Top Hearthstone Players - July 2017

The final results for Hearthstone Ranked Standard, Wild, and Arena play in July are in! These players have employed top notch deck building skills, in-the-moment decision making, and unyielding dedication to achieve a most noteworthy feat! Pour a toast, pull up a chair, and join us in recognizing Hearthstone’s top Ranked Standard*, Wild, and Arena** players in the Americas region! Standard Wild Arena Rank Battletag 1 JáraVyskočil 2 Apxvoid 3 lambyseries 4 Satellite 5 ESOGloktaF2P 6 Lektron 7 Purple 8 aznpatrickh 9 b787 10 Viper 11 clear 12 Fishyyy 13 Kycoo 14 denker 15 NoName 16 Monsanto 17 Hawkeye 18 Kaps 19 Bunnyhoppor 20 撒旦降臨 21 Gallon 22 FroStee 23 J4YOU 24 SteveD 25 Frosty 26 ACCESSSS 27 Ender 28 VespaYedder 29 Zarathustra 30 DerpyTroller 31 CaraCute 32 Fibonacci 33 TmwKOxyd 34 yoitsflo 35 SirVILGAUDAS 36 PNC 37 Yinus 38 AlwaysLucky 39 Klei 40 Legend 41 タコ3 42 Ike 43 Neirea 44 gcttirth 45 Kenex 46 Anthony 47 Richwebz 48 Cantelope 49 babber1 50 anniuusivirt 51 Machamp 52 aqua 53 killinallday 54 Zalae 55 Alpha 56 IDontKnow 57 Astrogation 58 YAYtears 59 Stark 60 Gusonaj 61 Fluxinfleau 62 Lawliet 63 clownJP 64 Nalguidan 65 TankWheels 66 Nagato 67 Rpbalance 68 발레스트라 69 Ropecoach 70 VoCungTinhTe 71 JohnnyBlack 72 muzzy 73 Swidz 74 osuttyo 75 zlsjs 76 Rase 77 Odemian 78 ninelie 79 SnarkyGoblin 80 PowerAid 81 BuckNastyZB 82 Sintolol 83 TerrenceM 84 CrazyPants 85 GingaNinja 86 While 87 Janetzky 88 Baumgott 89 ntR 90 UchihaSaske 91 Soffy 92 lnguagehackr 93 mooingsheep 94 Kaiser 95 Ryuuzu 96 Quiros2211 97 Squid 98 justsaiyan 99 RalA 100 Zeddy 101 mattun 102 Bear 103 Ostkaka 104 Hearthstoner 105 Brewski 106 Talion 107 Akumaker 108 CosplayGrill 109 Sekien 110 停電 111 katsucurry 112 にんにく 113 innovator 114 Zalgo 115 mtk60 116 DiegoDias 117 toriton 118 seiger 119 ProfessorOak 120 erazure 121 Casie 122 Macheen 123 Cyrax 124 jambre 125 Blitz 126 bieberfever 127 Nicslay 128 Law 129 Ellisor 130 Waterloooooo 131 Ruby 132 heisnotaxel 133 ETC 134 rogerclee 135 blueblurr 136 Metallic 137 seohyun628 138 Nasti 139 Savvat1 140 baenugget 141 TypoVampire 142 Frayis 143 Teebs 144 SkiZm 145 eko 146 Ace 147 Houdinii 148 Applechips 149 Chakki 150 Hammerfeet 151 KingPhilip 152 Qwerty97 153 GsauC3 154 glory 155 casanova 156 Kamahl 157 Matll 158 Moosey 159 Cesky 160 mstrike 161 Th3RaT 162 anothersy 163 ChonHipz 164 nukesaku 165 AquaThief 166 Pinche 167 Disdai 168 Nbass 169 SilentStorm 170 Echn2 171 fingerout 172 Fenom 173 JASON 174 Geekaleek 175 Neeex 176 Karomizu 177 Bao 178 TheMarine 179 Tyler 180 Luker 181 bonja 182 Kogyochi 183 Naiman 184 NeverLucky 185 TheOneJack 186 wabeka 187 Thanatos 188 babyboggler 189 Snowy 190 StemJeffersn 191 Abaddon 192 ANGEL3 193 Novista 194 Moonbear 195 Frosty 196 Fr0zen 197 tianyi86 198 Deltron6062 199 GoldenPants 200 Hearthstoner Rank Battletag 1 awedragon 2 Weatherlight 3 SamAnthony 4 Hurryupidiot 5 Hazer 6 NAVIWilson 7 NoobSlayer 8 TitanX 9 Dean 10 GetMeowth 11 Malek 12 TreeBagger 13 MeknugetZz 14 AZSwim 15 cosmoz 16 Buckslayer88 17 Roffle 18 Spanish 19 Neptane 20 Fisty 21 BnetPlayer 22 Cesky 23 Hey 24 RopeAddict 25 Bananaramic 26 Yano 27 GoDLiKe 28 swagarella 29 Zeus 30 Elvensblade 31 luminescents 32 SuperTrips 33 mooingsheep 34 StrifeCro 35 Seviang 36 XCrouton 37 Kongrunyong 38 Zoo 39 maddogmatt 40 Bluemoon 41 Bobby 42 akara 43 Leon 44 ElectroSurge 45 RWUNumot 46 Dawidoff 47 Dennisback 48 ShadowPriest 49 Control 50 Nacho 51 Fyrx 52 Antigua 53 Tetsuro 54 cvzeezee 55 touge 56 SiAoGinNaZ 57 Se7enSinner 58 Scout 59 MMD 60 Servex 61 GoTurtles 62 ChoiX 63 DieInsect 64 CaptainApple 65 Jalexander 66 DeathShadow 67 SinyoR 68 nepiatto 69 BnetPlayer 70 Firenova 71 BAckstabb 72 Singleuse 73 DannyDonuts 74 JJJ 75 Leandro 76 oooasa 77 fs9bobby 78 docinfierno 79 sangrr1996 80 Trenith 81 Blank 82 ColdWater 83 Falcon 84 JustBurnRope 85 Cthulhu 86 WildEusebius 87 Vomitslushie 88 Dracula 89 marioisla 90 Viral 91 Schmoopie 92 JayPower 93 Kotonoha 94 soapyeLo 95 garubor 96 xler 97 Kesram 98 oO7x7Oo 99 RustSubligar 100 CavemanDan 101 Fowenox 102 JackSparrow 103 Lisa 104 Doug 105 MattC 106 DrHax 107 Deimos 108 JMonopoli 109 rasutoru3 110 juniorr250 111 Joolz 112 JSRD 113 MrCharley 114 RedEclipse 115 BANHvsWILD 116 Blacksteel 117 Dalne 118 xiaotengteng 119 will 120 Moutonfou 121 vbay03 122 Aceman022 123 Xx394xX 124 RyoKei 125 Life 126 mannny 127 Kalaloch 128 NoName 129 GolDRoger 130 spine 131 AlzoroPatron 132 WildRage 133 maturewoman 134 Zureco 135 Zedd 136 Abar 137 theoNe 138 GateKeeper 139 Aroma 140 JackinnSS 141 UMR 142 Con 143 ASmith 144 Martian 145 KnightRide12 146 KimiHaSpider 147 Louise 148 Sengal 149 JustinC 150 jin 151 jonah 152 BlurryFace 153 i33 154 PrismaIllya 155 Hug 156 AmiKlauF 157 Tribeman 158 BnetPlayer 159 Calexis 160 laucha 161 Warheart 162 HarryPotter 163 Wysv 164 hienvn 165 Aldous 166 j4ckfr0st 167 TerranDan 168 Brouck 169 Babaduk 170 Exo 171 RobotWorgen 172 ScarletTears 173 ShiangChen 174 Mando314 175 Jonahrah 176 AleMaster 177 Kacerlotte 178 sanimfe 179 newmariostar 180 PiReZ 181 Halleluj 182 Male 183 Raz 184 Hiro 185 DRYOYO 186 ceros 187 WolfSpeak 188 Bro 189 Quirino2ON 190 Kefka 191 eramthgin 192 RubberDucky 193 HansleyMonte 194 Cynosure 195 SirFunchalot 196 Jonasjw 197 REFRESHMENTS 198 Xuroz 199 Yehster 200 SkemzyMcPlot Rank Battletag Average Wins 1 Merps 9.23 2 ArenaST 9.10 3 Dennis848 8.97 4 Blacksugar 8.93 5 Reickl 8.83 6 Emanon 8.83 7 Celeritas 8.83 8 m0rph1ing 8.77 9 Sushiehoang 8.73 10 Hafu 8.60 11 Matll 8.60 12 Nevermo 8.57 13 AngelOfDeath 8.57 14 yuuresu 8.57 15 MushroomGas 8.53 16 Squill 8.53 17 dreads 8.50 18 durr 8.47 19 Volcan 8.43 20 Icarox 8.43 21 Zakka 8.43 22 WJSProwler 8.43 23 chaoaoao 8.43 24 amam 8.40 25 WildSheep 8.37 26 Ownerism 8.37 27 paperroller 8.33 28 Cheerous 8.33 29 Cesky 8.33 30 Jspana 8.33 31 Hizashi 8.30 32 Near 8.30 33 Zeddy 8.27 34 twlevewins 8.23 35 Amdir 8.23 36 Sagita 8.20 37 kbam 8.20 38 Horo 8.17 39 dagonjugg 8.17 40 JamesZ 8.13 41 sundrew 8.13 42 Avista 8.13 43 Kripparrian 8.13 44 Water 8.10 45 mifundi 8.10 46 PrinceFancy 8.07 47 Fearfactory 8.07 48 InvincibleXI 8.07 49 dasuntier 8.07 50 icefire 8.07 51 Taihyo 8.03 52 lin 8.03 53 BnetPlayer 8.03 54 Xibigbig 8.00 55 metallic 8.00 56 trongtai 8.00 57 Arkham 8.00 58 VTFP666 8.00 59 Yougonnalose 8.00 60 Maies 7.97 61 BrianWong 7.97 62 Masterluke 7.97 63 schmeric 7.97 64 Eatmydog 7.97 65 LuckyTiger 7.97 66 OhGodStop 7.97 67 Dimli 7.97 68 Rrrubick 7.93 69 Hambo 7.93 70 BruceLeet 7.93 71 KellenAbel 7.90 72 GoodGame 7.90 73 vendo 7.90 74 Ksapa 7.90 75 blackmamba13 7.90 76 Zsa 7.90 77 spritecan 7.87 78 callsteadt17 7.87 79 Genesis 7.87 80 drstein 7.87 81 Livintrust 7.87 82 Rioht 7.87 83 Taunka 7.83 84 YourHarry 7.83 85 MiXerr 7.83 86 thatdude 7.83 87 Смертомышь 7.83 88 Reuzer 7.80 89 Mañjuśrī 7.80 90 BiffalloBuff 7.80 91 lnrael 7.80 92 Hearthledger 7.80 93 Toorop 7.80 94 Areth 7.80 95 PunkSnotDead 7.80 96 Alfaz 7.80 97 blah1 7.80 98 Wilson 7.77 99 iltiratore 7.77 100 MeowLensOrz 7.77 101 LeFour 7.77 102 Vung 7.77 103 HatsuneMiku 7.77 104 Hammerdal 7.77 105 IDontKnow 7.77 106 KoheiTime 7.77 107 Helios 7.77 108 S1T0 7.73 109 juandomingo 7.73 110 Kalash 7.73 111 jakesdabest 7.73 112 Justin 7.73 113 MeowGangZai 7.73 114 Fenix 7.73 115 Serpico 7.73 116 z4BHI 7.73 117 SakuraMirage 7.73 118 ryshoe 7.73 119 Wark 7.70 120 Xterminator 7.70 121 Thompson 7.70 122 Tachii 7.70 123 GhostDog 7.70 124 Loverockets 7.70 125 Flakes 7.67 126 Chirolita 7.67 127 GiveMeBoar 7.67 128 haoqi 7.67 129 GoldenDragon 7.67 130 Comber 7.67 131 Phleetwood 7.67 132 Alucard 7.67 133 Hinokakera 7.67 134 nchin122 7.67 135 Zamos 7.67 136 Undyne 7.67 137 Pseudonymous 7.67 138 Virgosity 7.67 139 Boss 7.63 140 微笑老蕭 7.63 141 Colo1900 7.63 142 MFdust 7.63 143 MegaDragonz 7.63 144 ShiangChen 7.63 145 TakiMarvadao 7.63 146 臭臭地精 7.63 147 Cosmin 7.63 148 CoinKraken 7.63 149 LovelyUmisan 7.63 150 NinjaSniPAH 7.63 *Players in the top Ranked Standard list have each earned points toward the 2017 Hearthstone Championship Tour. **These are last month’s best performing Arena players based on their best wins per run in 30 consecutive runs. /* Normal Lightbox */ .imgborder { -moz-border-radius:4px; -webkit-border-radius:4px; border-radius:4px; -moz-box-shadow:0 0 20px #000000; -webkit-box-shadow:0 0 20px #000000; box-shadow:0 0 20px #000000; border: 1px solid #372511; padding: 1px; } .imgborder, .imgborder:hover { border: 1px solid #CD9000; } /* Borderless PNGS */ .imgnoborder 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