Heading to Anaheim for BlizzCon 2016 or watching from home with the Virtual Ticket? Be sure to download the free BlizzCon 2016 Guide mobile app, available now for Android and iOS devices. The BlizzCon Guide will help you make the most of your BlizzCon experience by serving as your all-in-one calendar, planner, and window into the action. With the BlizzCon 2016 Guide app you can: Plan your day— Now you can review BlizzCon event details and add them to your personal calendar. You can sort your schedule by franchise or stage and select favorites—if you’re logged in, your events will sync with the BlizzCon website. While Blizzard still hasn’t perfected our cloning technology, you can virtually be in two places at once by watching event live streams and archived video directly from the schedule. Science! Level up your shopping— With Blink Shopping, anyone attending BlizzCon in person can place orders online before the show and pick up your purchases at the Blizzard Gear Store on-site Thursday through Saturday. Instant updates will let you know up-to-date wait times for both Blink Shopping pickup and the regular line, plus notify you of any sold out items. Shop early, shop quickly, and get back to the show! Chart your path— Zoom in on the exhibit hall floor with the BlizzCon map and quickly find a panel, meet up with friends, or just figure out where you’d like to go next. Stay informed— Receive instant updates and the latest news from the official BlizzCon news feed. With live streams and video archive access to the free and paid BlizzCon video streams, you’ll be able to bask in hours and hours of gaming entertainment, all delivered directly to your device. Miss an event or want to relive an epic moment? You can access these videos and event recordings on-demand. Click here to download on iOS Click here to download on Android ©2016 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. World of Warcraft, StarCraft, Diablo, Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft, Heroes of the Storm, Overwatch, and BlizzCon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc., in the U.S., and/or other countries. iPhone® and iPod® touch are trademarks of Apple Inc. Android™ is a trademark of Google Inc. Use of this trademark is subject to Google Permissions.
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