The final results for Hearthstone Ranked Standard, Wild, and Arena play in January 2018 are in! The players featured below have employed top notch deck building skills, in-the-moment decision making, and unyielding dedication to achieve a most noteworthy feat! Pour a toast, pull up a chair, and join us in recognizing Hearthstone’s top Ranked Standard*, Wild, and Arena players in the Americas region! Standard Wild Arena Rank Battletag 1 Klei 2 Chakki 3 aqua 4 Maverick 5 TheMaverick 6 SteveD 7 Twink 8 fzmushko 9 Fenomeno 10 Glaser 11 Meati 12 Gaara 13 XisBau5e 14 CitizenNappa 15 Joaquin 16 Ant 17 Amnesiac 18 Mage 19 T4COTASTIC 20 DacRyvius 21 Swidz 22 Monsanto 23 noblord 24 Savvat 25 GingaNinja 26 Mryagut 27 Deckizz 28 Akumaker 29 Ruby 30 Purple 31 Casie 32 chosenone 33 TerrenceM 34 Nicslay 35 FroStee 36 Ostkaka 37 SATANCURSEYO 38 Fishyyy 39 Bunnyhoppor 40 ennui 41 Vyy 42 Картошечка 43 patoyao 44 nukesaku 45 hollow 46 Chalk 47 Vardu 48 yoitsflo 49 Pavel 50 jonouchi 51 s8ris 52 human 53 justsaiyan 54 takas 55 Zyrios 56 seiger 57 HighROller 58 Neilyo 59 Juristis 60 Spook 61 katsucurry 62 Jarla 63 Jako1910 64 edanco 65 Faeli 66 Madara 67 Crumpled 68 N0lan 69 SilentStorm 70 hunterace 71 GreeD 72 Piyobot 73 Nalguidan 74 DawN 75 Cesky 76 Rarara 77 撒旦降臨 78 LazyA 79 Furano 80 Eloise 81 killinallday 82 Sequinox 83 shoop 84 MaxTheRipper 85 Justine 86 riku97 87 Neirea 88 Rezdan 89 Steelo 90 alexthegreat 91 banata 92 Sintolol 93 Tuan 94 camel 95 Transchaos19 96 Xelo 97 Shadow 98 Xelerator 99 EdwardCoug 100 matuko 101 zumpp 102 Nxek 103 Rostovmax 104 Elfangor 105 Crane333 106 rayC 107 Silvors 108 Impact 109 PapaJason 110 Tarei 111 Zamos 112 IDontKnow 113 Paraksizm 114 Taesang 115 muzzy 116 Zananananan 117 baenugget 118 benyasu 119 Theflyestlai 120 Chewbaccawtf 121 Bao 122 exigo 123 zlsjs 124 blitzchung 125 Squid 126 Gogongsing 127 Astrogation 128 DrJikininki 129 EllenPage 130 INER 131 Machamp 132 Hearthstoner 133 sjow 134 Linken 135 ntR 136 MaeveDonovan 137 SwaggyG 138 edmvyrus 139 DivineAngel 140 faNatic 141 hikage7 142 Kastor 143 lnguagehackr 144 Viper 145 SoLegit 146 Pascoa 147 Bèp92 148 TheJordude 149 Bezikki 150 Dabs 151 offuca 152 FreddyB 153 Frosty 154 JGOD 155 rascal 156 hyped 157 AsTu 158 IrvinG 159 MeatUshijima 160 Diplomacia 161 Satellite 162 horo 163 Rage 164 Gallon 165 DocPwn 166 PateCarbo 167 FiveEver 168 Apxvoid 169 Cawblade 170 Vanik 171 Lucas 172 Pathra 173 Fire 174 Gusonaj 175 bloodyface 176 Muramatsu 177 gcttirth 178 StrifeCro 179 Anguistar 180 k2g 181 Staz 182 darkMOON 183 Goatie 184 Powder 185 luminescents 186 Chung 187 Villain 188 Stark 189 Guiyze 190 TaddyMason 191 Orange 192 Gladen99 193 kevin 194 b4bana 195 WOWENFO 196 Geometer 197 Tansoku 198 stathisv13 199 Rase 200 Karomizu Rank Battletag 1 Hazer 2 WildSora 3 새벽달빛향기 4 awedragon 5 BamBoost 6 Jonahrah 7 AZSwim 8 CONCERNEDMOM 9 slizzle466 10 Tangsin 11 Haze 12 Eggnivia 13 Doomsauce 14 Control 15 gorky 16 XangelnagiX 17 Seviang 18 ColdSnapSP 19 TomboWombo 20 Blackacre 21 Backo 22 THEPhyrexIAN 23 yilingsama 24 JahBuscho 25 Firenova 26 Maies 27 Buffy 28 Zhou 29 Felipeyukige 30 ReganisPrime 31 Bananaramic 32 Goshawk 33 Ltabarnac 34 maddogmatt 35 Foreestzheng 36 Ego 37 KremePuff 38 amplive 39 Veto 40 Niko 41 Tetris 42 Yano 43 ShiangChen 44 Juggernaut 45 Dawidoff 46 keithnumbers 47 Pitoyo 48 chillynoobs 49 gilgamesh 50 Auve 51 DarkMike845 52 Bar0fSoap 53 AreS 54 agriks 55 Timatsu 56 H4RAMBE 57 Neverlucky 58 Togod 59 Shamwow 60 Nathan 61 dinowandi 62 jin 63 Zeddy 64 lologom 65 Hadeson 66 MassiveEdge 67 SplinterTwin 68 Brioz 69 Raijuu 70 Ch440s 71 FknWizard 72 ULTR4L1SK 73 Shilaw 74 HearthDad 75 ALoNe 76 Ryusei 77 Que 78 sebastianlas 79 PatrickSales 80 Vien 81 elderberries 82 JackSparrow 83 Dogma 84 sage 85 GetMeowth 86 Sijjee 87 dab 88 Ykfan 89 codexmax 90 Sauron 91 Alexa 92 pure 93 JuiceBox 94 Apson 95 Applecat 96 Frosty 97 Azshanta 98 Codeman138 99 Tezzmizzeths 100 Felwynter 101 Austin 102 Wargizmo 103 Sengock 104 LithiumLeech 105 HAIRTIME 106 CoreyGuns 107 Mul 108 GameGoblins 109 Volcan 110 User 111 Jolly 112 kiApN 113 LettuceKing 114 Goatnapper 115 XCrouton 116 GingrichYurr 117 iLands 118 Reinan 119 TimStanutz 120 Fade 121 Grondus 122 Abyssal 123 Cava 124 Zermrot 125 Brutal 126 mooingsheep 127 Tectonix 128 garubor 129 User 130 Nitro 131 Sparli 132 Ab9 133 luminescents 134 trippeffect 135 GavinGwee 136 FriedToast 137 Malevolence 138 Hothsauce 139 stazed 140 zap1990 141 CarnageXP 142 DBowie 143 warrior 144 Troubleshot 145 DarthFiero 146 JackinnSS 147 Garbages 148 Zeldafitz 149 mizzLity 150 Peter 151 WillieG 152 AgentZero 153 Kenny 154 Redtim29 155 MPhiliPAth 156 OneDay 157 Takto 158 Томирис 159 jojo 160 BubbleKraken 161 ValueSnack 162 hardo 163 DannyDonuts 164 arreted 165 Tomvon1 166 KosDarkFighT 167 Shane 168 Euskade 169 Ulfric 170 Rooks 171 LADesigner 172 Thabalacaust 173 PaxTristana 174 NDRyan57 175 ChoiSangHoon 176 SleepyBear 177 iMaysz 178 AndreiK 179 WHATAMIDOING 180 MangoSandwch 181 Gcanada 182 Jonbob1414 183 Stacks 184 ter 185 DeathRage 186 JackiePanda 187 MaHZMOK 188 JayPower 189 Splitface 190 Curtis 191 LFBF 192 LSK 193 Sjh24455 194 Tankrrior 195 leadr 196 Toxicity 197 heir2001 198 Azathoth 199 GOBBLEDYGOOK 200 Miermano Rank Battletag Average Wins 1 SirOsis 9.03 2 MeowXJJ 8.50 3 TTEXXX 8.23 4 Near 8.07 5 FareBear 8.03 6 StormmyHuy 7.97 7 Freepacer 7.90 8 MeowBoZi 7.87 9 Alucard 7.80 10 Xibigbig 7.80 11 Lii 7.67 12 Amaso 7.67 13 dreads 7.63 14 watertommy 7.63 15 Neobility 7.60 16 Bbgungun 7.57 17 Rathalos 7.53 18 yusakuya 7.50 19 GiveMeBoar 7.47 20 Ath 7.47 21 FadiSng 7.43 22 NymStark 7.40 23 Celeritas 7.40 24 XiDaDa 7.37 25 PileOBunnies 7.33 26 jtchampion 7.33 27 FuckingJuno 7.33 28 Pigjr101 7.33 29 bnjy99 7.30 30 Charb44 7.27 31 EtLeCruel 7.27 32 Dylonion 7.27 33 BsArtist 7.27 34 Dawidoff 7.27 35 luminescents 7.23 36 Keltonreala 7.20 37 HoofHearted 7.20 38 Erian 7.20 39 reskov 7.17 40 iltiratore 7.17 41 dielanx5 7.17 42 BoiBandido 7.17 43 Niko 7.13 44 Middle 7.13 45 Mbraids 7.10 46 Ebok 7.10 47 Livintrust 7.10 48 LoveT 7.10 49 maybe 7.07 50 Suhdude23 7.07 51 kite 7.07 52 Titanin 7.03 53 rikelin 7.03 54 FoxHound 7.03 55 Gadolinium 7.03 56 Karrot 7.03 57 MeowTony 7.03 58 Lostking987 7.00 59 Analu 7.00 60 ssf1987 7.00 61 Blastoma 7.00 62 HesusDude 6.97 63 SkyCn911 6.97 64 Happy313 6.97 65 Insurrection 6.97 66 Lorax 6.97 67 crumbcake 6.97 68 KellenFable 6.97 69 Vike 6.93 70 Volcan 6.93 71 MasterBenObi 6.93 72 eminach 6.93 73 TMSquared 6.90 74 Wvaldo 6.90 75 牧星泽 6.90 76 한강다이버 6.90 77 pawner7 6.90 78 GhostDragon 6.90 79 jakesdabest 6.90 80 DRAKE 6.90 81 Hquovadis 6.90 82 i123KILL 6.87 83 JakeKg 6.87 84 paniago 6.87 85 Tiger 6.87 86 Rice 6.83 87 CoinKraken 6.83 88 小賀 6.83 89 DROnionHouse 6.83 90 Shodyra 6.83 91 Akera 6.80 92 D0wnRbbtH0le 6.80 93 Horatio 6.80 94 Adamantian 6.80 95 Zelamin 6.80 96 south474 6.80 97 LettuceKing 6.80 98 WJSProwler 6.80 99 Shanas 6.80 100 dagonjugg 6.77 101 PubbiePlayer 6.77 102 BiffalloBuff 6.77 103 やまだ 6.73 104 Solace 6.73 105 Skandy 6.73 106 Isherwood 6.73 107 GodofGames 6.73 108 nkustc 6.73 109 Alezxan 6.73 110 InvincibleXI 6.73 111 Kiiris 6.73 112 Emiya 6.73 113 sundrew 6.73 114 Jshifty 6.73 115 Yosumi123 6.73 116 sorin 6.73 117 Hearthledger 6.70 118 Boyndad 6.70 119 Mantis 6.70 120 Worgue 6.70 121 Lolorei 6.70 122 Genesis 6.70 123 Starkey 6.70 124 dolphin 6.70 125 GoldenPants 6.70 126 Doublea 6.67 127 Kordyon 6.67 128 Rulop 6.67 129 SlowDown 6.67 130 LeprosyLad 6.67 131 Jerm 6.67 132 GoldenPants 6.67 133 Tetris 6.67 134 tnyen102 6.67 135 Daemissary 6.67 136 SkizmHS 6.67 137 Monkey 6.67 138 Keludar 6.67 139 llllllllllll 6.67 140 Prayze42 6.67 141 Jinnasaur 6.67 142 DimSum 6.63 143 wonmouse 6.63 144 NgAnhTuan 6.63 145 Alleji 6.63 146 Hofflehouses 6.63 147 Monokuma 6.63 148 TheCheat 6.63 149 Bibby 6.63 150 LeFour 6.60 *Players in the top Ranked Standard list have each earned points towards Season 1 of the 2018 Hearthstone Championship Tour.
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