Ticket Sale #1: Wednesday, May 9 at 7:00 p.m. PDT BlizzCon Ticket Sale #2: Saturday, May 12 at 10:00 a.m. PDT BlizzCon Benefit Dinner Ticket Sale: Wednesday, May 16 at 7:00 p.m. PDT Every BlizzCon, people from around the world gather to celebrate their shared passion for games, learn more about Blizzard’s games and universes directly from the developers, cheer on their favorite esports stars through world-class competition, and much more. This year’s show will once again commence with the esports action of BlizzCon Opening Week, taking place at Blizzard Arena Los Angeles from October 25 to 29, where the initial rounds of the StarCraft® II World Championship Series Global Finals, the Heroes of the Storm® Global Championship Finals, and World of Warcraft® Arena World Championship Finals will unfold. The competitions will culminate in Anaheim on November 2 and 3, where the champions of these tournaments along with those of the Overwatch® World Cup and Hearthstone® Global Games will be crowned. BlizzCon Tournament Dates Heroes of the Storm Global Championship: October 25–28, November 2–3 StarCraft II World Championship Series: October 26–28, November 2–3 World of Warcraft Arena Global Championship: October 29, November 2–3 Overwatch World Cup: November 2–3 Hearthstone Global Games: November 2–3 A limited number of tickets to Opening Week events at Blizzard Arena Los Angeles in Burbank, California will go on sale later this year—further details will be announced in the months ahead. BlizzCon 2018 Ticket Details BlizzCon 2018 tickets will be available for $199 USD each (plus applicable taxes and fees) through the online ticketing service Universe. Tickets include two-day admission to the main event at the Anaheim Convention Center on November 2 and 3, and attendees will receive a commemorative BlizzCon goody bag containing a cache of loot based on their favorite Blizzard games. Visit the BlizzCon Event Info site for complete details, including important information for people interested in attending in person. BlizzCon Benefit Dinner in Support of CHOC Children’s Before BlizzCon begins, we’ll be hosting an exclusive pre-BlizzCon dinner to benefit CHOC Children’s on the evening of Thursday, November 1, where attendees will have the chance to spend time with Blizzard developers, artists, and community representatives—all while supporting a great cause. Tickets to the benefit dinner, which include BlizzCon admission, are limited in number and will go on sale Wednesday, May 16 at 7:00 p.m. PDT for $750 each. Blizzard Entertainment will donate the net proceeds from the event to CHOC Children’s. Visit the Charity Dinner page for more details. BlizzCon Virtual Ticket Coming Soon Gamers around the globe who aren’t able to attend in person will have the chance to enjoy BlizzCon from just about anywhere via the Virtual Ticket, which offers live streaming coverage of the event and a variety of bonus content, including this year’s BlizzCon in-game items. More details on the BlizzCon 2018 Virtual Ticket, including pricing, availability, and programming information, will be announced at a later date. Whether you’re attending in person or joining us online, we hope to see you there!