The final results for Hearthstone Ranked Standard, Wild, and Arena play in December 2017 are in! The players featured below have employed top notch deck building skills, in-the-moment decision making, and unyielding dedication to achieve a most noteworthy feat! Pour a toast, pull up a chair, and join us in recognizing Hearthstone’s top Ranked Standard*, Wild, and Arena** players in the Americas region! Standard Wild Arena Rank Battletag 1 Klei 2 CosplayGrill 3 Mryagut 4 N0lan 5 adultgiraffe 6 Venom 7 Mayseck 8 Hammerfeet 9 ETC 10 offuca 11 Victim 12 Houdinii 13 撒旦降臨 14 Tincho 15 AgentHS 16 Linken 17 bryanyjy 18 Korextron 19 ForeverYi 20 Zarathustra 21 Cynosure 22 anouar 23 aqua 24 Gladen99 25 FancyJ 26 DTMSfodawin 27 Snappy 28 Ender 29 andyrogers 30 UchihaSaske 31 NAVIWilson 32 Rase 33 Plum 34 Lucasdmnasc 35 PennySalem 36 hyped 37 DimitriKazov 38 Basegod 39 kolmari 40 MrLEGO 41 StrifeCro 42 MoleGamez 43 myr 44 banata 45 vbay03 46 katsucurry 47 Cawblade 48 TFK 49 PNC 50 HighROller 51 twobird 52 Saturos 53 ryshoe 54 Casie 55 Apxvoid 56 ProfessorOak 57 seiger 58 Nelyaj7 59 ONI 60 Hazel 61 Bacco 62 jepato 63 Pinche 64 Nicslay 65 にんにく 66 Jimbo 67 Shadow 68 GingaNinja 69 Pblcb 70 Akumaker 71 letters 72 glyttoN 73 vanqswisher 74 BustaJ 75 YAYtears 76 Grifal 77 Fr0zen 78 Blastoise 79 Baumgott 80 While 81 Garmendiarov 82 Folps 83 Deceptions 84 Sneaky 85 k3nny 86 MajinHollow 87 blitzchung 88 Venturi 89 RiveraJP 90 UnoPro 91 Barthoo 92 hollow 93 TaftsBathtub 94 Schadenfreud 95 Activelee 96 iEatChildren 97 Elto 98 starworld111 99 BuckNastyZB 100 Ichibahn11 101 DoctorCarrot 102 blacksnap 103 IrvinG 104 Atlas 105 lHyDrAl 106 bynie 107 BLS4GAME 108 McKee 109 baenugget 110 Jin 111 PapaJason 112 Zamos 113 JackPoT 114 Jalexander 115 AZSwim 116 psycha 117 Transchaos19 118 yusa 119 SoLegit 120 JYLiu 121 Capricorn 122 Sushi 123 Empanizado 124 SargentoSC 125 Frosty 126 Spook 127 blueblurr 128 えんちゃび 129 Jarla 130 WOWENFO 131 Destierro 132 Orange 133 User 134 mandrew 135 policecap 136 Herowish 137 BeneDin 138 Satellite 139 clownJP 140 KTLD 141 HTBvan 142 markshire 143 Rainier 144 TTpower 145 dog 146 DarkShadow 147 wishell 148 AzriTan 149 Anguistar 150 GundamFlame Rank Battletag 1 ambari 2 AZSwim 3 Wtflag 4 CONCERNEDMOM 5 Mishu 6 SONGOKU 7 TitanX 8 Roffle 9 awedragon 10 Woodford 11 Quirino2ON 12 Seviang 13 Jonahrah 14 Faithless 15 Lateralus 16 Zermrot 17 GetMeowth 18 ÊMĘȐǞŁÐŜ 19 gilgamesh 20 Chomp29 21 Hammertime 22 mooingsheep 23 DragonSlayer 24 Setharien 25 amplive 26 Hurryupidiot 27 Hazer 28 Rory 29 Tangsin 30 Law 31 Elsa 32 Marblood 33 revzpsy 34 Pitoyo 35 Backo 36 Nacho 37 Haydumb 38 XCrouton 39 Buffy 40 Euskade 41 Audrey 42 gorky 43 Ice 44 senriquez7 45 Bananaramic 46 Tamal1995 47 corbett 48 Applecat 49 Aiwinne 50 PhotonicBoom 51 Hubris 52 Buckslayer88 53 maddogmatt 54 Draco65 55 TC02 56 SamAnthony 57 acnophobe 58 Ferro 59 KingBradley 60 garubor 61 MssiveMike 62 ColdSnapSP 63 blackhexen 64 Karma 65 Morack 66 Thread 67 StupidDecoy 68 Ichorid 69 discopotato 70 Raymond 71 unskilled 72 KremePuff 73 karlos 74 Zeltrax 75 IsaacQin 76 DannyDonuts 77 Dean 78 WildEusebius 79 lugea 80 Snusmumriken 81 dximplicit 82 Control 83 Jonaqec 84 Eisen0818 85 FienD 86 Jakey57 87 Elvensblade 88 Hyperious 89 SadClown 90 Sauron 91 Jzargo 92 tigger 93 Match 94 FeeshCake 95 AvallacS 96 DiegoBrando 97 Paggit 98 LADesigner 99 Jamoh 100 YoungRob 101 Menlyn 102 anFROny 103 Gurnooky 104 Paddington 105 Ego 106 faNatic 107 Kalista 108 Kalaloch 109 ColdStory 110 Crimson 111 EpicWin 112 Hey 113 Xander 114 Clapperton 115 Hunt 116 Uadibsco 117 April 118 ShaunDaboyz 119 JayPower 120 AlphaCanary 121 TheFaceOfBoe 122 Clarken1 123 Ilikelolipop 124 ekdesigner 125 mrben 126 jacetms 127 Skytear 128 MemyselfandI 129 iceman 130 Dadally 131 Rks 132 JyroBlade 133 Enticity 134 Xoroth 135 Agenothree 136 Reaganator 137 xSkilling 138 Heero 139 slizzle466 140 Genericblue 141 juwsaz 142 tim 143 Swizard 144 tigerSix 145 Martian 146 mikeconqueso 147 Discofighter 148 vgtorres 149 MajinHollow 150 BeeWheels Rank Battletag Average Wins 1 Vanairyn 8.30 2 Kokusi 8.23 3 Phleetwood 8.10 4 Tarrot 8.07 5 Alfaz 7.97 6 Jalexander 7.87 7 SexyEnvelope 7.87 8 trongtai 7.83 9 TonyLiang 7.80 10 cleanup141 7.80 11 kaboomba 7.77 12 fainan 7.70 13 Juchess 7.63 14 Niko 7.60 15 Volsung 7.57 16 Bbgungun 7.57 17 Fivebamboo 7.57 18 Camzeee 7.50 19 Terrifictaco 7.47 20 Celeritas 7.47 21 badhorse 7.40 22 chaoaoao 7.40 23 Dentalcannon 7.40 24 Avista 7.40 25 Xylior 7.37 26 NaiNaiDeBear 7.37 27 GoobyPlease 7.33 28 Hei8 7.33 29 Mantis 7.30 30 KellenAbel 7.27 31 jakesdabest 7.27 32 Nate 7.27 33 LoveT 7.23 34 Tachii 7.23 35 sundrew 7.23 36 thegabebabe 7.23 37 GiveMeBoar 7.23 38 AllanAllan 7.23 39 Eragon 7.23 40 BrianWong 7.23 41 djc922 7.20 42 MasterBenObi 7.17 43 Hadeson 7.17 44 Hambo 7.17 45 SilverReald 7.17 46 dreads 7.17 47 SneakyTurtle 7.13 48 Quelqunx 7.13 49 paperroller 7.13 50 Grivan 7.13 51 ArenaMania 7.13 52 Telash 7.13 53 wassy 7.13 54 RadonRabbit 7.13 55 结局未定 7.10 56 WhiteSorcere 7.10 57 Zermrot 7.10 58 Exponential 7.10 59 Stratego 7.07 60 bnjy99 7.07 61 Ath 7.07 62 Tony 7.07 63 oooasa 7.03 64 Dan 7.03 65 Isherwood 7.00 66 HARE 7.00 67 AzureYeti 7.00 68 BouncyBear 7.00 69 OogyBoogy 7.00 70 Gift 7.00 71 leafhater 6.97 72 Hizashi 6.97 73 Cyljw 6.97 74 Cmg8462 6.97 75 TheTDog 6.97 76 dueky 6.97 77 introspectre 6.97 78 m0rph1ing 6.97 79 MeowAncient 6.93 80 Cheesewhack 6.93 81 coolguypat 6.93 82 Rioht 6.93 83 spacecowboy 6.93 84 Shag 6.93 85 TTEXXX 6.90 86 Cicci 6.90 87 Klawsqt 6.90 88 Gateway 6.90 89 DallasYes 6.90 90 Scarab 6.90 91 Souse 6.90 92 BloomTender 6.90 93 MrL 6.90 94 Yuriprime 6.90 95 Moocowalex 6.90 96 DiorPanda 6.90 97 eminach 6.87 98 ventedprawn 6.87 99 Turtledude33 6.87 100 幽默的天才 6.87 101 Fluppy 6.87 102 Yogurtslinga 6.87 103 Kermit 6.83 104 Zetalot 6.83 105 Creith 6.83 106 MildsakiTH 6.83 107 IkeFalcon 6.83 108 N0lan 6.83 109 Goflycow 6.83 110 BallerSpeed 6.83 111 NymStark 6.80 112 Hearthledger 6.80 113 Natsu 6.80 114 Mvb 6.80 115 Damihitatree 6.77 116 leekhoo 6.77 117 Mortum 6.77 118 salger 6.77 119 UtherDoul 6.77 120 banata 6.77 121 TorJado 6.73 122 KingJames 6.73 123 Mfdust 6.73 124 Zenshu 6.73 125 Huffer 6.73 126 Raguzzoni 6.73 127 Vike 6.73 128 imabeast 6.73 129 TwoThirtyTwo 6.73 130 DivorcedYeti 6.70 131 Swizard 6.70 132 YamzBall 6.70 133 Near 6.70 134 Zyst 6.70 135 Nathan 6.70 136 Dalkri 6.70 137 Pdog 6.70 138 spritecan 6.70 139 dielanx5 6.70 140 Vocalv 6.70 141 Malevolence 6.70 142 randalf 6.67 143 Night 6.67 144 EtLeCruel 6.67 145 TeamAmerica 6.67 146 GoldenPants 6.67 147 Tishuku 6.67 148 ahpang86 6.67 149 PeterBaelish 6.67 150 Pitchfork 6.67 *December 2017 was an offseason month. Players in the top Ranked Standard list have earned the right to be recognized, but no Hearthstone Competitive points were awarded. **These are last month’s best performing Arena players based on their best wins per run in 30 consecutive runs.
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