The final results for Hearthstone Ranked Standard, Wild, and Arena play in February 2018 are in! The players featured below have employed top notch deck building skills, in-the-moment decision making, and unyielding dedication to achieve a most noteworthy feat! This month, we’ve got additional Arena rankings for Wildfest. This ranking takes players’ best 10 consecutive Arena runs from Feb. 19 to Feb. 28, while regular Arena rankings take players' best 15 consecutive Arena runs for the month. Check it out! Pour a toast, pull up a chair, and join us in recognizing Hearthstone’s top Ranked Standard*, Wild, and Arena players in the Americas region! Standard Wild Arena Wildfest Arena Rank Battletag 1 ute1234 2 Klei 3 hunterace 4 Tarei 5 ahqShaxy 6 Purple 7 Tyler 8 NoName 9 TerrenceM 10 Deathsie 11 Sintolol 12 Monsanto 13 J4YOU 14 dog 15 chosenone 16 承泰不要 17 Mage 18 Korextron 19 Tuttek 20 ETC 21 StrifeCro 22 INER 23 GreenSheep 24 Odemian 25 Mitsuhide 26 zumpp 27 trahison 28 noblord 29 Nicslay 30 matuko 31 Leoric 32 Yogg 33 Tansoku 34 A83650 35 MATSURI 36 Pignas 37 FroStee 38 Guiyze 39 Fibonacci 40 justsaiyan 41 N0lan 42 PapaJason 43 Maverick 44 wiz 45 Plantz 46 UchihaSaske 47 kolmari 48 Bozzzton 49 MCweifu 50 Ruby 51 katsucurry 52 Deceptions 53 Weghuz 54 Izzy 55 TheJordude 56 DimitriKazov 57 Casie 58 Fled 59 Bequiet 60 Janetzky 61 C4mlann 62 SirVILGAUDAS 63 SATANCURSEYO 64 Equester 65 Lucas 66 Thomerio 67 Mogumi 68 Zorkthar 69 Kalàxz 70 Vardu 71 Amnesiac 72 Luker 73 Sequinox 74 Eloise 75 Mryagut 76 Gallon 77 gegebushou 78 Disdai 79 SilverByz 80 Картошечка 81 Khaius 82 TTF 83 Myth555 84 Houdinii 85 Rostovmax 86 BustaJ 87 Tuan 88 SargentoSC 89 Aaron 90 Blaze 91 Crash 92 Kribo 93 Pavel 94 Zhu 95 Orange 96 SnipedAgain 97 GreeD 98 MeatUshijima 99 Staz 100 riku97 101 Chakki 102 starworld111 103 Leta 104 山下智久 105 purplerat 106 Caleb 107 Rooftrellen 108 Tweeg 109 MaxTheRipper 110 Machamp 111 Cydonia 112 pksnow 113 Brewski 114 Rase 115 jad346 116 Seiko 117 Zyrios 118 WoT 119 HotMEOWTH 120 Romeus 121 benyasu 122 Deckizz 123 sjowb00bs 124 muzzy 125 ScreaM 126 Jarla 127 seiger 128 garifar 129 vcT 130 Flex 131 hemi 132 Zalae 133 wabeka 134 ennui 135 b787 136 civila 137 BigBoy 138 KanyeBest 139 Sevel 140 ViperPro 141 Wagwamer 142 물리왕 143 LOL 144 Cesky 145 Meati 146 Nalguidan 147 bloodyface 148 Perna 149 香菇奾汁 150 ntR 151 fertygo 152 tarohiko 153 Scruffy 154 Garchomp 155 Bunnyhoppor 156 Swidz 157 Nameless 158 Neves 159 SamSapper 160 Kranich 161 순이 162 AlivZ 163 nattack 164 TFK 165 Dennis 166 Pymbette 167 Tixuty 168 Gaara 169 Zeh 170 Coglorin 171 PNC 172 PillowHunter 173 撒旦降臨 174 Alan870806 175 Vanik 176 honeyboy91 177 IrvinG 178 Yaraki 179 Zapgaze 180 WaningMoon 181 Solmyr 182 RYABRA 183 Twink 184 hikage7 185 seohyun628 186 Archangel 187 DouAhou 188 reation 189 Noriman 190 DacLue 191 While 192 EpicTroll4 193 DarkShadow 194 Thelast 195 Ryuuzu 196 tekkex 197 Kevor24 198 SilverReald 199 Switters 200 GundamFlame Rank Battletag 1 awedragon 2 Hazer 3 野火烧不尽 4 Blackacre 5 HugeEyesCat 6 Buffy 7 ItsATrap 8 Jayden 9 Elvensblade 10 Roffle 11 olympus 12 gorky 13 SONGOKU 14 MetricTrout 15 Garbages 16 maddogmatt 17 slizzle466 18 Wololo 19 Yano 20 dab 21 User 22 senapoke 23 生而狂野丨兮去 24 Toxiclaw 25 Magnaavis 26 ShackDaddy 27 Buckslayer88 28 Bananaramic 29 yilingsama 30 Samadhi 31 sleight 32 Hadeson 33 keithnumbers 34 Juggernaut 35 XxSkrubxX 36 Dano 37 DevilGod 38 blisterguy 39 GhostDragon 40 Shane 41 Control 42 ColdStory 43 Dean 44 Stormblessed 45 V1K1NG 46 Eon 47 Feepitee 48 Illuminati 49 mooingsheep 50 AshinSR 51 JackHarper 52 Woodford 53 Auve 54 Kainan 55 garubor 56 YmTheBoss 57 Superdevil 58 JayPower 59 らいら 60 Gozun 61 JackinnSS 62 Khan 63 Du6U 64 GetMeowth 65 Shahazarad 66 iTzzzz 67 FknWizard 68 AZSwim 69 Jonahrah 70 Ab9 71 Tamal1995 72 WinterWizard 73 watemerald 74 DarkShadow 75 Ego 76 Storm 77 Math31416 78 xNever 79 ungreatman 80 justkevin 81 Redtim29 82 ToddieJay 83 MrAugust 84 Rrahmyn 85 ReganisPrime 86 Peter 87 KremePuff 88 kluge 89 ynmJaden 90 Zandy 91 DiegoBrando 92 Seviang 93 Apson 94 Subscript 95 dopira 96 Cooky 97 Blackscarab 98 Alucard 99 Interstellar 100 Frank 101 Imp 102 RDT 103 ImTIER1 104 IntoTheWild 105 THEPhyrexIAN 106 PsychicBattl 107 RatsWithHats 108 Relax 109 XangelnagiX 110 Balaar 111 Synapse 112 SirTonelli 113 Euskade 114 cgmiller2003 115 Windwisper 116 Tangsin 117 Wargizmo 118 Vadoc 119 MassiveEdge 120 Myu 121 ThreeByEight 122 Remexe 123 psidekick 124 illusion 125 Darkness 126 peteydidit 127 jin 128 Barryington 129 MonsterMash 130 Pyr0s 131 brian 132 Richard 133 XAMAEL 134 ShiangChen 135 Thabalacaust 136 Grondus 137 meee 138 Kiona 139 SilentKing 140 sky11116 141 MarcosRocha 142 JBH 143 Sadpotato 144 Huntress 145 KosDarkFighT 146 MayhemLikeMe 147 ColdSnapSP 148 CoolWolf 149 seble97 150 Lekai 151 ShadowMurloc 152 CONCERNEDMOM 153 Goldfish 154 dudedawg 155 Osiris 156 funguy 157 BamBoost 158 Drederick 159 monk3ywrench 160 ChoA 161 SamAnthony 162 Wowtown 163 Legit 164 Aquarilus 165 MrWaldir 166 Nobody 167 hiyen 168 UltimateGod 169 Kami 170 Chillestial 171 Yehster 172 Starciller 173 Pieman 174 Doug 175 Gadwen 176 AfterBarf 177 Vespasian 178 Osiris 179 Requiem 180 Bal 181 luminescents 182 One1woN 183 ToasterCup 184 Sideshow 185 TomboWombo 186 LFBF 187 Mtgsquirrel 188 Sacrosanctis 189 Robotnanny 190 LOL 191 Milithemir 192 ViseStompy 193 Navillus 194 Nyatalia 195 Fly 196 Knoster 197 Pellinore 198 Konsento 199 lugea 200 PunchParty Rank Battletag Average Wins 1 Ryzalis 8.80 2 Amaz 8.60 3 Dranix 8.53 4 satolis 8.47 5 SilentSword 8.40 6 rikelin 8.40 7 NymStark 8.33 8 maybe 8.27 9 AtheistGod 8.27 10 BigMike 8.20 11 Daemissary 8.20 12 user 8.20 13 MeowTony 8.20 14 Talriel 8.13 15 Turtledude33 8.13 16 StormmyHuy 8.13 17 benji 8.13 18 Reickl 8.07 19 zimzum 8.07 20 Emanon 8.00 21 KuangLin 8.00 22 Luwig 8.00 23 Vike 8.00 24 wassy 8.00 25 RockinRay 8.00 26 Rafaelft 8.00 27 oblivion 7.93 28 lin 7.93 29 Emiya 7.93 30 Herpderp 7.87 31 ssf1987 7.87 32 Kartoffel 7.87 33 Kingly 7.87 34 TTEXXX 7.87 35 zen 7.87 36 dreads 7.87 37 jakesdabest 7.80 38 Zyst 7.80 39 ArimosTX 7.80 40 Kiiris 7.80 41 StaticKitty 7.80 42 watertommy 7.80 43 Ancho 7.80 44 Jme11444 7.80 45 Blacksugar 7.80 46 Shadymelody 7.80 47 Hogger 7.73 48 Genieboi 7.73 49 Save 7.73 50 duyhai2111 7.73 51 kineko 7.73 52 EmGaiMua 7.73 53 jellybanana 7.73 54 FinalSlayer 7.67 55 AnneFrankAsh 7.67 56 LuckyPants 7.67 57 DeeRyeUs 7.67 58 Eventide 7.67 59 Comber 7.60 60 ToumaKazusa 7.60 61 blah1 7.60 62 tigerlash 7.60 63 Fivebamboo 7.60 64 NOFLAG 7.60 65 EnracDtoz 7.60 66 pokerpro 7.60 67 Briyou 7.60 68 Serendipity 7.60 69 臭臭地精 7.60 70 Bbloch 7.60 71 MonLun 7.60 72 DAR3N 7.60 73 Oath 7.53 74 Dawidoff 7.53 75 Banhbaounu 7.53 76 vFZen 7.53 77 Jamal 7.53 78 BDY 7.53 79 Hobbes 7.53 80 bnjy99 7.53 81 TheBigN 7.53 82 Zelamin 7.47 83 solidx 7.47 84 Atemesk 7.47 85 NewUser9527 7.47 86 GreyTaichou 7.47 87 backseatdog 7.47 88 Raz 7.47 89 KellenAbel 7.47 90 MasonMoon 7.47 91 Mantis 7.47 92 Zermrot 7.47 93 User 7.40 94 oooasa 7.40 95 Lanners 7.40 96 BrianWong 7.40 97 valder 7.40 98 FareBear 7.40 99 marwan24 7.40 100 kopmander 7.40 101 krownmeking 7.40 102 Limapunk 7.40 103 Tachii 7.33 104 Wallaby 7.33 105 iEatGiraffes 7.33 106 GodlyCam 7.33 107 shuijiao 7.33 108 Kblood 7.33 109 Hofflehouses 7.33 110 Sheapy 7.33 111 headshot 7.33 112 RoyalSalute 7.27 113 Ddcatwdc 7.27 114 ZeroCool 7.27 115 Daigats 7.27 116 Satanslilboy 7.27 117 slinky 7.27 118 ventedprawn 7.27 119 HuzZ 7.27 120 Rispwaker 7.27 121 Kaiwen 7.27 122 Loverockets 7.27 123 PuLoko 7.20 124 TheCheat 7.20 125 Lebaron 7.20 126 iDoneDid 7.20 127 MileyCyrus 7.20 128 scaenicorum 7.20 129 IReadGood 7.20 130 Dennis848 7.20 131 kolst 7.20 132 FlyMolo 7.20 133 Jshifty 7.20 134 Bean 7.20 135 illuminati 7.20 136 Jimbo 7.20 137 Beethovenish 7.20 138 Relidic 7.20 139 Augnic 7.13 140 PandaLin 7.13 141 Lclark 7.13 142 mustybear 7.13 143 Jawn 7.13 144 dielanx5 7.13 145 trongtai 7.13 146 ShadowStorm 7.13 147 Karmademon 7.13 148 KazBeoulve 7.13 149 nchin122 7.13 150 Pretzel 7.13 Rank Battletag Average Wins 1 reskov 9.8 2 Zermrot 9.6 3 Trump 9.6 4 eminach 9.4 5 GrayGhost 9.2 6 dreads 9.1 7 Funk 9.1 8 KellenAbel 8.9 9 Jaeroman 8.9 10 BrianWong 8.8 11 BeeBoo 8.8 12 kaboomba 8.7 13 AfricaSniper 8.6 14 ute1234 8.6 15 kyoton 8.6 16 GEBETT 8.6 17 Dbruh 8.6 18 Notsogood 8.5 19 LettuceKing 8.5 20 Exsanguinate 8.5 21 AkibaTECH 8.5 22 Lumken 8.5 23 banata 8.4 24 enslen 8.4 25 SexyEnvelope 8.4 26 LuckyPants 8.4 27 Ethan 8.4 28 WJSProwler 8.4 29 Souse 8.3 30 Hafu 8.3 31 Monokuma 8.3 32 SilentSword 8.3 33 Acme 8.3 34 Emanon 8.3 35 Nneu 8.3 36 Keludar 8.3 37 LazyTitan 8.3 38 alex4tino 8.3 39 Bmoney 8.3 40 Figjam 8.2 41 TheChosenOne 8.2 42 Ebanezpoopoo 8.2 43 MIST 8.2 44 Titanin 8.2 45 krownmeking 8.2 46 Angrychini 8.1 47 ShadowStorm 8.1 48 wahuuuuuf 8.1 49 APM69 8.1 50 iste 8.1 51 watertommy 8.1 52 Chasingperth 8.1 53 luminescents 8.1 54 Adubs 8.1 55 EmGaiMua 8.1 56 RedDevil 8.1 57 tr3b0r 8.1 58 User 8.1 59 Horo 8 60 JerkStore 8 61 MushroomGas 8 62 Owen 8 63 MojoHand 8 64 Willie 8 65 Piow 8 66 Daigats 8 67 Athewinner 8 68 Kasumeat 8 69 NymStark 8 70 Volt 8 71 scropio 8 72 Xarzz 8 73 User 7.9 74 Taihyo 7.9 75 FrostyFeet 7.9 76 Ryzalis 7.9 77 gamesaredead 7.9 78 Regulator 7.9 79 TheJAW 7.9 80 yg4hunnid 7.9 81 barbatrebbio 7.9 82 Gustavo 7.9 83 dagonjugg 7.9 84 Sharp 7.9 85 Storm17 7.9 86 Frost 7.9 87 dog 7.9 88 Tearbear 7.8 89 BlackCrag 7.8 90 littlefox526 7.8 91 Loganator 7.8 92 MiniST 7.8 93 Se7enSinner 7.8 94 convit 7.8 95 Kanonair 7.8 96 UNKNOWN 7.8 97 MeowTony 7.8 98 PlayForFree 7.8 99 PinPin 7.8 100 SuperMurloc 7.8 101 tigerlash 7.8 102 Allanon 7.8 103 ecktor 7.8 104 sino 7.8 105 m0rph1ing 7.8 106 Huahwi529 7.8 107 Xsatyr 7.8 108 MarkMcKz 7.8 109 LogikZer0 7.8 110 Bootsy 7.8 111 Goal 7.8 112 seiya0011 7.8 113 Classic 7.8 114 claudius 7.8 115 qiudaoyu 7.8 116 DaNoid 7.8 117 Wrathblade 7.8 118 Celeritas 7.8 119 Genieboi 7.7 120 FrankDaFish 7.7 121 Etho 7.7 122 Stoic 7.7 123 TiuTangClan 7.7 124 qkrtncu 7.7 125 Turtledude33 7.7 126 Reddo 7.7 127 OhNoes 7.7 128 Lirikai 7.7 129 amaranth9 7.7 130 Dewey 7.7 131 Osterga 7.7 132 Nairejking 7.7 133 SilentSword 7.7 134 HubukiNinten 7.7 135 BouncyBear 7.7 136 Nasti 7.7 137 Kiiris 7.7 138 Baron219 7.7 139 Etoce 7.7 140 Raz 7.7 141 GranVice 7.7 142 jakesdabest 7.7 143 human 7.6 144 KJFrank 7.6 145 TheCheat 7.6 146 vhqr 7.6 147 Nikoraski 7.6 148 BigShowB3 7.6 149 Mfdust 7.6 150 Phu 7.6 *Players in the top Ranked Standard list have each earned points towards Season 1 of the 2018 Hearthstone Championship Tour.
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