The final results for Hearthstone Ranked Standard, Wild, and Arena play in November are in! These players have employed top notch deck building skills, in-the-moment decision making, and unyielding dedication to achieve a most noteworthy feat! Pour a toast, pull up a chair, and join us in recognizing Hearthstone’s top Ranked Standard*, Wild, and Arena** players in the Americas region! Standard Wild Arena Rank Battletag 1 Daisr 2 Zamos 3 Pal 4 BnetPlayer 5 jbillyb 6 seiger 7 RoThMaN 8 Astrogation 9 CalledW9High 10 Zalae 11 Korextron 12 Lyrondak 13 tianyi86 14 tuttu 15 Rase 16 Cynosure 17 Fibonacci 18 SnarkyGoblin 19 aqua 20 Nalguidan 21 Jakaso27 22 Ryuuzu 23 Twink 24 faNatic 25 BnetPlayer 26 Deerjason 27 notcreater 28 Satellite 29 Greg 30 MeekOps 31 Linken 32 ksquared 33 Renan 34 Baumgott 35 Bunnyhoppor 36 Pizza 37 ProfessorOak 38 Houdinii 39 Pblcb 40 Casie 41 flux 42 DimitriKazov 43 TheJIminator 44 AlwaysLucky 45 Bastossavoie 46 Gladen99 47 cat 48 SteveD 49 DavidSWu 50 Zeddy 51 Akakuro 52 brokenwings 53 ScreaM 54 C0ntrolBoy 55 N0lan 56 Mage 57 當麻 58 sjow 59 Kyousou 60 YUNO 61 pksnow 62 Ender 63 dylanesc 64 PapaJason 65 Kuonet 66 Ben 67 zlsjs 68 BnetPlayer 69 Raito 70 edux1690 71 Fled 72 BnetPlayer 73 Nef 74 BryceJar 75 Amam15 76 bynie 77 Biase 78 Godly 79 edro 80 lnguagehackr 81 drumil 82 Fantasy 83 TFK 84 rask 85 Cesky 86 ETC 87 Brewski 88 robianne 89 YAYtears 90 Doc 91 neverlucky 92 Schadenfreud 93 HotMEOWTH 94 CherrieDoll 95 Karomizu 96 Zalgo 97 ManJa 98 Leafweir 99 Niichi 100 Matt 101 JhongTin 102 DaFish 103 MPR 104 Plum 105 mrKOKODAK 106 heisnotaxel 107 jambre 108 CCJIEYU 109 Faithless 110 Cthulukitty 111 BajaPigeon 112 zuttomo 113 Zarathustra 114 Krisedge 115 dr7 116 TheMaverick 117 Mryagut 118 NightFire 119 CountWaffles 120 Kuroro 121 Dippy 122 blueblurr 123 Crane333 124 oGURLz 125 CommandoPRO 126 BeAlvarenga 127 shoop 128 Akumaker 129 Knotzy 130 Raptor 131 KanyeBest 132 XAMAEL 133 nickysicky 134 CozyKitten 135 Ulghan 136 purplerat 137 katsucurry 138 Cheese 139 ZackThaRippa 140 SargentoSC 141 Paperninja 142 BrewMcCrew 143 Bass 144 Katsumi 145 Blank 146 mstrike 147 Akira 148 DWU 149 Donat 150 XisBau5e 151 KTLD 152 bieberfever 153 TheDream 154 Infearmous 155 Geekaleek 156 Villain 157 sprb07 158 Botticus 159 H4RAMBE 160 snow 161 Jurandir 162 Reubexcube 163 Razcal 164 benbdragon 165 MMine 166 ldu2121 167 Jambo 168 palenri 169 Sneaky 170 Quiros2211 171 Ace 172 Onesky 173 reation 174 HughMungus 175 Fire 176 Sheazus 177 Robear33 178 Geometer 179 tekkex 180 Mikel 181 FalleN 182 Egypto 183 VinoTinto 184 Crimm 185 Whitenp 186 Blitz 187 RegisKillbin 188 Gordão 189 HiddenSquid 190 SoLegit 191 LastLonger 192 policecap 193 Legend 194 DomQuixote 195 JASON 196 L3GENDARY 197 Irisviel 198 aznpatrickh 199 STryKrr 200 Modius Rank Battletag 1 Bananaramic 2 AZSwim 3 TitanX 4 Xander 5 CHY 6 Hazer 7 awedragon 8 Harain 9 MrHebee 10 Yano 11 PowLock 12 amplive 13 Seviang 14 RoboLeg 15 Control 16 Jonahrah 17 Hubris 18 Chomp29 19 XisBau5e 20 corbett 21 ReganisPrime 22 Wtflag 23 XCrouton 24 Scorpion 25 Holt 26 Clickpwn 27 TinyAreolas 28 LordVader 29 JClk 30 faNatic 31 DoomBringer 32 Ice 33 GetMeowth 34 N3arcyde 35 JustMixo 36 Rathalos 37 dachasesingh 38 marioisla 39 slizzle466 40 kcjtC03 41 aspaceman 42 Hurryupidiot 43 Wowtown 44 Weatherlight 45 oogabooga 46 alleinstern 47 ambari 48 Roffle 49 quarky 50 POTATO 51 Sumersem 52 Grenelle 53 ericzliu899 54 BrokenNoodle 55 Hrin 56 Eisen0818 57 DiegoBrando 58 LongHaul 59 JustFun 60 kluge 61 Aguagon 62 SATO 63 Nim 64 Milithemir 65 TateLangdon 66 SnowyF 67 Nurgle 68 OldLady 69 Dimitri 70 Virzy 71 KimiHaSpider 72 Cynosure 73 QuickMotion 74 MicUltra 75 LeandroLeal 76 Buffy 77 imsobrad 78 Jack 79 Zircon 80 KremePuff 81 wannrai 82 Buckslayer88 83 JustBurnRope 84 Rami94 85 soapyeLo 86 touge 87 mooingsheep 88 jswim123 89 maddogmatt 90 ewws 91 WimpHL 92 Yooneverknow 93 JayPower 94 Oldgeezerr 95 watemerald 96 iTzzzz 97 Skytear 98 Teddy 99 TheRhino 100 Gozun 101 GravsCigrMIA 102 Quantumac 103 TaftsBathtub 104 Veto 105 AlexOnMoon 106 nheowitzki 107 laucha 108 DasKind 109 Hey 110 james2c19v 111 Djisa 112 Faithless 113 Vladd 114 Du6U 115 Merl 116 Pray 117 lekos 118 Hythonus 119 jugg 120 Zoogy 121 Drimarvon 122 Auve 123 Kinf 124 FisherDarvyk 125 mistertop 126 Bone 127 ColdStory 128 Decidares 129 warm88 130 XAMAEL 131 ryshoe 132 zor 133 Brad 134 Ptackett 135 CompanyMan 136 Lubricate 137 Rodolfo10 138 Lutero94 139 Meowzie 140 Grum 141 LightPhoenix 142 keithnumbers 143 Mrawesome28 144 edupraciano 145 Zionus 146 ColdSnapSP 147 ChaosTheory 148 AssAssAss 149 Vox 150 Grid 151 SmilyPlatyps 152 Erigby 153 fachtonsam 154 Kalaloch 155 Mavis 156 Iggrr 157 Kurt 158 Racerandrew1 159 MaikGOSTOSO 160 Conair 161 BloodBaron 162 DrBoom 163 Zach 164 Philo 165 LLCoolRay78 166 Nolias 167 twauchope 168 Pymbette 169 IonRiver 170 Sauron 171 BlackLotus 172 Splitface 173 NEAR 174 Mhenrique 175 Setharien 176 Sicarius 177 ScarletTears 178 happy 179 Vesk 180 TheHurricane 181 JhonSR 182 Jares 183 Tsavo 184 Barryington 185 Peho 186 Donjuan 187 Rodeo 188 Pilinardo 189 sage 190 Jakattack 191 Siak 192 Felwynter 193 karlos 194 Curveology 195 DrDidgeridoo 196 SILMBOB 197 Zeddy 198 Ryan 199 reddragonx 200 Martian Rank Battletag Average Wins 1 Cross 8.7 2 Hizashi 8.65 3 Telash 8.55 4 结局未定 8.5 5 dreads 8.5 6 Avista 8.45 7 Save 8.45 8 LastLonger 8.35 9 deevee323 8.3 10 Jehanne 8.3 11 TinyTauren 8.3 12 BigWig 8.25 13 FinalSlayer 8.25 14 Rakisuta 8.25 15 LettuceKing 8.15 16 Scarab 8.15 17 Etoce 8.1 18 Taesang 8.05 19 sig 8.05 20 Zhulander 8.05 21 dasuntier 8 22 ZapKanon 8 23 lemmings 7.95 24 樂天盜賊 7.95 25 Lumken 7.9 26 solution 7.9 27 Kojolika 7.9 28 Middle 7.9 29 臭臭地精 7.9 30 K3yusha 7.9 31 cleanup141 7.85 32 bnjy99 7.85 33 Tachii 7.85 34 maxbaz 7.85 35 iltiratore 7.85 36 Kokusi 7.85 37 Malevolence 7.85 38 Jalexander 7.8 39 Relax 7.8 40 SirTubby 7.8 41 Pants 7.75 42 Unmasker 7.75 43 gborish 7.75 44 Daigats 7.75 45 wassy 7.75 46 ventedprawn 7.75 47 Raz 7.75 48 Kabaam 7.75 49 Bubbles 7.75 50 m0rph1ing 7.7 51 jeffwest 7.7 52 DjinnKahn 7.7 53 Phleetwood 7.7 54 Shampoo 7.7 55 Lokocubano 7.7 56 GodMaste 7.65 57 Dalkri 7.65 58 secant 7.65 59 MegaloGate 7.65 60 SandyBag 7.65 61 Fitzgamer 7.65 62 MeowRosicky 7.65 63 TheBriefcase 7.65 64 Emanon 7.6 65 Creith 7.6 66 TTEXXX 7.6 67 Zathrus 7.6 68 WJSProwler 7.6 69 BDY 7.6 70 TrashGame 7.6 71 sundrew 7.6 72 IceMage 7.55 73 scaenicorum 7.55 74 Isherwood 7.55 75 Zechs 7.55 76 TduckT 7.55 77 Supakitch 7.55 78 NaiNaiDeBear 7.55 79 LittleYi 7.5 80 demihuman8 7.5 81 Zarithh 7.5 82 Arkham 7.5 83 SkyCn911 7.5 84 Charb44 7.5 85 Xyst 7.45 86 Kreutzer 7.45 87 Naslund 7.45 88 devilant 7.45 89 bLAKERS 7.45 90 flux 7.45 91 NymStark 7.45 92 robbodog 7.4 93 InvincibleXI 7.4 94 JYLiu 7.4 95 Lancelot 7.4 96 VTFP666 7.4 97 KellenAbel 7.4 98 Fear 7.4 99 Mercad 7.4 100 CstarRage 7.35 101 Chihiro 7.35 102 alex4tino 7.35 103 HARE 7.35 104 Thoragg 7.35 105 PJPhily 7.35 106 UtherDoul 7.35 107 MushroomGas 7.35 108 Zelamin 7.35 109 jakesdabest 7.3 110 StaticKitty 7.3 111 IceWind 7.3 112 Dbruh 7.3 113 spritecan 7.3 114 Decoy 7.3 115 Alvin 7.3 116 SomaSeal 7.3 117 BnetPlayer 7.3 118 Cadeboom 7.3 119 Patrick 7.25 120 jad346 7.25 121 garfgarfgarf 7.25 122 HongdongQIN 7.25 123 Hadeson 7.25 124 SkizmHS 7.25 125 YourVendetta 7.25 126 realcauchy 7.25 127 the1pete 7.25 128 Suhdude23 7.25 129 Mantis 7.25 130 Talriel 7.25 131 Keludar 7.25 132 delicious 7.25 133 Chaospiggy 7.2 134 PeterBaelish 7.2 135 MJR 7.2 136 kingzilla 7.2 137 CHARLIEiggy 7.2 138 Swizard 7.2 139 blackmamba13 7.2 140 plumbst 7.2 141 GlobalWolf 7.2 142 gambit 7.2 143 Krispy 7.2 144 Xystance 7.2 145 Dominic 7.2 146 EatJDfoLivin 7.2 147 Mortum 7.2 148 Cicci 7.2 149 ZeroEX 7.2 150 SuperMurloc 7.15 *We are currently in offseason. Players in the top Ranked Standard list have earned the right to be recognized, but no Hearthstone Competitive points were awarded. **Due to the Dual Class Hallow's End Arena event extending into November, these are last month’s best performing Arena players based on their best wins per run in 20 consecutive runs.
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